PAK LAH’S POLITICAL SUNSET : A blazing sky or a dim eclipse?
Posted by Super Admin
Monday, 22 September 2008 09:53
"... his final days as premier may yet be moments of his crowning achievement – a fair-minded prime minister who courageously stands by his pledge to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution’ at the crucial moment of transition of power, thus becoming instrumental in ushering a new era of reconstruction and rejuvenation from the current decrepit state of the country ..."
by Kim Quek
Anwar Ibrahim may have failed to assume the premiership on the very day of September 16, but he has certainly brought the nation to a cross-roads that may mark the most important turning point in the nation’s history. Within days from now, the nation may know its fate – whether it will be a future that is nothing more than the status quo of racial fragmentation and corrupt rule or a bold new frontier that promises national unity and vigorous growth.
The week ending September 20 is indeed a week of high political dramas. On one side, an aspiring prime minister-in-waiting is relentlessly seeking to take over power with his supposed parliamentary majority; while on the other, the incumbent prime minister looks set to succumb to party pressure to relinquish his post to his deputy.
Anwar promptly and swiftly made his moves on Sept 16 and the following days. On Tuesday 16th, he announced that he had already secured the support of the majority of members of Parliament and requested to meet Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi (Pak Lah) to ensure a peaceful transition of power. Pak Lah rejected the request on the same day, calling Anwar’s claim a “mirage”. Failing to secure a meeting, Anwar then requested on Thursday 18th that an emergency session of Parliament be convened not later than Tuesday 23rd to debate a motion of no confidence. Again Pak Lah rejected the request on the same day.
After these two rejections, Anwar appears to be embarking on the third course, which is an audience with the King to establish evidence of Anwar’s majority support, thereby seeking a royal intervention. This may result in the King calling for an emergency parliamentary session to settle the issue of who actually commands the confidence of the majority in Parliament; or he may choose to ask for the change-over of government to take place – resignation of Abdullah and his cabinet, followed by appointment of Anwar and his cabinet –, if His Majesty is fully satisfied of Anwar’s majority support, and if so requested. But of course, Pak Lah could always pre-empt such a royal intervention by promptly exercising his privilege as prime minister to call Parliament into session to debate the issue.
Meanwhile, in the UMNO Supreme Council meeting on Sept 18, under forceful presentations by council members, Abdullah must have silently admitted to himself that he had lost the confidence of the party hierarchy. The remaining question is whether he will step down in the coming party election in December or before October 9 as requested by his dissidents. Oct 9 is the first day of the month-long period during which UMNO divisions will hold their annual meetings and nominate candidates for the party leadership. Ostensibly, Oct 9 was suggested to avoid the embarrassment of Abdullah failing to receive his nominations for presidency, but in reality, it is to give enough time for his deputy Najib Tun Razak to take such measures as necessary to face off potential challenges from Pakatan Rakyat with its supposed majority as claimed by Anwar, when Parliament resumes its seating from October 13.
There is no doubt that Abdullah is facing perhaps the most momentous decisions of his political life – not just about when he will resign, but also about what he will do between now and the day he steps down. Now that he is free of the burden to fortify himself with repressive measures in order to prolong his political life, he should now reflect on his long-cherished ambition to reform our dilapidated institutions of state and restore some shine to our faded democracy. Granted that he may not have the time or the clout to institute these reforms now, he could at least with his awesome power as the prime minister provide a benevolent shield to enable the on-going democratic process to proceed without unlawful sabotage from any quarter.
If it is shown that Anwar does not have the majority, well and good, the people should thenceforth be satisfied with Barisan Nasional’s legitimacy to rule and extend their co-operation accordingly. However, if Anwar has successfully established his majority, whether through a vote in Dewan Rakyat or through other legitimate demonstration of free choice of members of Parliament, then Pak Lah and his cabinet should resign to pave the way for a change of government in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.
What the nation is most concerned with at this moment is whether Barisan Nasional will unleash a repressive dragnet to thwart such a constitutional transition, as it has been prone to such indulgence in the past. The latest example was the recent wanton arrests of innocent civilians using the draconian Internal Security Act, though the Act was only meant to be used against armed insurgency.
