Thursday, September 18, 2008

Malay rights

Malay rights

Posted by kasee
Friday, 19 September 2008 00:23

The Malays are 'technically' in power governing the country but it is also this same controlling group that demands the right to correct economic imbalances and disparities for its own race.
What does this say about the 'majority governing' Malay race for the last 50 years?
I dare say that most Malaysians (regardless of race) below the age of 40 would like to see all opportunities be spread amongst those who deserve it on meritocracy.
We do not need the keris anymore to tell others to be careful of what they say and do because in the survival of the fittest, the keris is of very little relevance! If we continue to hide under the 'bumiputera' tempurung as most Malays have been in the last 50 years or more, the catch-up game will just get harder and the gap wider. If we continue to expect without earning it, we will never learn how to be a race that succeeds on merit. There is NO substitute for merit. The Malay politicians continue to shout about Malay rights and bumiputera rights because the very nature of our local politics is sadly racially biased.
In this day and age, a great nation is built upon joint success stories, meritocracy and thecombined hard work of its people WITHOUT any fear or favour of racial biased politics governing our daily policies. Sadly, the Malay politicians have ended up completely corrupt, racialists, twisted religious fanatics. I am below 40 and as much as I love the 'idea' that Malaysia is tanah tumpahnya darah orang Melayu, I can't help but also feel that this country is for ALL Malaysians alike including the Chongs, the Kumars, the Xaviers, the Singhs & Kaurs etc who were born on the same day in the same hospital as me here in Malaysia. If we feel that WE (the Malays) deserve this country more than THEM , then WE (the Malays) should have shown them a long time ago that we deserve the 'control all' status. We have to earn it. The policies FAILED because the very concept of Malay rights or the NEP/DEB is like a double-edged sword. On one hand, it aims to eradicate wealth disparity but on the other, it has made the Malays oblivious of what reality is. Our (Malays) success is only reflected in the 'perceived' political power which today can collapse in a matter of minutes.
I would also like to see my children succeed in their country, Malaysia, for reasons that true success should be based upon, which are merit and hard work and NOT because they are Malays or bumiputeras.
For as long as the Malays don't see this, there is very little point in fighting for Malay rights. It just makes us look more ridiculous. We have taken this notion of being privileged a bit too literally in that it now simply means we want this country and its fruits all for ourselves without accepting the responsibilities that come with it. I blame the MALAY politicians for this because we want to only fight the cause without strategising for the true substance and need of the cause. We have been given fish all the while without being taught how to fish. It's funny how two different generations can be so diverse in their thinking and the recent elections proved just that.. We are no longer concerned with racial problems but more so the never-ending Malay agenda issues. The rakyat has spoken and the landscape has drastically changed. Is this change welcomed? Is it good? The answer is 'NO'. Because we,the Malays, have been caught with our pants down - we arenot ready to compete on any level playing field (we can't even compete on advantageous grounds!). Even with three or five more continuing policies for Malay rights or bumiputera privileges over the next 50 years, we will still be in exactly the same position as we are in today. The truth hurts and the truth will always prevail. And the truth of what's to come will NOT go away. I am cynical perhaps because I feel that Malay rights is NOT relevant anymore.
The right to be safe, to be treated fairly, to have a world-class healthcare and education, to enjoy equal prosperity, to have good governance, to live in a clean environment and to be war-free is what I want for my Malaysia. NOT for MY race to be artificially powerful. If we want the Malays to fail, then by all means continue the fight for Malay rights. Go and polish your keris..
Shaik Rizal Sulaiman
Comments (35)
...written by cheemengwong, September 19, 2008 00:29:37
The non Malays don't just die like that if they continue the NEP, DEP, PPP, or whatever. You are right, the Malays will become weak because you no more compete in Malaysia. The world is your marketplace and competition. Go and see how Wong See Meng fared after all these years of NEP... really.. see it. He became world class lah. Surprise? Special Guests/Dr_Wong/wong_see_meng.htm
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...written by kc respect, September 19, 2008 00:38:16
Shaik Rizal Sulaiman, I RESPECT & SALUTE YOU. Yes, tanah tumpahnya darah ku, .....raja kita selamat bertaktha. I will give my life defending you and my King.
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...written by cheekhiaw, September 19, 2008 00:39:08
As they say, you can have all the rights you want as long as they do not infringe on others... xxx
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...written by Jan, September 19, 2008 00:41:45
It's rather unfortunate Dr Wong See Meng is not of the right color otherwise he could go far in this country. Anwar Ibrahim says he's going to change that, we'll have to wait and see.
