September 24, 2008...10:12 am
The Agong - The King, The PM Maker
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The Sun (read here)
The King’s say in removing the PM…
Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin is the King of Malaysia. He is the ultimate ruler of Malaysia, the King, The PM Maker. It is in his hands if what was reported about Pakatan Rakyat’s move is true. We have seen what happened in Perlis, Perak and Trengganu. Is this another of those times?
PR has apparently sent a letter to the Agong seeking an audience and this was done a few days ago. No details were disclosed but it is widely believed to pertain to demonstrating to the Agong that that PR has the majority of support in the Parliament and thereby seek the appointment of Anwar as the next Prime Minister (read MalaysiaKini here). This was disclosed by PAS Leader Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa. He says that they are confident that the Agong will act wisely.
Updated 22/09: Wan Azizah was reported today as saying that seeking the Agong’s intervention would be the next course of action. The letter was not sent yet as was earlier reported. Read The Star here.
In a separate posting here, an alarming note rings. It states that the BN may arrange some important meetings for the Agong out of country very soon. If this is true, it can be seen as Act 2 to twart* PR’s plans with them walking to Istana Negara without the Agong present, like what the Bersih march ended the last time. This is similar to Act 1 of sending some 50 odd MPs to Taiwan recently on an alleged agricultural study trip on tax payers’ expense. We can be sure that our Agong is wise and knows how to handle this wisely.
In any case, Anwar only has two options and both ends with the Agong. Anwar is placing everything in the Agung’s hands. If Anwar doesn’t have the necessary support, would he even dare do this? It is obvious that the stakes are now very high and approaching the Agong is his ultimate move. We shall have to watch how the Agong will act. Will he grant Anwar an audience is left to be seen. It is urgent for sure!
On the other hand, Pak Lah may be forced to decline nomination for the Umno presidency before October 9, before the Umno sub-divisions make their nominations across a month. If Pak Lah does that, he will have to handover to the new Umno President who will be elected in December. If there is only one nomination, we will know the new PM even earlier. But would Pak Lah come out to endorse Najib? Or would Najib have to fight for the Presidency against Razaleigh? Everything hangs on how the Umno division nominations shape up through November 9.
Now, if Pak Lah insists to run for Umno Presidency, Najib may be forced to choose to stand up to his boss. Many fear that if this happens, it will break Umno apart. Hence, the opposing forces within Umno is calling on Pak Lah to step aside now. We shall see what resulted from the Umno Supreme Council Meeting which ended today. Pak Lah knows who exactly is opposing him by now. Let’s see what he will do.
These two tracks of events are taking shape even as we speak. Who can get a resolution faster will gain the upper hand. If Anwar gets to have an audience with the Agong and if Anwar truly has what he claims he has for forming the new Government, Anwar will win. If Pak Lah steps aside and endorses Najib, perhaps that could signal a conciliatory note to close ranks within Umno and prevent any leakage of Umno MPs to Anwar’s side.
The coming days are unusual days for sure and time is of the essence. The prize and price is high. Who will win the day? Only time will tell.
Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku! Daulat Tuanku!
* twart = to hinder or prevent
Abstract of the article from The Sun (read here)
The King’s say in removing the PM
Scenario One:
A vote in the lower house takes place and motion is carried. Then the outgoing PM must inform the monarch that he has lost the confidence of the house. The PM then has a prerogative to ask for the dissolution of Parliament so that fresh elections can be held for him to test his mandate with the people.
The King then has to use his discretion at this stage. If he accepts, Parliament will be dissolved and the PM’s government will be appointed as a caretaker government. But if the King says no to dissolve Parliament, the PM must tender his resignation to cabinet. If he refuses to resign, it is implied that the King can sack him.
Scenario Two:
The King does not rely on a motion in the house but upon being satisfied that the PM no longer enjoys the support of the majority in the house, tells the PM to resign and replaces him with a candidate which he sees fit. If the PM refuses, it is implied in the Constitution that he can be sacked.
For your personal understanding, the relevant constitution notes are appended for perusal. Enjoy!
Reference here
Although the Constitution (Article 39) accords the Yang di-Pertuan Agong with executive authority, subject to the provisions of any federal law and of the Second Schedule of the Constitution, Parliament may by law confer executive functions on other persons.
Except as otherwise provided for by the Constitution as regards his position and authority, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong usually acts in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or more specifically, of the Prime Minister, in the exercise of his functions. However, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is entitled to and at his request, any information concerning the government of the Federation which is available to the Cabinet.
Although the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is to act on the advice of the Cabinet or of a Minister or after consultation with or on the recommendation of any person or body of persons (other than the Cabinet), His Majesty may act in his discretion in the performance of the three following functions, that is to say:
The appointment of a Prime Minister;
Consent or the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament;
The requisition of a meeting of the Conference of Rulers concerned solely with the privileges, position, honor and dignity of Their Royal Highnesses, and any actions at such a meeting.
