Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Is today Day of Reckoning?
"Anwar is going to see the Agong tomorrow(?)".
I wasn't very sure if Bala meant it as a question or a statement when we spoke last night. He had been more sure of Anwar Ibrahim's earlier deadline of 16/9, that the Opposition Leader had secured enough number of BN defectors to enable Pakatan Rakyat to form a Government. I told Bala - this was after supper at Chawan in Bangsar yesterday - that I didn't know if Anwar was meeting the Agong or not.
Is he?
From blogger NgapSayot:
"Today is Sept 23, the day of reckoning. Or the day that will pass by and nothing happens. As I write this, we see West Malaysia is in a state of haywire and amazingly all eyes are suddenly on us in the East now. The politicians here are now being looked upon as the KingMakers to decide the fate of the nation. As we muddled through 2008, the state of chaos has resulted a deeper economic hardship to us. While you politicians are fighting each other for political dominance, we the rakyat, are suffering."
Read here what NgapSayot says the people of Sabah and Sarawak want. I'm sure a lot of ordinary Malaysians share his view, and couldn't care less if Anwar had an audience with the Agong.
The Day of Reckoning
Today is Sept 23, the day of reckoning. Or the day that will pass by and nothing happens. As I write this, we see West Malaysia is in a state of haywire and amazingly all eyes are suddenly on us in the East now. The politicians here are now being looked upon as the KingMakers to decide the fate of the nation. As we muddled through 2008, the state of chaos has resulted a deeper economic hardship to us. While you politicians are fighting each other for political dominance, we the rakyat, are suffering. And yet, you guys still doesn’t sit down and asked of what we really want. Instead, you continue to create issues that are degenerating our nation into mayhem.
Let us tell you that we, the People of the East want this chaotic situation to end. When we became part of Malaysia in 1963, there was a consensus under the Cobbold Commission. It gave each and every one of us the opportunity to show our preference. Now, what we want is a consensus again to determine to whom our allegiance are. Politicians may said they have the support from the people, but do they? All, in all we are the ones suffering from this debacle.
As the day goes by, life is still not going for the better. Anwar’s claim on the Federal Government is on the brink of collapse with some of our MPs wants to jump ship has only worsened the situation. Both sides are saying the other side is the main cause for this mayhem but do they really listening to us?
When politicians jump to another party, do they follow the wishes of the People? Or do they do it for their political survival? Or do they wish to continue having the perks that come along when being elected as an MP? These madness has to stop and we want due process to be done with the People agreeing to the changes that is going to happen very soon.
But how do you know that all the People wants change? To be fair to all, if the scenario of politicians started to jump ship, we should immediately hold an election to determine the People’s choice. It would be fair to all and we can determine the People reaction to all that has happened in the year 2008.
We have had enough of some who claim they are the voice of the People. Let the People decides which side they wish to be on. And this will be just for all.
~ by ngapsayot on September 23, 2008.
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