We dandies lit some candles and walked…Anti-ISA!
Posted by kasee
Sunday, 28 September 2008 17:57
Yesterday night was quite possibly the largest candlelight vigil ever held so far . We dandies who were there estimated around 3000 people from all walks of life, Malays, Chinese, Indians, who walked the talk with us.
There was a pregnant woman, and a man with one leg. Deep salute to you, macha!
Three of the dandies arrived early, since we were anticipating road blocks, shutdown of LRT and the usual barriers that the authorities would throw us already regular protesters. Surprisingly, other than the usual roundabout manner that the police would direct us walking around Dataran Merdeka, it was really smooth. When the fourth dandy arrived, we gathered together, along with other familiar faces that we knew and walked. We were trailing behind the first group of demonstrators, the police had initially asked them to snuff the candles out and in fact snuffed them out for the demonstrators.
So we moved somewhere else, lit the candles again, and walked from Dataran Merdeka to the Puduraya Bus Station, where the temple was. Along the way, we were surprised at how the traffic flow were halted. I’ve heard of several accounts. Some say it’s the police’s work, and let’s give credit where it’s due. Some say that the organisers from HINDRAF had something to do with it. Either way, while we walked, no demonstrator was harmed or cars obstructed haphazardly. It was very nice and tidy.
Jalan-jalan di malam hari.
As we walked though, what began as roughly 200 or so people walking swelled in numbers. We were joined by other folks who were out with their families, Muslims who finished berbuka and praying Maghrib (though ponteng Terawih), random kids who thought it’d be fun to join in for a good cause as well as curious onlookers and tourists.
R.H.Hickling & Prof Shad would be proud.
The non-Hindus loitered around the parking lot and around the area as part of the demonstrators prayed. We connected with other bloggers, of course, anonymously, and spoke openly about our ideals. Ah, another peaceful demonstrating weekend.
We spotted many PR MPs in the crowd, including this one
Tian Chua with Nat Tan of jelas.info
By the way, didn’t OKT and Semi Value speak against ISA as well? Hmmm, didn’t see them at the vigil…
READ MORE HERE http://thedandelions.wordpress.com/2008/09/28/we-dandies-lit-some-candles-and-walkedanti-isa/
« Molotov CocktailsWe dandies lit some candles and walked…Anti-ISA!
Posted by Cherubim on September 28, 2008
Yesterday night was quite possibly the largest candlelight vigil ever held so far. We dandies who were there estimated around 3000 people from all walks of life, Malays, Chinese, Indians, who walked the talk with us.
There was a pregnant woman, and a man with one leg. Deep salute to you, macha!
Three of the dandies arrived early, since we were anticipating road blocks, shutdown of LRT and the usual barriers that the authorities would throw us already regular protesters. Surprisingly, other than the usual roundabout manner that the police would direct us walking around Dataran Merdeka, it was really smooth. When the fourth dandy arrived, we gathered together, along with other familiar faces that we knew and walked. We were trailing behind the first group of demonstrators, the police had initially asked them to snuff the candles out and in fact snuffed them out for the demonstrators.
So we moved somewhere else, lit the candles again, and walked from Dataran Merdeka to the Puduraya Bus Station, where the temple was. Along the way, we were surprised at how the traffic flow were halted. I’ve heard of several accounts. Some say it’s the police’s work, and let’s give credit where it’s due. Some say that the organisers from HINDRAF had something to do with it. Either way, while we walked, no demonstrator was harmed or cars obstructed haphazardly. It was very nice and tidy.
Jalan-jalan di malam hari.
As we walked though, what began as roughly 200 or so people walking swelled in numbers. We were joined by other folks who were out with their families, Muslims who finished berbuka and praying Maghrib (though ponteng Terawih), random kids who thought it’d be fun to join in for a good cause as well as curious onlookers and tourists.
R.H.Hickling & Prof Shad would be proud.
The non-Hindus loitered around the parking lot and around the area as part of the demonstrators prayed. We connected with other bloggers, of course, anonymously, and spoke openly about our ideals. Ah, another peaceful demonstrating weekend.