The appointment of a person (a member of Parliament) as the Prime Minister is based on his ability to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives. The appointment of members of the Cabinet and Deputy Ministers is made on the advice of the Prime Minister.
Articles 39 and 40 of the Federal Constitution state that:
“39. Executive Authority of Federation
The executive authority of the Federation shall be vested in the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and exercisable subject to the provision of any federal law and of the Second Schedule, by him or by the Cabinet or any Minister authorized by the Cabinet, but Parliament may by law confer executive functions on other persons.”
“40. Yang di-Pertuan Agong to act on advice
(1) In the exercise of his functions under this Constitution, or under federal law the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall act in accordance with the advice of the Cabinet or of a Minister acting under the general authority of the Cabinet, except as otherwise provided by this Constitution; but shall be entitled, at his request, to any information concerning the government which is available to the Cabinet.
(1A) In the exercise of his functions under this Constitution or federal law, where the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is to act in accordance with advice, on advice, or after considering advice, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall accept and act in accordance with that advice.
(2) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong may act in his discretion in the performance of the following functions, that is to say:
(a) the appointment of a Prime Minister;
(b) the withholding of consent to a request for the dissolution of Parliament;
(c) the requisition of a meeting of the Conference of Rulers concerned solely with the privileges, position, honour and dignity of Their Royal Highnesses, and any action at such a meeting,
and in any other case mentioned in this Constitution.
(3) Federal law may make provision for requiring the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to act after consultation with or on the recommendation of any person or a body of persons other then the Cabinet to exercise any of his functions other than:
(a) functions exercisable in his discretion; and
(b) functions with respect to the exercise of which provision is made in any other Article.”
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Filed under Current Affairs
Tags: agong, anwar, badawi, bn, malaysia, najib, pak lah, pakatan, taiwan
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September 23, 2008 at 9:43 am
It’s time for a good change.
Daulat Tuanku!
Please save Malaysia.
Anwar’s path to power
Posted by Super Admin
Thursday, 11 September 2008 10:09
Mark Davis of SBS, Australia, goes on the campaign trail with Malaysia’s ‘come-back kid’, Anwar Ibrahim
Malaysia Today
See the video here (http://video.sbs.com.au/player/news/index.php?mmid=21828&chid=13)
RELATED: The Rise of Anwar Ibrahim
RELATED: Anwar to seize power
RELATED: Interview with Anwar Ibrahim
Comments (17)
written by hamid, September 11, 2008 10:29:37
God Bless and Guide Him.
We have come too far. Its whatever it takes for a Better Malaysia.
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written by ahmadneil, September 11, 2008 10:31:13
We search high and low and we only found Anwar.He's the right man for the right job.
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written by FFT, September 11, 2008 10:36:28
If you look at Anwar, Sivarasa, and RPK speaking in this video, you'll notice that each of them have more substance in their little pinky finger than all the BN ministers combined!
On a related matter, look at Khairy. His body language (facial expressions, especially) betrays more than he realizes. I'll just leave it at that.
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written by SocratesI, September 11, 2008 10:37:28
Can Allah create a tsunami to wash away and drown Maha-Firauan a.k.a Maha-Shithead, a.k.a Maha-Zalim ??!! He is using all his abilities and talents to further the objectives of SYAITAN, and should be condemned to the DEPTHS of HELL, roasting in the flames for Eternity !!
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written by sjs, September 11, 2008 10:44:06
Raja Petra Kamarudin,
Recent articles of yours have attracted a lot of attention, in this region. Those who have praised you for your excellent pieces have chosen to criticize your views. Some of the readers are not able to comprehend logical reasoning beyond their level of acceptance!
Let the silent majority speak today:
While we agree the outspoken few seem bogged down on the tiny black dot on a larger white, but we lament at those sleeping minds, failing to reason the visibility of that dark spot, made possible only by the larger white!
Raja Petra, be yourself, don’t change a bit! As Martin Luther King once said,
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comforts and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy!”
Raja Petra, I will be criticized too by the cynics later on, that the larger white still can be replaced by another colour for the visibility of that dark spot! I will accept this with an open mind! For I live in a society of great, average and small minds!
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written by chaimah, September 11, 2008 10:56:45
I never use to be interested in Malaysian Politics but I have become not interested. However, what I am most interested in is that Malaysia become a developed country by 2020. It is not for the sake of being developed but more for the sake that by being developed we as a nation would mature and realise that regardless of our ethnic backgrounds, we will be able to show the world that Malaysia is a fine example of how human beings from various religious and ethnic background can co exist and live a wonderful life.
We will never achieve 2020 if we do not rid this country of blatant corruption, blatant cronyism, blatant injustice and blatant enrichment of a select few. This can never be achieved as long as the ruling government remains in power.
