High-stakes poker game or gunfight at the OK Corral?
Posted by Super Admin
Saturday, 06 September 2008 14:53
Today, I received many phone calls from concerned friends who told me that the government is considering detaining me under the Internal Security Act ‘very soon’. If that does happen, then this could probably be the last article I write, at least until 16 September 2008.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Is Anwar Unstoppable?
TODAYonline, 6 September 2008
Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's landslide victory in the Permatang Pauh by-election on August 26 strongly suggests that Malaysians remain in a mood for change five months after a political tsunami swept the country. The writer examines five key questions that may determine the country's future.
Is Anwar Ibrahim unstoppable?
With the big margin he attained in the by-election, it does look as if Barisan Nasional (BN) will have a hard time stopping him. But then, as Anwar himself said, a week is a long time in politics, meaning that nothing is definite.
He is stoppable as a person, but I think what has happened to him is that he has become the focus of a lot of hope for Malaysians disillusioned with the BN system. Because he is a wily politician — or a chameleon, as critics like to say — he has been able to remake himself in the image of the reform movement that his arrest 10 years ago inspired and that developed more intensely than he could have expected. That movement has aligned itself with other oppositional forces and that new combined force now places him as its front man. In turn, he has become indispensable to that force.
Understood that way, Anwar does look unstoppable. The long-term way BN and the United Malays National Organisation (Umno) can take the wind out of his sail is to reform themselves radically, and in the process, change Malaysian politics to the extent that the polarised situation that makes someone such as Anwar so iconic disappear, or weaken. As long as BN refuses to change, the situation that created the strong opposition that adopts Anwar as its front man will continue.
His court case relating to a sodomy charge, starting on September 10, is a big worry for the opposition. A lot of resources will be focused on defending Anwar, and on weakening the prosecution's case, including proving that the charge against him is politically motivated.
What is Mr Abdullah's future?
History will perceive Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as the accidental politician and will forgive him for many of his failures because of that. But for the moment, many Malaysians on both sides are simply exasperated by his weak leadership and his inability to adapt to changes. No one mistakes his reticence for astuteness any longer.
His time is up. He has to realise how critical reforms actually are to the future of the country.
If Anwar's attempt at toppling the government does not materialise, then the attention will turn to Umno's general assembly in December. Many Umno leaders are not willing to allow Abdullah to bide his time while they run the risk of being sidelined forever. One goes into politics to gain power, and if the power pyramid that one is part of is sinking, then at some point, one decides that it is every man for himself.
What about Umno's future?
One day quite soon, Malaysians will learn to see political coalitions as temporary solutions to imbalances in power, and not as monolithic and eternal beings that become a goal in themselves. There are no permanent allies and no permanent enemies.
It will be nearly impossible for Umno to regain its former glory. That glory depended on the BN model. Today, it is like the Kuomintang of Taiwan in the '80s. It must go through a radical change, and to do that, it may have to leave the seat of power for a while. Its members have to realise that Malaysia's wellbeing is not necessarily Umno's wellbeing.
Even if the party loses power, it can return, but in a new shape and in new alliances. The worst-case scenario is that Umno may go the way of the Communist Party in Yugoslavia and disappear. The fear then is that the country will disintegrate along with it. The best-case scenario is that politics in Malaysia will mature to the extent that political opponents no longer wish destruction on each other.
Losing will not be everything; winning will not be everything.
From now to September 16 and December, what are the signs to look for?
Abdullah presented his budget on August 29 and Parliament is now in recess until the fasting month of Ramadan is over. In the meantime, we have Wednesday to watch, when Anwar goes on trial. Should the sodomy charge be dropped, then BN admits that its tactic has backfired and it withdraws to fight another day. Should it stick, Anwar's camp will try its best to keep him out of jail.
Given how Anwar was treated the last time he was in detention, his closest supporters fear that some serious harm will come to him while in jail.
September 16 is the day to watch — Malaysia Day, the day 45 years ago when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined the federation. Anwar chose that day as a day of reckoning because it is very symbolic to the East Malaysians who feel let down by the federal government. He promises them a better deal, a simple enough strategy.
Even if Anwar cannot convince 30 BN Members of Parliament (MPs) to cross over to his side, he is expected to mark that day in a dramatic fashion. What he could do is perhaps to get some defectors to announce their intention publicly on September 16, and then hope for a snowball effect from there. He could also announce a defection by Umno MPs. Should nine of them defect, it would mean that Umno loses its majority within the ruling BN coalition. A bigger scoop would be to get a whole party to defect, threatening the existence of BN itself.