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...written by edmundkang, September 19, 2008 00:42:15
I am not against granting more help toward the Malay. This is because majority of Malay are indeed need help! But, it is actually the Malay leaders, they themselves that did not help the Malay for the past 50 year. Bumiputra should entitled to 5-7% housing discount, but does it make sense for wealthy bumiputra who can afford a RM500,000 house to continue enjoying the discount? The rich should complete equal to gain respect.
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...written by Fart Fart Wah, September 19, 2008 00:44:43
THE MALAYSIAN MALAY by Dr Syed Alwi of Singapore Dear Editor, As you know, I am an avid watcher of Malaysian affairs. I must confess that lately, Malaysia appears to be failing. Not a day passes by without more events that clearly highlight Malaysia 's race-religion fault-line. If things keep going this way, I fear for Malaysia 's future. Today, schools in Singapore celebrate Racial Harmony Day. I can visibly see the joy in the children's faces as they wear their ethnic costumes and have fun together at school. But in Malaysia - even the right to choose a religion has become a sensitive, national issue. No doubt, there are many in Malaysia who hate my liberal views on Islam,family included. But I will say what I must say openly. I have come to the conclusion that Malaysia cannot progress any further without first addressing fundamental questions regarding its identity and soul. I remember the days when we can laugh at Lat's cartoons on everyday Mlaysian life. But sadly,the Islamic tide has polarised Malaysians. Some people ask why I should bother about Malaysian affairs since I am a Singaporean. May I remind Malaysians that it was Tan Siew Sin who once said that Singapore and Malaysia are Siamese Twins. Should Malaysia go down - it would hurt the region tremendously. Especially Singapore .. Where do you think Malay apostates would head for if Lina Joy loses her case? Singapore of course! I find the Malaysian Malay to be very under-exposed. For them, it's all Islam and the NEP and everything under the sun would sort itself out. I am sorry to say this - but Islam and the NEP may be the cause of the doing of the Malaysian Malay. There is nothing wrong with religion or affirmative action. But, like everything else in life,they must be taken in moderation and with a pinch of salt. A little doubt is good. Unfortunately in Malaysia ,emotions over Islam have overcome reason. What we see today is the result of the NEP and Islamisation policies of the past thirty years or so No one owes Malaysian Malays a living. Let me assure you that should Malaysia fail - the Malaysian Malay will suffer enormously. And rightly so. After all they have been pampered with all sorts of goodies over the years. They cannot now expect more goodies. Perhaps the day of reckoning for them, is near. Whatever it is, Malaysia had better wake up to the realities around her. The globalised world of the 21st century has no NEP to offer the Malaysian Malay. And humans cannot live by religion alone. Regards, Dr Syed Alwi PASS IT ON, TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE
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...written by Hello Keithy, September 19, 2008 00:47:20
You can have all the rights in the world but having too much of everything will eventually leads to an adverse effect. And having rights and flashing it to suppress other people will also have bad direct effects. So I don't see why the Malays are so proud of their rights when you know you can't take it with you outside of Malaysia. End of the day it means NOTHING.
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...written by johntyc, September 19, 2008 00:49:32
He’s right, truth hurts! Hope the 'others' learn something here. This guy just earned my respect.
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...written by joelle23, September 19, 2008 00:56:07
hi rizal... im really proud to read your article. fantastically articulated..
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...written by onnetline, September 19, 2008 00:56:30
There is no short cut to real success where true self worth or integrity is measured not since yesterday, today or tomorrow but always ! Plainly, hard work or effort have not known to kill anyone or if not a progressive step for self betterment ? Finally, how do we like to be seen or remembered by fellow Malaysians or other societies of life ??
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...written by yy88, September 19, 2008 00:58:06
Shaik, You are right that you should be taught to fish rather than be given fish. But the sad truth is, our 'leaders' not only deprived others non-malays the opportunities to learn to fish, they robbed their school of fishes, even the ikan masin were not spared. We the non-Malays wouldn't mind if all the fishes were shared equally among the malays, but the truth is majority of the malays were only given ikan bilis, and the Umnoputras swam with their whales. The worst was when they export the fishes as tuna and sardines to the Swiss and Isreal Banks. We the non-malays and Malays (other than UMNOputras) were left with no fishes.