We spotted many PR MPs in the crowd, including this one
Tian Chua with Nat Tan of jelas.info
By the way, didn’t OKT and Semi Value speak against ISA as well? Hmmm, didn’t see them at the vigil…
One thing I would like to note though, it seems that the Anti-ISA Vigil was turned into a HINDRAF event. I agreed with my fellow dandies, in such events we should focus on the issue and not the organisers. Still, they did a great job!
The police were also either a) cooperative or b) were overwhelmed by the swelling numbers of demonstrators. It was scary watching them carrying around loaded machine guns. I wish there were more younger policemen though. Pak cik-pak cik polis is not that interesting to watch rather than the younger ones.
Happy Birthday RPK, our hearts, prayers, and spirits are with you always, supporting you in Kamunting.
P.s = Eh, Abang-Abang FRU agak cute lah. Nak ngorat boleh?
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This entry was posted on September 28, 2008 at 12:53 pm and is filed under Cherubim, Current Affairs, Dandelions, Malaysia, Observation, Oscar the Grouch, blogosphere, blogs, ella-mae, government, malaysiakini, the dandelions. Tagged: Anti-ISA, Cherubim, Kamunting, malaysiakini, RPK, vigil. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
10 Responses to “We dandies lit some candles and walked…Anti-ISA!”
wits0 Says:
September 28, 2008 at 1:41 pm
Bravo! The ISA must go! The One Ring to rule all Rings? That cannot be, not here or Middle Earth!
koolgeek Says:
September 28, 2008 at 2:03 pm
RPK would be delighted to find out so many chicks walked for him…
Anti-ISA Says:
September 28, 2008 at 2:44 pm
Standards I set for the Government of the day are pretty high.
Even if there is one suffering citizen, the Government has already failed.
If there are one million suffering citizens, then the Government has failed a million times.
So, exactly how many suffering citizens are there, right now???
So, how many times has the Goverment failed its citizens, while happily pursuing their own self-interests???
Amused Taxpayer Says:
September 28, 2008 at 3:40 pm
You guys really walked your talk! *Salute*
Am so delighted that yesterday turned out to be a success…..
The heavens poured and rained blessing earlier during the day, stopped just in time to ensure a nice cool weather to walk in and the police remembered to behave themselves
ISA must GO!!
Angela Ooi Says:
September 28, 2008 at 4:46 pm
I really encourage more Malaysians to join in such gatherings cos the strong sense of unity and the warm vibes within the throng of people will leave you flushed with good feelings for many hours after. Try it!!
Angela Ooi Says:
September 28, 2008 at 4:49 pm
We had a little one down in Sban City Park at 8pm last night to celebrate Raja Petra’s bday and to plan another do later.
delcapo Says:
September 28, 2008 at 7:51 pm
Managed to post my own vids & pix…
what a nite!
!!! Mansuhkan ISA !!! Bebaskan RPK !!!
abi Says:
September 28, 2008 at 8:57 pm
Congratulations on attending the vigil. Its great that you folks are very supportive of the man who i consider the icon of freedom of speech!
Well done guys!
September 29, 2008 at 1:32 am
Bangsa Kuching Says:
September 29, 2008 at 4:20 am
Though not able to attend the candle light vigils, our prayers and thoughts are with you.
While some credit goes to Hindraf for organising the rally, PKR in enlightening the Malaysians of the ills within the government, I still believe due credit must also be given to our soon to be’outgoing’ PM. If it was not for his ‘liberal’ governance none of this rallies could have been held. Well not at least without some bloodshed.
The irony of it all is I am of the strong opinion that Pak Lah is allowing all these to happen so the Rakyat led by Pakatan Raykat can ‘help’ him clean up our government. He couldn’t go it alone against all the UMNO warlords and crocodiles.
I am still waiting for Tun Dr.M to come out and admit his Kerala roots. Was it his father or his grandfather that was a Malayalee? Could you actually trust someone who is actually ashamed of his roots or origin? Hmmm ‘Never trust a man who cries’, now doesn’t that ring a bell?
Now on the brighter side, China will be pleased with the candle light vigils. After the milk scandal hopefully candles exported to Malaysia will compensate the lost of milk exports. (pun intended)
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