Also important to watch will be the Umno's division elections next month. What support Abdullah still has will become clearer from that. The main challenger to Abdullah within Umno, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, will also be gauging his own strength during that time.
If Anwar were to be Prime Minister, what kind of leader would he be?
His rhetoric seems to echo the wishes of a large segment of the Malaysian population at the moment, and that segment will be dictating what kind of PM he will be. Malaysia is suffering from a leadership problem at the moment, and many are putting a lot of hope in him.
Anwar has to balance the aims of the parties in his coalition, and we will see compromises being made. That is the reality in Malaysia. But I think a culture of dialogue will be developed under his watch and that will be a great achievement indeed. I think at least that can be accomplished by him.
Anwar can be expected to use a global economic focus to expedite institutional changes and minimise differences in the agendas of various parties. There is a lot of room for change, and with the political support he seems to enjoy, he should be able to do a good job. I think the new democratic atmosphere in Malaysia will see to that.
The writer is a fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. He is the author of Lost in Transition: Malaysia under Abdullah and The Reluctant Politician: Tun Dr Ismail and His Time.
16 September 2008. That is Malaysia Day. That is also the day Anwar Ibrahim is supposed to take over the government. Today, some well-known personalities are joining Parti Keadilan Rakyat. From thereon, more are expected to follow, culminating in the final exodus of Barisan Nasional Members of Parliament.
Stay tuned for the announcements to follow.
Many just can’t believe that Anwar will really take over on 16 September 2008. Some just wish it were true. Some say it’s too good to be true. Others say Anwar is just playing poker. The sceptics say Anwar is laying the ground for a self-fulfilling prophecy. What is foremost in everyone’s mind is: is Anwar playing a high-stakes poker game or will this be a gunfight at the OK Corral?
At this point of time, Anwar can no longer just play poker. No one asked him to take over the government. No one set 16 September 2008 as the deadline. This was entirely Anwar’s own choice with no pressure or cohesion whatsoever on anyone’s part. It was Anwar who ‘volunteered’ the entire exercise. No one forced him into the situation.
Taking all this into consideration, there is no way Anwar can renege on his ‘promise’. To do so would result in a serious erosion of credibility. If Anwar fails to deliver his 16 September 2008 promise, he might as well disappear from the scene. If 16 September 2008 comes and goes as a non-event, Anwar too will become a non-event and will have to throw in the towel and call it quits.
Anwar is no novice. He is not an amateur politician. He is as seasoned as they come. And no seasoned politician like Anwar will commit Hara Kiri. And Hara Kiri it will be if Anwar turns around on 16 September 2008 and say, “I was just joking lah.”
So my money is on 16 September 2008 happening. Not happening would mean the death knell of Anwar Ibrahim. And Anwar is not ready to die just yet. If Anwar fails to deliver, that would trigger the beginning of the end for Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Parti Gerakan Rakyat is on the verge of leaving the ruling coalition. No, it is not going to join Pakatan Rakyat. It is going to remain as an ‘independent’ party. And from there it is going to re-build its lost fortunes and revert to what it used to be when it was first launched 40 years ago in 1968.
Gerakan is going to be a most attractive party once it leaves Barisan Nasional and it launches its ‘remaking’ exercise. Hell, even I might get attracted to it once it transforms into what it started out in 1968. Gerakan will of course need to attract not only many professionals but from amongst all the races as well. And if Anwar falls short on 16 September 2008, Gerakan will be there with open arms to receive all the disappointed ex-Anwaristas who no longer have any confidence that Anwar is true to his word.
So, the stakes are too high not to succeed. This is not a game. It is not even a high-stakes poker game. It is a fight to the finish. It is a winner-takes-all situation. It is a last-man-standing duel. It is a gunfight at the OK Corral. And only one walks away from such a fight. And that one will be Anwar. My money is on that happening. Hell, my freedom is on that as well.
Today, I received many phone calls from concerned friends who told me that the government is considering detaining me under the Internal Security Act ‘very soon’. If that does happen, then this could probably be the last article I write, at least until 16 September 2008. So I too need Anwar to succeed. If not I will be in Kamunting for quite some time to come and you will not hear from me over the next couple of years.