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...written by Spear Bing, September 19, 2008 01:05:09
Dear Shaik Rizal Sulaiman, How wonderful if there is sufficient critical mass of population of Malays like you what have such far-sighted perspectives and mindset. Truly speaking, within that power and inherent advantage that you are now endowed with, lies the greatest responsibility to ensure the perpetual survival of your community through the adoption of non-ethnic lens in looking at our lives on this planet.
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...written by Food Thought, September 19, 2008 01:11:23
The secret of success is hard work and there's not shortcut to it.
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...written by Sam W, September 19, 2008 01:13:51
Well you can play at being king of the hill in your own little backyard, but the rest of the world sees you as the fools on the hill.
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...written by myke, September 19, 2008 01:18:44
If majority are like Rizal, then malaysia is as advance as Singapore if not better..
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...written by The dragonheart, September 19, 2008 01:26:04
I am pretty sure all non-Malays will be happy to articles like this. My question is if the Malays were given everything how come they are still poor? I strongly believe that only the UMNO Malays gets the ECONOMIC Rights. that is why they are bloody rich. Other Majority Malays gets other non-economic rights. e.g citizenships, status but never in business even if they do they can never succeed because business needs networking, capital and technical know how. Those rich Malays given the Red Carpet by UMNO never trust malays contractors. All these years it is the Non Malays contractors "AliBabas" the Government projects and tenders. And in private sectors noway they gonna give it to the small fries Malay contractors. After 50 years look around. the non Malays who shouted "Not Fair" are the majority who does jobs in both public and private sectors. It was the UMNO tycoons who made the non-Malays contractors rich. The majority of the Malays are always the losers. Walaupun nampak macam hujan emas di negeri sendiri tetapi batu juga yang jatuh ke bumi. Shaik Rizal Sulaiman is NOT talking on behalf of all the malays. he is talking about his own crony communitiee. Shaik Rizal Sulaiman should travel more from Perlis to Sabah. Make a proper study first. Believe me. Your ideas in the long run do make the Malays fail. Yes by all means The malays will continue the fight for Malay rights. and Yes the malys have nothing much to do except polishing their keris and we will start from where it begins. I hope if ever DSAI takes over the Malaysian Government he must have a better strategy to the one Shaik Rizal Sulaimanwrote above. As to date Individual Malays (BUMI) have less then 13% equity stakes in the Malaysian economy. The Malays now is 60% of the population, and 50 years from today it is estimated to be 85% of the total population. UMNO have failed to stablise this unacceptable imbalance. If whoever takes over and fail to solve this problem is also digging their own grave!
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 19, 2008 01:33:54
Apa khabar shaikh???..hahaha!! Shaikh dari arab ka?.. Oklah, Kita tak ada masalah dengan warganegaraan bukan-bumiputera. Kita dalam 50 tahun dah bercampur gaul dah..cuma orang politik kita sahaja yang pasal nak kuasa, diarunk guna macam2 plan.. Ok, pasal merit dan kuota.. memang dari segi merit akan meningkatkan budaya bersaing yang sihat..betul. Tapi Shaikh, ramai dari luar bandar masih tidak menerima keadilan yang setimpal dengan bandar. 1) Kemudahan infrastruktur 2) Komunikasi, internet dan buku2 untuk perpustakaan luar bandar. Jurang masih menebal Shaikh. Macam mana nak buka merit sedangkan anak2 bumiputera khususnya dari luar bandar tidak banyak kemudahan, hanya bergantung harap dengan guru semata2?..berbanding dengan daya saing anak2 kawasn bandar yang lebih dinamik, bersaing dan mempunyai mentality global. Saya hanya akan setuju jika, dalam institusi pendidikan, 1) sekolah luar bandar mempunyai kemudahan yang setara dengan kawasan bandar. 2) sekolah luar bandar mempunyai guru2 cemerlang seperti di kawasan bandar. 3) sekolah luar bandar mempunyai jaringan yang bagus dengan kementerian, pejabat pelajaran negeri dan pejabat pendidikan daerah.. Kemudian, Shaikh dan rakan2 dalam M2day, baru saya setuju dengan merit..barulah adil..what say u bro??.. Ingat shaikh, disaat anda menikmati jus oren di waktu pagi..masih ada golongan yang tidak langsung bersarapan di pagi hari semata untuk menikmati bubur nasi di tengah hari.
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 19, 2008 01:47:38
Dr Syed Alwi, Kalau benarlah seperti kata Dr. bahawa NEP dah tak relevan, kenapa masih ada negara2 seperti indonesia yang mengkaji dasar ini?..dan Bolivia dan beberapa negara mahu mengamalkan cara yang mirip seperti FELDA??..