And even Anwar appeared to be threatened by such ISA arrest when Pak Lah on Sept 17 suddenly called Anwar a threat to national economy and security, with such threat only eased the next day when Pak Lah said he had no intention of making any ISA arrest during his press conference after the fateful UMNO Supreme Council meeting where he was pressured to quit.
Will Pak Lah behave like a democratic gentleman in his lingering days of power and allow the Constitution to take its natural course which may see Anwar coming into power, or will he condone laws and institutions to be abused to frustrate the constitutional process?
In this respect, it is pertinent to recall that Pak Lah played a positive role on two important turning points in the democratization process of the country. The first was when he allowed the court to act without political interference that resulted in the freeing of Anwar on 2nd Sept 2004. The next was his graceful acceptance of the stunning set back suffered by Barisan Nasional in the general election of 8th March 2008. These events could not conceivably have occurred under the repressive rule of former autocrat Mahathir Mohamed.
In view of Pak Lah’s expressed intentions to carry out reforms in the past and his propensity towards more liberal rule, he may yet preside over, as premier, the third and perhaps the final turning point towards complete democratization by safeguarding the Constitution from being violated by unscrupulous politicians. If he does that, his final days as premier may yet be moments of his crowning achievement – a fair-minded prime minister who courageously stands by his pledge to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution’ at the crucial moment of transition of power, thus becoming instrumental in ushering a new era of reconstruction and rejuvenation from the current decrepit state of the country.
Yes, the nation badly needs a complete overhaul, and the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional has already reached a dead end with no hope of salvation.
Former de-facto law minister Zaid Ibrahim, who was recruited by Pak Lah after the March election to specifically spearhead the much promised reforms, recently quit the cabinet in sheer despair of his colleagues’ dogmatic adherence to racist ideology and recalcitrance in perpetuating corrupt governance. He said:
“I faced a brick wall! I can’t translate or make them understand the basic thing that we are a county that is fair to all races, we have the same rights under the federal constitution. ……..”.
Zaid Ibrahim, who used to own the largest legal firm in the country and is regarded by many as the only honest soul in UMNO, said:
“I truly feel that the institutions of government, the courts, the police and the judiciary need a major overhaul…..a major clean-up”.
“(They are) not ready for a process-driven system, not ready for meritocracy, not ready for greater levels of accountability and a truly independent judiciary. They would like to cling on the leverages of power based on discretion and privileges.”
Zaid lamented that his efforts to bring reforms and restoration of rule of law had only earned him widespread scorn from his party and cabinet colleagues for being “not a true fighter for my own race and religion”.
These words of Zaid only confirm public knowledge that since the punishing March election, UMNO instead of learning the lesson, has instead crawled deeper into its cocoon of racism and corruption.
And leaders of satellite racial parties like MCA, MIC, Gerakan seem to be collectively suffering from mass denial syndrome when they claim that they can get UMNO to shed its racial hegemony and recoup the lost support from their respective communal groups. It is far better for these politicians to bravely face the truth now and move according to what is best for themselves and their electorate, than to be rudely woken on the day of next election when they will find their parties completely obliterated by electorate that have long abandoned them.
With regards to the imminent passing of baton from Pak Lah to his deputy Najib Razak, one cannot help but be alarmed by such a move. This is due to the dark clouds that have gathered over Najib’s head arising from his alleged link to the Altantuya murder has not been cleared. The court might have sat for one year over this case, but the fact remains that the three accused who were close to and who worked for Najib do not appear to have adequate motive to kill the girl. And yet no one has explained to date why Najib and his aide-de-camp Musa Safri (who was an important link in the events that lead to the murder) have been completely left out in the police investigation and the subsequent court hearings.
Even more damaging to Najib is the explosive affidavit by private investigator P. Balasubramaniam (Bala) which was announced in a press conference on 4th July 2008.
In this affidavit, Bala gave intimate details revealing publicly for the first time the alleged triangle of Najib-Altantuya-Razak (the third accused) – directly contradicting Najib’s oft-repeated vow that he neither met nor knew the girl. Bala also claimed that during the 7-day interrogations by police, he revealed every thing he learned from Razak and Altantuya regarding their links to Najib, but when he signed on the police statement, none of these details was included. The police promised to investigate into the facts revealed in this affidavit, but nothing has come out of this investigation so far. And Neither was this affidavit allowed to be presented to court, in spite of such application by the lawyer of Altantuya’s family.