Yes, I too have placed, not only my money, but also my freedom on Anwar. And if Anwar fails to deliver his promise on 16 September 2008, not only he but I as well am headed for a fall. But I have confidence he will do it. And I have confidence that my stay in Kamunting will not be for two years but for a mere two weeks.
But if I am wrong…..well, then see you maybe in six or seven years time, because for sure Najib Tun Razak will not release me in 2010 when he becomes Prime Minister. What he would do, instead, would be to rollover my two-year detention another two years, and another two years, and another two years, until I am too old to think and write anymore.
Till we meet again, if we do meet again, take care and keep the flame burning. There is still a long fight ahead of us in bringing reforms to this beloved country of ours.
Comments (149)
written by malsia1206, September 06, 2008 15:05:22
If you go to Kamunting, we shall rally with the combined forces of Bersih, Lawyers' march, Hindraf and the strength of Permatang Pauh to force the exit of the Barisan Government. Thailand would pale by comparison. God or Allah is our witness.
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written by loosecannon, September 06, 2008 15:10:58
RPK, I hope for your sake and also ours, Anwar will be able to achieve his objective of becoming the PM. He has to otherwise our country will sink into a cesspool. May the good Lord be with us.
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written by Sudahlah tu, September 06, 2008 15:15:26
Ini bukan pasal ISA ..YM RPK
Kita harus berterima kasih kepada anda yang telah memberi satu keyakinan baru ,nafas baru dan hasrat termulia tentang kebangkitan hak kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia.
ISA cuma merupakan alat UMNO selama ini untuk melumpuhkan mereka2 yang berani mencabar kedudukan mereka sebagai kerajaan.
UMNO tidak boleh diruntuh daripada kuasa luar .... itu merupakan satu hakikat dunia politik.
Dengan adanya KJ yang telah 'mencabul' kebanyakan peluang2 'lubuk2 emas' generasi muda UMNO .... mereka yang 'terasa' akan memberi saingan dalaman untuk mencari kekayaan.
UMNO cuma minat kekayaan serta kuasa ..mereka bagaikan 'mat salleh' zaman dulu di Tanah Melayu yang cuma inginkan kehidupan senang dan bergaya.
Allah yang Maha Berkuasa akan menentukan arah haluan Malaysia ...
UMNO akan dirobohkan oleh generasi muda UMNO ....................
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written by magickriver, September 06, 2008 15:18:44
Once again, THANK YOU, Pete, for accepting your destiny at this crucial juncture and serving the nation as a living emblem of courage in the face of adversity. Your brave actions have hugely emboldened the rakyat. To inspire others to greatness is the greatest gift one can bestow upon others. Like you, I'm putting my entire mind, body and soul on the tsunami of change that has remade the political landscape seemingly overnight - and transformed Anwar into the icon of
hope for millions of us. I know in my bones that Anwar can - and will - pull it off. Watching him closely at ceramahs over the past 9 months, I can see that his entire being is committed to fulfilling the glorious and noble destiny for which he was born, as a beloved, admired, and respected leader of a rejuvenated, democratic, free and just Malaysia. In exactly 10 days we shall be liberated from the foul utterances of the robotic, reptilian predators that have fattened themselves over past decades on the corrupt spoils of the NEP. Overaged hooligans like Ahmad Ismail, Syed Hamid Albar, Khir Toyo, and Khairy Jamaluddin will either have to leave the country, open a laundry or bakery business like Shahrir Samad and Mahathir Mohamad, or do some serious soul-searching in Sungai Buloh prison.
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written by MalaysiaBaru, September 06, 2008 15:19:10
Behold! The End of UMNO & Barisan Najis
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written by Raizzen, September 06, 2008 15:19:21
Godspeed RPK. May God be with us all.
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written by Melly, September 06, 2008 15:20:54
'There is still a long fight ahead of us in bringing reforms to this beloved country of ours.' And to that I say Amin or Amen, whichever is your religious persuasion maybe. May Allah bless you & family.
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written by Sudahlah tu, September 06, 2008 15:21:26
si botak pulak .... kesianlah ........
terpaksa cakap besar ...salah ambil kerusi kementerian ..
kebiasaannya... mereka yang berjawat kerusi ini dan melakukan kezaliman .......tanpa mengikut perlembagaan sebenar ..akan menerima hukuman teruk di penghujung jalannya ...
si gemuk sebelum ini pun sudah takut akan sumpah maut kalau mencabar ..
MJ dulu ..bukan main kuat ...lagi .. akhirnya pergi dengan segala kesengsaraan penyakit yang cukup menyiksa diri ..