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...written by citizenken, September 19, 2008 01:52:25
50 year of UMno led rules sucks, nep helps the very few elite grabbing all the govt contracts . in uni priveleges, malays has quantity but not quality becos of lack of meritocrazy. govt servant where malays are majority did not become effective and efficient. malays to be competative , they need to be responsible of their wellbeing rather than blame others and churning excuses. malays needs to understand Marketing & delivery of bottomline in the open market,than begging for govt contracts. malays should think outside the box, then being feed with UMNO'spower greedy politician propanganda
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...written by pokokmangga, September 19, 2008 01:55:10
Dear Shaik, Well said. I sincerely hope that most of our Muslim/Malay Rakyat can see what this awful government and its predecessor has done to us and our country. We must fight for us MALAYSIANS irrespective of colour or creed. I am happy to say that you, Shaik, is another wise and mature Rakyat that can see through this evil regime. Thank you.
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...written by Diz, September 19, 2008 02:01:34
The corporate wealth argument is a real red herring. The UMNOputeras claim that the bumi share dropped from 19% to 18% between 1980 and 2000 i.e. the NEP has actually taken the Malays backward, and yet they insist on more of the same. The reality, of course, is that the actual share of corporate wealth according to the research published (and then recalled) by ISIS is probably 45%. The figures touted by Richard Leete from the UNDP estimates that it is probably closer to 36%. Admittedly, this wealth is not exactly spread equitably across the Malay community...
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...written by nocrid, September 19, 2008 03:23:25
MalaysiaUnited and Dragonheart, Perkara-perkara yang korang cakap tu... Yang tak sarapanlah, tulah nilah. Memang tak adil tapi hakikat ini siapa penyebabnya ya? Siapa punya angkara? Cina gemuk yang duk kat sebelah rumah kau tu yang tak dapat keistimewaan yang kononnya diberi kepada saudara Melayu kita keh apa? Tidak! Yang melaung tidak adil bukan lah golongan yang dapat project. Orang bukan Melayu yang dapat project tu mesti yang senyap senyap punya. Mana ada yang melaung... Kroni lah tu. Saudara-saudari Melayu and Bukan-Melayu yang bukan kroni... Marilah kita melaung sama sama...TIDAK ADIL!!!!!!! Ini Cina yang dipuji oleh member Melayu pandai bercakap Melayu dan tak dapat projek kerajaan pasal bukan kroni bercakap sini dan yang makan nasi lemak aje pasal nak menikmati KFCi (Alhamdulillah)waktu malam pada hujung bulan. Salam...
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...written by Daryl, September 19, 2008 04:27:08
We need to break the myth about Malaysian of chinese backgoroung being rich. Look around you and tell me if all them are rich and driving Merc or BMW or Audi. No you see majority of them working their butt of to take care of their family and contrary to normal believe believe majority of them probably live from pay check to pay check. So, if you are smart stop believeing what the BN/UMNO is trying to sell. You future is to be succesful in the world economy. The only way we can do it if we wuse all our top resources. If you have three experts why use one expert and two ok-only professional to win world business. So, Malaysia's future falls under Malaysian not Malay only. But, first we need to kick out the culprit that causes all these race and religion issues. I am not happy with the article but sad because after 50 years we still have these race and religion issues. Yet we sale ourselves to the world that we are multi-racial and harmonious society.
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...written by Tompios, September 19, 2008 04:28:46
Benar dan tepat sekali! Kalau 51 tahun golongan Melayu sudah diberi NEP dan segala macam pertolongan dari kerajaan, kenapa masih ada ramai Melayu miskin? Ironiknya, orang yang tidak kena bagi bantuan boleh jadi kaya seperti orang Cina. Lain ceritalah dengan Bumiputera Non Islam di Sabah, nama dan status Bumiputera tetapi bila memohon apa-apa kemajuan dari kerajaan.....first question dari orang kerajaan ialah: 1) Kamu sudah masuk Silam (Islam) kah? 2) Kalau mahu masuk Islam, cepat dapat lulus permohonan anda, bila mau masuk? 3) Masuk Islamlah, 1 sen duit anda pun tidak akan hilang. Bumiputera yang paling malang di dunia.