Most shockingly, Bala and his entire family mysteriously disappeared a day after he announced the affidavit (on July 4) and never re-appear until to-day.
It is obvious from the foregoing that justice cannot possibly be served in this murder case, unless proper explanations are provided to the many intriguing questions that are crying out for answers. And unless an independent panel has conducted a transparent probe into the veracity of Bala’s affidavit and the circumstances surrounding the mysterious disappearance of Bala and his family, Najib should not hold any public office, least of the premiership.
Comments (23)
written by chanatak, September 22, 2008 10:12:34
In the BN culture, a scandal appears to be the mark of merit and qualification to lead. See also how MCA's self confessed violator of family values put shamelessly presents himself for the 2nd position and how so many MCA leaders support his candidacy. Leaders are no longer needed to promote good family values, or good virtues. In BN it is not even necessary to pretend to project good virtues. This is how corrupt the culture of BN has developed. This is how much MCA has forgotten the Confucian values which are required for good leadership and governance.
Can MCA continue to project itself as the right representative of Chinese culture when it rejects the very basic qualities of Confucianism? I challenge any of the MCA leaders to defend themselves on Confucian values based on that self confessed violater's candidacy and the support given.
Does a scandal therefore become a disqualifier for Najib then? Of course not. This is how low this nation can go.
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written by MAMR, September 22, 2008 10:14:06
Is this going to be the standard of !FUTURE PM ! sponsored by UMNO/BN ?we are lot more inteligent than the present Govt think.
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written by latihanQ, September 22, 2008 10:25:30
Badawi's political sunset can only be an insipid footnote! Forget about the blazing skies. It won't happen, not from this man whose tenure as the premier can only be liken to plain tasteless water...insipid. His five years in office seems more like a soldier AWOL most notably when Malaysians remember well enough his absence, away in Perth Australia opening his brother's nasi kandar restaurant while Johore was submerged in the worst loods in 100years.
No, this man will never amount to anything, not yesterday, today or tomorrow. He does not know his priorities one tiny bit. He is useless and beyond redemption. Ditto…Najib, they are two peas in a pod!
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written by latihanQ, September 22, 2008 10:30:15
....submerged in the worst FLOODS in 100years.
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written by Mr Smith, September 22, 2008 10:34:28
UMNO thrives in a cesspool. So, corruption, murder, rape of under aged girls or smuggling millions into a foreign country are non issues. Just look at the tainted politicians in UMNO. They are the king makers.
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written by krising1, September 22, 2008 10:41:53
When we look back in history to Pak Bodoh's tenure as PM, we will have a lot to thank him for. Without him, UMNO will not be in a disarray like it is today. The leaders are clueless in that they have no idea how to prevent the slide downhill! We would not have 5 states where the BN is in the opposition! We would not have any hope of kicking the UMNOputras out of power. For making all this possible, I will worship Pak Bodoh. I think all Malaysians should do the same.
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written by 1351, September 22, 2008 10:46:17
Every detainee facing mandatory charges will claim his innocence just like Razak Baginda. The person closest to Najib and Rosmah, his years in service as the bagman, has bought himself some 'leverage' as seen in the trial of the Altantuya case. Quran in hand, Najib's says he had no knowledge of the deceased.
In broad strokes, Raja Petra detention under the ISA paints him an enemy of Islam (alledgedly) but *defacto PM, swears by his innocence by abusing the good book. Tell me, is this modus that all M'sians in this country to expect in the future ?
* I believe, the shuffle between Badawi and Najib is all but confirm. Confirmation will take place, an audience with HM The Agung sought soon after the Altantuya verdict is out. I suspect justice is the last thing to come out of the verdict and M'sian hits yet another low.
May the starts above look kindly upon us & free RPK soonest.
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written by temenggong, September 22, 2008 11:01:02
Does anyone really believe that umno is not aware of the crossover MPs? Is umno intelligence that bad? Even when crossovers are blatantly negotiated in the open?