YM RPK ... kalau diISAkan ... si botak juga akan menerima balasan sedemikian ..
sebab ..mencabar kebenaran Allah yang dikurniakan kepada semua hamba2NYA adalah kesalahan yang paling besar ..
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written by Kyle, September 06, 2008 15:24:38
It's about time the Rakyat shout
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written by June, September 06, 2008 15:28:11
This Article made me in tears. Pete, you will not detained by ISA. September 16 will happen. Just wait and see.
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written by chin, September 06, 2008 15:28:48
Dear Raja Petra,
You have made a lasting connection with every fair minded Malaysian. And these same fair minded Malaysian will not desert you.
I promise I will join every demonstration to free you.
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written by teo siew chin, September 06, 2008 15:36:38
Dear Yang Mulia Raja Petra
This is just about the saddest article from you!
Again, your freedom is compromised in your fight for a better nation for us.
How many of us deserve your sacrifices?
How many of us claim to stand by you provided we have a paper-bag over our heads?
The time of reckoning is here!
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written by Mr Smith, September 06, 2008 15:37:56
Hope this is not your eulogy.
There are millions of us counting the minutes for Anwar to take over the government. It is not only your freedom but our as well - freedom from oppression, abuse, corruption and UMNO Dominance.
Please don't use the word 'if'. There shouldn't be any 'ifs' or we are doomed. Not only you and Anwar but the nation and our children.
We are looking upon Anwar as our Saviour - a Messiah to free this nation. May God Bless Him and help him along.
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written by gogsard, September 06, 2008 15:38:37
RPK I pray that they wont throw you into ISA. And I believe the rakyat will do something to keep you out.
But if it happen, Im taking this opportunity to thank you and your family for everything that you have done. You not just open cans of worms, but you open million Malaysian mind. You consistently keep reminding us. I respect your courage. You earn my highest respect. You have my standing ovation. You are now in the history books. If they do not put you in the history books, I will tell my childrens and my grand children about this honorable bugis hero.
Take care my friend.
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written by sjs, September 06, 2008 15:42:17
Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the defender of true Islamic faith, the hallmark of freedom and justice of Malaysia!
You have carried with you the aspirations and dreams of millions of your fellow countrymen! Whatever form of injustice the enemies will use to imprison your mind, will not succeed, for the prayers of millions of your countrymen are devoted upon you today!
You are one and only one who always makes the majority!
To the enemies of this nation! This time you have miscalculated! And miscalculated badly!
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written by Dominic, September 06, 2008 15:43:25
If I were You, I would go and hide and keep writing all your article. What use when you are easily found and kept silent?? Be a Mat Kilau....lots of Malaysian would gladly open their house for you to spend a few nights and keep moving. Don't be arrogant. Be Wily Fox and dodge the crooks. Do it now and do it soon. Let Malaysian wonder where you are yet able to keep writing. No one ask you to be hero to be easily found. We want you to be a PRICK to the whole UMNO-BN whatever it takes stay in power ideology. So does that mean Anwar is also in Danger??
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written by SBennit, September 06, 2008 15:48:33
hiyah RPK.......dont write like this laa....
....maybe Musa will do a suddent turn around and arrest Najib??
sbennit@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
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written by avj, September 06, 2008 15:49:01
Only a fool will stick his head out if he is not sure of the outcome.I don't think you are a fool.Just like you two thirds of Malaysians are waiting for the change.
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written by varvoom, September 06, 2008 15:49:29
The force is in you, from all the jedi knights of the world! peace up our whiteknight hero!
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written by SocratesI, September 06, 2008 15:49:31
Keep the flame burning ?? Certainly, Pete, and we shall take it along and do to Kamunting what the French did to the Bastille, BRING IT TO THE GROUND !
After 51 years, it is HIGH TIME (not high noon) for RENAISSANCE in Malaysia to take place ! Let us march to Kamunting, and bring it to the ground, thus SYMBOLICALLY burying the ISA in the RUBBLE !!
Oh ... and by the way ... burying SHIT Hamid ALL-BLUR there is not such a bad idea, either !!
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written by SamSan, September 06, 2008 15:49:48
I believe in the powerful prayers of our beloved Ghandhi of Malaysia,Tuan Guru Nik Aziz. So brother RPK, just believe in the powers of Allah and leave it to Tuan Guru Nik Aziz to communicate to Allah on behalf of all the innocent, truth and justice seeking Malaysians.