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...written by johanssm, September 19, 2008 04:34:56
The NEP which we get to see now is not the original NEP . The first drafted NEP expired more than a decade ago. All of us do supports the NEP when it first started. It was a noble draft in the early days. But somehow along the years it got its service life extended and amended ( hijack is more appropriate ) by umno ( with helps from mca and mic ). Take a good look at our civil service now.It is totally different from what we have during the 1960s and 70s. If i were to say that our civil service now is all "melayu" who will argue with me. The rate that our civil service is growing is amazing.It grows in tandem with "bumi" local graduates who failed to find employment. In business , the "bumi" have the head start. Even if a giant Japanese or Korean company were to invest here. They must have some "bumi" shareholders and get them in as one of their director. Mind you , those shares are given FOC to the datuks and tan sris. ( umno people ) I don't think we need to discuss education , royal families and scholarship here. And will not touch your religion subject here as it is no longer "relevant" to discuss it .Umno hijacked Islam long time ago. Will waste time to type it out. But you all understand what the above is all about. It is raw deal given to common malay folks.( not my words, but the makcik and her family who sells nasi lemak said so ). The common Malays felt it !And no , this makcik don't even read MT or knew what RPK wrote. People might be uneducated but this does not mean that the people do not have common sense. Hard to believe that there are still people championing for "ketuanan Melayu" and " NEP" without knowing that it is all about greed and power. And at the same time they are the same group of people protecting own religion! Clearly they do have muddle mind.
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...written by Navigator, September 19, 2008 06:05:42
In 1957 when we achieved Independence, the Malays asked for 25 years of priviledges to catch up with the non-Malays. Then they changed it to Special Rights and non one is allowed to question it, on pain of ISA. Then they tried to change the history books to hide this shameful truth. You cannot have Melayu Ketuan and Special Rights at the same time because Specila Rights imply that you are inferior and need protection. So how can you be superior except behave like what a gangster does? So we are witnessing gangsterism in politics. Sad but true. And they are not even ashamed of it.
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...written by RitchieLow, September 19, 2008 06:19:18
Indonesia’s Democratic Miracle BY STAFF Kishore Mahbubani is Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. His most recent book is The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East. By Kishore Mahbubani JAKARTA – Modern miracles do happen. Ten years ago, as the Asian financial crisis savaged Indonesia’s economy, many experts predicted that the country would become unstable, if not splinter. Instead, Indonesia, the world’s most populous Islamic country, has emerged as a beacon of freedom and democracy for the Muslim world. What happened? And why hasn’t the world taken note? The story is as complex as Indonesia itself. One leading expert on Indonesia, Benedict Anderson, roots Indonesia’s nature in its core Javanese culture, particularly the wayang religious tradition. According to Anderson, “In contrast to the great religions of the Near East…the religion of wayang has no prophet, no message, no Bible, no Redeemer.…The endless variety and sharp individuality of its dramatis personae indicate that wayang reflects the variegation of human life as it is felt by the Javanese…” In short, Javanese culture helps Indonesia handle the many diverse voices that a new democracy throws up. There is also a strong Indonesian tradition of resolving disagreements through “musyawarah dan mufakat” (consultation and consensus). Of course, this tradition has not always prevented violence, most notoriously in the killings that followed the 1966 coup against President Sukarno. And ten years ago, during the financial crisis, violent anti-Chinese riots erupted again, causing many Chinese to flee the country. Today, however, many of those Chinese have returned. In a remarkable development, Chinese language and culture, which had been suppressed for decades, is allowed free expression. By contrast, imagine Turkey, a more advanced member state of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, allowing free expression of Kurdish language and culture. Indonesia’s record looks even more remarkable when compared to the United States. Americans explain their country’s democratic backsliding by pointing to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. But Indonesia was attacked, too, with the bombing in Bali coming little more than a year later, on October 12, 2002. Despite this, Indonesia has consolidated its democracy. Indeed, in 2005 Freedom House declared that Indonesia had moved from “partly free” to “free.” President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono deserves great credit for this remarkable success. Under his leadership, the long-standing and painful Aceh conflict was peacefully resolved. Some credit the 2004 tsunami, which killed hundreds of thousands of Acehnese, for this breakthrough. But Sri Lanka was hit equally hard by the tsunami, and since then the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict has worsened. Today, the biggest threat to Indonesia’s democracy comes from America, even though most Americans want Indonesia’s democracy to succeed. With modern technology, Indonesian Muslims can see clearly the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza, the disastrous results of the American invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and America’s silence when Lebanon was bombed in July 2006. Many senior Americans were puzzled that Turkey, a long-standing NATO ally and a secular state, refused to allow American forces to use Turkey as a base to invade Iraq. If relatively secular Turkish society could be swept by a surge of anti-American sentiment, so, too, can Indonesia society. Indeed, a major struggle is underway between those who want Indonesia to become more fundamentalist and those who want to preserve the traditionally open and tolerant nature of Javanese culture. Curiously, while many Americans and Europeans want moderate Muslim voices to succeed in Indonesia (and Southeast Asia), they often undermine moderates with policies that are perceived as anti-Islamic. America’s stance on military aid to Indonesia is but one example. For several years, some members of the US Senate have maintained a punitive policy towards Indonesia by cutting off military assistance and curtailing Indonesian military training in the US. These punitive policies are self-defeating. In recent years, the Indonesian military has provided a model for other Third World military forces on how to accept a transition to a full democracy. There are no threats of a coup d’état, and senior generals, such as Bambang, who studied in American military colleges, returned to Indonesia as convinced democrats. It is a tragedy that ignorance of how much Indonesia has changed is being allowed to endanger its democratic development – and its role as a beacon of freedom and hope in the Islamic world. It is to be hoped that Barack Obama, should he win America’s presidency, will recall the tolerant Indonesia where he grew up and shape policies toward it accordingly. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2008.