In this respect, it is pertinent to recall that Pak Lah played a positive role on two important turning points in the democratization process of the country. The first was when he allowed the court to act without political interference that resulted in the freeing of Anwar on 2nd Sept 2004. The next was his graceful acceptance of the stunning set back suffered by Barisan Nasional in the general election of 8th March 2008.
It is for this reason that Badawi and his Jean will be allowed to go yachting into the sunset after his stepping down! All the rest of the despots in the last two Mahathir and Badawi regimes will go to Kamunting, with Najib never coming out again!
There will be no ISA in two years but still Najib will not emerge from Kamunting.
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written by crazygweilo, September 22, 2008 11:09:57
All of this makes sense. However, the final paragraph referring to Altantuya, I do have certain suspicions. Not against Najib Tun Razak, or Rosmah Mansor, or even the defendants in this case. There is something far bigger going on, and it involves forces beyond Malaysia. The problem is, no matter what happens in the Altantuya case, justice will not be done.
In espionage, and spying, sex, money, and scandal play a sordid role. The truth in the Altantuya case is likely to be stranger than fiction, and those involved are likely more powerful than the whole of UMNO and the Special Branch combined.
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written by Rundukon, September 22, 2008 11:21:05
Bodohwi should be detained under the ISA for branding Anwar as a threat to national economy and security. These seditious statements may not go down well to the millions of Anwar's supporters and may led to public unrest.
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written by Jan, September 22, 2008 11:47:59
Bala was never seen again and may not be seen ever again. He could even be C4ed for all you know. His presence is a serious threat to some. Only a change of govt may reveal what actually happened to the poor chap.
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written by Jan, September 22, 2008 11:58:01
When Bodowi was strong he couldn't even touch any of his warlords what makes you think he could do so now at the moment of his greatest weakness? He's finished politically, all these he brought it upon himself.
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written by born2reign, September 22, 2008 12:34:52
Zaid lamented that his efforts to bring reforms and restoration of rule of law had only earned him widespread scorn from his party and cabinet colleagues for being “not a true fighter for my own race and religion”.
Zaid, what UMNO means, is you are not a true fighter for Satan's (own) race and evil occult (religion). You are no loss to UMNO, but a gain for the rakyat. Bravo for standing up to your principles.
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written by Taikohtai, September 22, 2008 13:07:55
The legacy of any leader is judged more by his departure than his ascendency.
Malaysian PMs tend to be ousted by dissatisfaction within their own ruling party. We are now witnessing for the first time whereby the incumbent will be thrown out by the combined pressure exerted by the rakyat rather than internal ranks. Yes, in a way, Malaysians have finally embraced democracy and beginning to empower themselves. Yes, the rakyat is actually liking and appreciating that their combined voting rights and voices can actually determine their very own future!
Therefore, regardless of how AAB is finally ousted, it is more important that the next gomen recognises that the rakyat is the real master. Any failure to recognise this will be to their detriment and an assured swift demise.
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written by harryo, September 22, 2008 14:11:19
What different is Malaysia from Zimbabwe?
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written by JohnQ, September 22, 2008 15:26:36
Mafia or Italia God Father would like to buy some tailor made courses and seminars from najis&co. for some quick tricks, not available in any part of the worls, including Zimbabwe or afgans
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written by renoir, September 22, 2008 15:43:57
crazygweilo wrote:
> the final paragraph referring to Altantuya, I do have certain suspicions. Not against Najib Tun Razak, or Rosmah Mansor, or even the defendants in this case. There is something far bigger going on, and it involves forces beyond Malaysia....The truth in the Altantuya case is likely to be stranger than fiction, and those involved are likely more powerful than the whole of UMNO and the Special Branch combined.]]
"Crazygweilo," you're not crazy, but one smart cookie. Something for readers to think about: in most crime stories, is it not the case that when "clues" or "evidence" or "facts" are overwhelmingly against someone, they're most likely planted by some unknown agency? It has been said that facts are stranger than fiction, but that's because in many cases fiction is used to cover up facts.
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written by Kathy, September 22, 2008 16:53:18
I am willing the PM to do the right and decent thing before he rides off into the sunset. Reconvene Parliament and, once and for all, end this uncertainty. Even if he and BN lose out he can at least retire knowing he adhered to the Constitution, and will be regarded more kindly by the people. His very last act as PM will be for the people and not for the survival of the party that is now pushing him out.