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written by johanssm, September 06, 2008 15:49:58
First saifool said pain in his ass , then saifool said sodomy , then saifool said plastic shoved up in his ass and later on saifool swore by making wrong date.
First they made RPK a bankrupt , then they charges RPK with sedition later they blocks MT and latest they wanna charge RPK with blasphemy and now Shit AlBlur wanna use ISA.....see how desperate umno' people now?
First they said Anwar in no longer relevance , later they said PKR is already written OFF , bodowi purposely picked March 8th leaving Anwar behind ,then they use sodomy , and polis uses SWAT team to escort Anwar ,SPR purposely picked a Tuesday for Permatang Pauh then saifool went to a mosque,later najis also went to a mosque then out of the blues...fuel price reduction and now they wanna sent all the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak to overseas before 16th Sept.And now bodowi hinting more fuel price reduction. So far readers gets the drift?
So this Shit AlBlur wanna use ISA on RPK while keeping mum on Ahmad.
Was what was written by RPK so dangerous? While what was uttered by Ahmad was completely harmless?
Now , who is this Ahmad who became so nasty all of the sudden.
Do be aware that Ahmad cannot pull such a stunt alone on solo.
he have some backings from someone along the corridors of power.
And this time it is ain't najis son of a razak.
Najis have to issue out the apology as he was there with ahmad and he is a witness.Although najis is NOT qualified to say sorry. As najis is a racist as well.
Pete, don't go yet.You have to expose those bitches who supported ahmad from the back.
kesian itu koh tsu koon, buka mulut saja sudah kena left and right.
Serves you right Gerakan, told ya to leave...but...loyal dogs will be loyal dogs.
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written by Kuku Burung, September 06, 2008 15:51:20
If Anwar cannot meet his promise, it is not only RPK in Kamunting, we and our future will be in "Kamunting". Our children will be slaves to UMNO/BN. If you are Muslim, pray to Allah Almighty; if you are Christian, pray to Jesus; if you are Buddhist, pray to Buddha, the enlightened; if you are Hindu, pray to Hindu Gods... pray for the star of Anwar to rise on 16 September.
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written by Kaneeneh, September 06, 2008 15:51:38
UMNO is a gangrene foot that needs to be chopped off to save the body.
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written by K W Waran, September 06, 2008 15:53:28
Dearest Bro' YM RPK,
You will never to be alone. My overheated comment on that Al-Blur article by Bro' Din might just qualify me to join ranks with you.
So, I am betting my last dime on YB DSAI to helm the Government by 16th september 2008, too.
Having said that, personally I am even prepared to face a situation where he ultimately helms the government much later than the stipulated 16th September date.
With the desperate dawgs desperately planning for the BN MPs' to take flight, my take would be for those MPs' to go for that Field Trip with ear-plugs and binoculars in tow and come back rejuvenated. Then one by one or together just walk onto the Red Carpet of the PR that is waiting for you. Do don't need to "jump' per say.
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written by colorsinlife, September 06, 2008 15:55:02
Hi Pete,
I felt so sad to read this.
I was wondering if you read this,
You have been saying this and that, and much info was presented....
Can you write us readers something ....
What would you like to do if you were DYMM ...?
Of cours, you cannot be the King, BUT It seems the King is keeping quiet, if you write, maybe some people can advise the King..
What would you like to do if you were the PM of Malaysia ...?
Well you will not be PM, but we make sure if Anwar becomes PM, we make sure your wishes will be assimilated in the the PR Govt..
What would you like to do if you were the Home Minister of Malaysia ...?
In charge of ACA and Law and Justice and Islamic Department....
What would be done for the following people ...
Syed Ahmad
Gani Patial
Musa Hasan
UMNO ...
Your deepest thoughts in your heart and brain are highly sought after ...in this dissipated country of Malaysia ....
It is raing very heavily non-stop in Penang,
Maybe God is grieve, maybe the angels are crying for you ....
We are sad for you ...
BUT we salute you for your bravery .....
You have done more than what 20 million Malays done over the last 51 years.
You have said more than what 10 million Chinese say over the last 51 years.
Maybe you should be Knighted as Sir RPK by the Quuen ....one day
May truth and Fear of God be you everlasting Guide
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written by lobster, September 06, 2008 15:56:14
RPK, if the effect brought about by the banning of Malaysia Today is of any indication, arresting you through ISA will be the single biggest mistake made by the government.