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...written by mikewang, September 19, 2008 06:42:49
Companies will suffer greatly if their best brains leave. In a similar way, this country will suffer if we let our best go.
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...written by Tom n Jerry, September 19, 2008 07:47:56
Kalau nak banding siapa pendatang & siapa yang asal,saya nak beri penjelasan tentang fakta;kaum murut & dusun ada lah yang paling asal diSabah;sepatut nya mereka yang patut mentadbir dinegeri ini;tapi malang nya semua pemimpin sekarang ada lah keturunan pendatang;sebab itu lah mereka kuat *cbt*dan rasuah;kalau nak tahu cbt it means*criminal breach of trust*
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...written by KotaDamansara73, September 19, 2008 07:48:20
I represent all non-malays that we have never question Malay rights. What the country need is meritocracy and we need the best and talented to lead. The country needs to break up the monopoly of license and many other business. That will ensure that the nation's wealth is distributed correctly and the to the best people that can bring the nation's economy up. WE HAVE NEVER QUESTION THE MALAY'S RIGHT. WE BUY MALAYSIA LAND FROM MALAY GOVERMENT. WE DID NOT ROB MALAYS OF THEIR LAND. WE BUY THE LAND FROM THEM THROUGH A MUTUAL AGREEMENT. TO the Malays. Stop believing in UMNO and you will progress.
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...written by Rozlan, September 19, 2008 07:50:43
To be competitive the malays should do away with UMNO way of thinking and principles..Acytually they were the one who are responsible curbing the malays competitiveness...
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 19, 2008 08:24:01
nocrid, Sabar dahulu..tak payah nak emosional. Tak adil dalam konteks mana tuh? tenders?.. Apa yang saya kata adalah dalam isu pendidikan. Fahamilah betul2 dahulu saudara.. biasalah, semua nak projek betul tak?..hehehe!! nak cakap tentang perpaduan..hahaha..tunggu tahun2 kemudian..
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...written by Bigjoe99, September 19, 2008 08:30:17
The bottom line is there is never any simple system for fixing economic ills of any group. Look at all successes and you will find injustices to same very group that those policies tried to serve. The bottom line is there is only so much govt can do. Every policy has a declining utility as time goes by. What is being proposed is nothing about eliminating pro-active policies for Malays but really to shift towards a socialist policy that need not be raced based. A socialist policy that is still affordable while we have resources to fund for it. In 20 years time when oil revenue is not big enough and our cost becomes too high, such a socialist agenda may not even be make sense anymore. Look at Singapore and its development policies. It may be an economic success based on highly Darwinian principles and even it has to admit it need welfare now. Look at the US nearly a century no-bailout policies being thrown out the door just when it reached the zenith of its economic might. No single system and idea work forever. The law of marginal utility is unavoidable.
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...written by Msian Idol3, September 19, 2008 08:30:39
My malay friends tells me its bloody UMNO rights, not malay rights. They say we have more malays as MP's & the population is outpacing the rest and we shout Malay rights. They say it is an insult & what if the population is 80% malays. They say they need human rights & good government. If we have good government we don't need malay rights & they even ask me whether I think they are half past six becos of people championing malay rights but not human & M'sian rights. I say he is great.
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...written by MalaysianUnited, September 19, 2008 08:31:31
I represent all non-malays that we have never question Malay rights KotaDamansara73, bukan semua non-malay setuju dengan anda. Lihat vote anda..
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