We need a drastic change in Malaysia, a small change will not do and the only hope to achieve this is a drastic change in the leadership of this country. A minority government will not do, it has to be a 2/3 majority.
This country needs a dramatic change for the better. A tzunami will not do, we need a combination of a tsunami, a typhoon and Judgement day to start the beginning of a new and better direction for our future.
No flip flops, swift and precision decision making. Justice for all
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written by teo siew chin, September 11, 2008 11:26:36
This nation is going to progress into a new level.
Make it or break it, we are all in this together.
We are gonna change the headmaster
but definitely not the discipline master eh!
So don't pack away your whip yet you-know-who!
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written by JohnQ, September 11, 2008 11:29:26
Lord of the rings 3 : The return of the King
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written by smpadayachi, September 11, 2008 11:48:52
The clip coverage seems to zoom in as though the book of revelation or war of Armageddon is the 916, and so what if that does not pan out? It's that not the end, and having the pompous human being KJ squirting his eyes throughout the entire clip, shows a perpetual liar in progress his times are marked.
After having paid all the cronies to leave town, and expect things to happen? whatese is next? Even on the dead of millions of Malaysian who died in the land call Malaysia, we the Indian communities in Malaysia still have our fate, hope and our strongest desires, Mr. Anwar Ibrahim will be the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and on that Valga Makal Sakthi, Hidup Anwar & Long live Anwar.
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written by delCapo, September 11, 2008 11:50:11
ahhh.... SBS... good non-commercial Aussie station... brings back memories =]
Yeh yeh... DSAI for PM!!! thats the change we want...
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written by Sunnysoul5, September 11, 2008 12:30:09
Somebody was mentioning about I-Ching recently, and DSAI is probably part of the 5th flow to bring about the necessary change.
It is really exciting to witness the renaissance without the street protests and killings happening in other countries to regain independence. The Merdeka II is very much needed to bring Malaysia to be as competitive as UAE, another Islamic nation.
DSAI will survive all the tests in life to emerge as the eventual "saviour" of Malaysia so that we can get rid of the deep rooted corruption and malpractices. DAP will be the role model and PAS provide the Islamic values to ensure the Muslims know how to behave themselves to gain international respect and honour.
PR will at least be better than the current administration for the next5 to 10 years. The people must exercise the check and balance so that no political power can behave in whatever way they like anymore.
Let us welcome 911 with the message of peace, harmony and happiness.
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written by jasongaust, September 11, 2008 14:20:10
There is no turning back now DSAI, RPK and fellow Malaysians.
All brothers and sisters, with God on our side, we must continue to march on to welcoming this new dawn. We must march on to secure a better life for all Malaysians and their future generations.
We are almost reaching the end of the tunnel now. The sky is opening up slowly and surely right in front of us, for each and every forward step we take together.
Lets not be distracted by the dirty & urgly tricks used by the government and her disgraced leaders.
For whatever the setbacks, we shall overcome!
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written by timberguy, September 11, 2008 15:31:06
Very nice video! Our RPK features prominently as well. DSAI is the best leader Malaysia has today and let's pray he lives to see Malaysia becoming better, sooner than later.
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written by delCapo, September 11, 2008 18:33:20
what a great video!!
Barisan Rakyat bloggers were featured too! together with RPK!!
Check out "dead eye" KJ.... hahahaha...
good news for internet community... moral victory for RPK & MT.
uh? they got a firewall block on you blog, bor??
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written by Australian Malaysian, September 11, 2008 19:01:29
Thank You Super Admin for posting the Dateline video. As I mentioned in an earlier post, "what a fine piece of journalism"!
It also shows the true colours of the enemy shouting & carrying on like someone typical of losing an argument, a fight or the plot. This not only tells the world what is going on in our backyard but speaks & proclaims the truth loudly so that everyone is aware of the absolute crap from the corrupted & poisoned BN regime.
Hey BN, no need to shout too much as this just propels us forward just like "jet fuel"....& just remember that at some stage at quite a high altitude, one must dump their fuel.
Keep it coming RPK as we & countless millions of people around the world are backing you & as for DSAI, bring it on.."Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka"!
Long live DSAI
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written by toyonz, September 11, 2008 22:10:48
I had seen this coverage live here from Melbourne last nite. It has been flash few days back in the SBS. What a great coverage for DSAI and RPK. For the last 2 month, it's only DSAI news in OZ tele, nothing interesting to talk about Bodohwi regime.
Government f**k..eh..salah tu..BeeNd f**k !!!!!! haha..I never seen this in TV3suku n the gang.
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written by A MI, September 12, 2008 08:17:57
Forget about MAHA-zalim-pemfitnah He is irrelevant..just a ranting old man with a good for nothing wannabe satesman son.
Focus energy on extinguishing Najis, Petai, Musang and his immediate successor goons, Al Blur, Toyol, TajolexMARA and the likes of sonofRustam.
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