Well, they are stupid, I admit. But we will make sure they realize how stupid they are if that happens.
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written by Colomboloner, September 06, 2008 16:02:01
"" Till we meet again, if we do meet again, take care and keep the flame burning....""
owww..that's very very sad note. Shall we allow that to happen? Could't imagine MT without RPK.. Pray GOD September 16 event would be materialized!!!
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written by sjs, September 06, 2008 16:02:45
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God!
JOHN BRADSHAW, inscription on his tombstone
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written by coolmint308, September 06, 2008 16:09:18
I write with tears in my eyes, but i also know that The Lord is with you, turning the mourning into joy, and darkness into light. It is time like this that you stay strong and be at rest, and I pray that The Almighty God keeps you and your family, in peace and in divine protection. Liberty and hope shall come with Sep 16, and many shall be set free from human wickedness. Thank you and all for your contribution. May His will be done. To God be the glory!
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written by SaveUsFromBN, September 06, 2008 16:09:59
RPK under ISA?
Dun worry Pete, it won't happen.
The days of BN and their running dogs are over. There is apparently no one who know what is happening nor whom is calling the shots. The country is running on auto-pilot.
The time has come for Anwar to land this plan and fire the useless pilots.
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written by joelle23, September 06, 2008 16:12:06
Dearest YM RPK....
Our love, care, gratitude and prayers are with you and your family always. you embody the true spirit of a Malaysian, and also that of a human being. God is on your side, dear sir. we malaysians wait with bated breath over this next days. i call upon my malay, chinese, indians, sabahans, sarawakians, punjabis brothers and sisters and evryone who loves malaysia to stay united,and to make sure our dream, which is so aligned with those of RPK's become a reality. this is the time, and together we will make it work. God blees you, YM....annd i know for a fact He's already doing it.
lots of love and support,
Joel, Penang...
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written by Anti Jihadist, September 06, 2008 16:16:05
If there is a God, I hope He is listening to all of this. RPK is just too good a guy to rot in the gulag for the rest of his life. His family and the country need him.
RPK, if you are reading this, maybe you should now seriously consider the idea of leaving the country, if only temporarily. I sincerely think that it's the lesser of the two evils for you to be in what amounts to an overseas exile than for you to be in a Malaysian prison. Even if you're in London (home of many storied exiles and exiled governments over the years), you can still lead the fight by writing, speaking, and lending your powerful persona to the struggle.
I know what RPK's answer would be to my plea, were he to answer it. RPK doesn't run.
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written by mezan, September 06, 2008 16:21:19
While a lot of other websites and blogs have played their part in voicing reform and democracy post-98 era, non have ever come close to Malaysia Today and RPK in enlighting us towards better Malaysia.
I hope and pray that this will not be RPK's eulogy.
Godspeed; and viva RPK. Viva Pakatan Rakyat. Viva Malaysia.
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written by Rozlan, September 06, 2008 16:24:13
It will be OK Coral gunfight all right..The Earp Brothers and Doc Holiday vs the cowboys gang...Those who win will come out alive..Anyway guys did you noticed Najib and Paklah look shrivelled and disoriented for the last few days/It seem they are truly worried,,
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written by fergie, September 06, 2008 16:24:53
If there is a God (I sometimes doubt) , I don't think He let anything bad befall you, RPK. All the good you have done for your fellow brothers and sisters will not be in vain. I know your inner strength and the great support you have from your wife, family and friends. Let the evil-doers continue paving their path to HELL!! They shud be purifying their souls this fasting month but see what they are doing? How DARE these hypocrites call you anti-Islam!
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written by temenggong, September 06, 2008 16:25:37
Let us meet and work out a contingency plan!
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written by haQ, September 06, 2008 16:30:39
My Dearest RPK a.k.a Botak !!
I'm sad while reading this article. This is different and this article touched my heart.
Everyone keeps the big hope to Anwar, especially you. I've been with Malaysia Today for so long and if you will be detained under the ISA act, then, I should say I will miss your writing, purposely not because if you have good facts,it's the way you make the story interesting.
However, RPK, we do hope for a changes and hope that the new government can be a clean without rasuah. This is the focus that PKR should stresses out. Our hope to see Barisan Nasional who wasted our tax payer monies been buried deeply.