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written by Limang, September 22, 2008 17:09:01
Well written and articulated and so true in some of the statements, except the part of Bodowi's achievements, which he is incapable of.
The sad truth is that Bodowi is too bodoh to the right thing and is not helped by the self-seeking ministers around him(with the exception of Zaid). Even Shahrir, who once was on the righteous side, now become tainted and part and parcel of the devil's gang, losing all that he stood for and for all the respect that he used to command. Such is the abyss that UMNO and BN have sunk.
Believe me, if the GE is held again now, the entire UMNO/BN would be wiped out! Voting for the PAS is such a terible thng to do in the past now appears so sweet today - that's a reflection of a long-suffering population who now at long last woke from their pathetic state and is now fighting back at the injustice, oppression, tyranny, ineffectiveness, corruption, arrogance, poor governance, and discrimination of an evil grouping called BN, led by the racist, extremist and bigoted UMNO which is the source and cause of all the problems and sufferings of Malaysians.
Bodowi has never done anything right throughout his political life, he is just incapable of it. What was written as his achievements are merely a reflection of his weakness that they happened accidentally rather than due to his purposeful and selfless effort. When he talks about the good he promises to do, do you notice that he is looking straight with a glassy look in his eyes, clearly showing not only he does not know what he is talking about but also he is not believing his own words? Such is this pathetic man!
I see the country sinking deeper in the shit this old, tired and corrupted gomen has brought us to until PR and Anwar are permitted to take over or until the next election is called for.
The whole episode reminded me of the rule of the Machus in China in its last dying dates until a people's revolution removes it, but not until this dying old world order has done its final untold damage and inflict great sufferings on its people before it expires. The same for Malaysia.
UMNO/BN will inflict some more damages (like ISA arrests and emergency rule) before it is kick out. Like any dying animal, it must have a few spasms before death overcomes it.
So be prepared for the worst to come before it is over - unless Allah opens the eyes of Bodowi and he gracefully hands over power to Anwar which, I am afraid, is only my dream.
God bless and protect us all!
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written by HHKim, September 22, 2008 17:10:14
As a close observer in Malaysian politics, few things are certain:
1. Abdullah must relinguish his PM job to PR Anwar.
2. Najib is not qualified to take PMship due to too many scandals un-clarified.
3. MCA. Gerakan and MIC have lost their fundamentals and are considere scraps.
4. Malaysians are anxiously waiting for resurrections and change of government.
5. The nation has down slided too far off the curve, and need immediate attention by a competent, aggressive and accountable leadership in the government.
Who else can do it?? What are we waiting for?? Are we care enough for the future generations?? Can we afford to just time passed?? Can we continue to let the corrupt to manage the nation's wealth??
The answer is crystal clear - We Can't !!!!!! The only solution now we have is to let the majority control party to take the helm and start to TRANSFORM the nation for the simple reason - Economic Prosperity And Stability!!!!
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written by HHKim, September 22, 2008 17:16:35
Just take a lokk at ex-president ChenSui Bian of Taiwan. What has he done to his nation - ripped off billions of USD in his own pocket!!
I condemn this type of human scrap 1 million times!! How can one claim to be the leader of his country and yet QUIETLY squandered nation's wealth during the tenure of office?
In my opinion, there must be 500% of law to catch up with this type of scornful character and subject to harshest country's law and punishment, including death by firing squad.
I shudder to think anyone dares to claim leadership with this most despicalbe conduct as exampled by ex-president Chen Sui Bian!!!
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written by alarcarte, September 22, 2008 17:47:23
The Chinese believe in “Feng Shui”, may be AAB bad Feng Shui is due to marrying a new wife so soon after the old wife died. In order to clear his bad Feng Shui, he should marry another younger wife! Joking only-lah.
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written by educationist, September 22, 2008 21:14:40
I will like to hope that Badawi will leave us Malaysians a legacy which we can look back on with pride, as Kim Quek puts it so eloquently.
But I fear he no longer holds real power and it's the UMNOputras elites that will unlease devious, underhanded even bloody moves to ensure their hold on power.
I can only hope Anwar and his strategists with the PR leaders have their own counter measures ready.
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