I'm afraid that the Sept 16 will be a turning point for the PKR to lost confidence as we all knows, Pak Lah plays different strategies to keep him in Power and Money. The newest is the "Lawatan Sambil Belajar" which proved to us that Pak lah is somehow retarded. He is losing the plot now and yet still wasting our taxpayer monies.
To Pak Lah, Najis Najib, and all fellows in UMNO, wake up !! For all this while since Che Det took over the country, I might say that corruption was worsted. If we all can learn and appreciate our ancestors who fought hard to taste the sweetness of Independence, we surely don't waste anything now.
Come UMNO join PKR might as well with PAS. We can unite and be the strongest party without corruption. A country without corruption will achieve the sky in no time.
RPK, take care of your good health. Don't worry son, you will be in the ISA for only 2 weeks. But have to puasa also in there. Don't give up in the good mood. Who knows maybe Anwar hand pick you to be the minister of information.
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written by FFT, September 06, 2008 16:33:25
written by SBennit, September 06, 2008 | 15:48:33
....maybe Musa will do a suddent turn around and arrest Najib??
Oh, in that case I better get my umbrella reinforced to withstand pig droppings falling from above.
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written by DezMalaysia, September 06, 2008 16:36:09
Woh Ho HO ! Don't worry YM RPK ! If you and DSAI are send Kamunting, I believe Malaysia will come out in mass demo the ala Thai way ! Seize & camp in Putrajaya by force and throw rotten eggs & filthy stuffs at Bodohwi & Najis !
Ham Kar Chan BN !
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written by FFT, September 06, 2008 16:39:51
This is why we should retain the ISA for a brief period when Pakatan takes over power. Payback.
But also to extract information from top UMNO and BN goons on where the stolen money of the people has been stashed. I will gladly volunteer to administer some torture. We can start with Che Det.
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written by Mangan, September 06, 2008 16:40:44
If that’s the case RPK, you should seal this article of yours with a kiss…
“Though we gotta say goodbye… for the slumber…
Pak Lah, I’m telling you this!
I’ll send you all my love – everyday in an article…
Sealed with a kiss…“
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written by zeff, September 06, 2008 16:50:41
rpk. u are like the hero in V for Vendetta except youre without a mask. If you go to ISA and ppl make riot i would definitely join although im still 17. Long Live RPK!!!
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written by raven1958, September 06, 2008 17:03:27
Sentimental as it may sound.....logic must prevail....if Anwar fails and RPK is in under the ISA......do the people in this country have it in them to rise against the tide and take it to the streets much like the Thais......till this corrupt government is chased out......
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written by HHKim, September 06, 2008 17:05:32
Testing - always failed to register.
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written by ez24get, September 06, 2008 17:06:55
March 8, 2008!
As far as UMNO is concerned, this is the date where it lost 5 states to the opposition. As far as it is concerned n its wishful thinking, this is only a temporary setback as Malaysians will soon flock back to its fold. What UMNO don’t realise the biggest implication of March 8 is that it represents an imaginary line – THE LINE OF NO RETURN!
When UMNO continue to frustrate the Rakyat and crosses over this line, there will be no returning of the Rakyat to the folds of UMNO. The umbilical cord ties with UMNO will be severed. UMNO will be no more in the hearts of the Rakyat ....it will be finished!
This means that if Anwar is thrown into jail, the Rakyat will support Wan Azizah. If Anwar and Wan Azizah are both thrown into jail, the Rakyat will support their daughter, Nurul Izzah. If the whole family is thrown into jail, the Rakyat will rise up and support PR! But the Rakyat will never support UMNO and BN. In their hearts, UMNO is no more! So there is little point in incarcerating Anwar as it will make no difference. At that point, UMNO has to incarcerate the minds and hearts of every Rakyat if it wants to remain in power which it can’t!
After the big message sent by the Rakyat on March 8, UMNO has not shown a wee bit remorseful or repent but instead stepped up racial politics to even greater heights by dividing the peace loving Malaysians, uttering racial slurs and continue its ways of wastages and corruption. UMNO’s bad attitude hasn’t changed at all! As far as the Rakyat is concerned, UMNO has far crossed the line of no return when UMNO continues to taunt the Rakyat with the following actions:
-Perak UMNO state assemblywoman Hamidah Osman made a racist remark against the Indian community. Another involved a government school teacher who used racial slurs on her Indian pupils.
-UMNO division chief, Ahmad Ismail, calling the Chinese “squatters” and “as the Chinese were only immigrants it was impossible to achieve equal rights amongst races” at a ceramah during the Permatang Pauh by-election. The fact that Ahmad has refused to apologise when facing the wrath of the Chinese community showed how recalcitrant, arrogant and insensitive UMNO is to a multiracial society.
-Storming of the Bar Council forum discussing problematic issues on Islam conversion.
-Objecting to inter-faith conferences.
-Holding of discussion UMNO leaders with PAS on Malay power sharing without consulting and side lining the other BN component parties.
-Increasing the prices of petrol and diesel by over 40% and 60%
respectively without even considering the plight of those not well-to-do Malaysians and its rippling inflationary and dampening effect on the entire economy.
-Curtailing freedom of expression by attempting ban a website that is providing alternative view to the tightly controlled MSM.
-Continuing its ways of arrogance, wastages and corruption. Terengganu MB replacing its entire fleet of Perdana with 14 Mercedes E200 Kompressor cars at RM3.43mil, raising 9 male cows for RM3.19 million, etc, at a time when the Raykat is finding it difficult to survive with the runaway inflation and increasing cost of living.
-Making Malaysia a police state going after the messenger rather than the message and cracking down violently on rallies, individuals and forums.
-Continuing enforcement of outdated and repressive laws like CMA, PPPA, Sedition Act, ISA, OSA and other media-related laws and more recently, the bulldozing of the DNA Bill in Parliament.
The harder UMNO resists the Rakyat like using the judiciary, police, ACA, MSM for its own nefarious ends, curtailing the freedom of the Rakyat to rally peacefully and express their opinions and the blocking of websites reneging on agreed agreements will be met with like forces – hastening the death of UMNO!
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written by tmf, September 06, 2008 17:08:13
Draconian law must not be used against a good ombudsman.
No, ISA should not be used against RPK.
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written by delCapo, September 06, 2008 17:08:26
RPK.. if ISA indeed happens, & 916 fails by DSAI... i shall be the first to offer to contiue writing & fight for your struggle...
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written by Traveller2020, September 06, 2008 17:09:31
Pete...like Liverpool...you will never ,never, never walk alone.
Stay the course...and we will rock Malaysia.We did that on March 8 and August 26..we gave new meaning to Malaysia Today being reborn.Hey...that was not bad...nothing ..nothing can stop us now.
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written by salsabarney, September 06, 2008 17:10:14
here is something about this article that really moved me.
I don't know how to describe..but when I scrolled down the comments, I found many agreed with me.
RPK, u r truly a national hero.Your fearless and relentless struggle to expose the many scandals of the govt will not be in vain.
If you were sent to Kamunting, the rakyat will rise to unprecendented proportions to bring BN to its knees.
I pray to God that Sept 16 will be realised. I am sure many others are doing the same. The countdown starts 10 days to go
to a new Malaysia
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written by Nyghtsky, September 06, 2008 17:10:56
RPK, stay true and stay strong. You have been an inspiration to all Malaysians and have breach the racial divide like no Malaysian before you.
Because of you, I too preach Ketuanan Rakyat to all. I advice all my non-muslim relatives not to fear Muslims and even Pas, but to embrassed them as brothers as Bangsa Malaysia. For it was you that have truly open our eyes to the truth behind those who falsely claim to defend our racial rights but are truly the traitors of our race.
Rest assured, RPK. We will not go silently into the night without a fight!
I m 100
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written by madtrix, September 06, 2008 17:14:40
Like you, I too believe what DSAI said and I'm waiting in anticipation for THE-DAY, not only as the day of hope for all of Malaysia but also a day that will free you from all your troubles that befallen you in your labour of love for your negara.
Thanks Pete!
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written by Huador, September 06, 2008 17:18:36
Dear RPK, Of all the articles you have written, I notice this article is rather mild and in a sad tone. I cant tell you why, but I notice you could foresee that ISA is really going to shut you down and you are also not as able to fight it alone anymore. Maybe, when you are depending on Anwar for your freedom made me think this way. You are anak Raja Bugis and how come you must put your hope on Anwar. This is very unusual RPK.
I hope it will nothing bad will happen to you. Otherwise millions MT readers will be bored to death reading the local newspaper while you are sleeping in Kamunting. Come on Anak Raja Bugis biar mati keris di tangan dari menyerah. Long Live RPK.
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written by HHKim, September 06, 2008 17:18:54
This is another tactic by BN to silence RPK from championing the rights and justice for Malaysians. This is the most unfair, unethical and unjust practice by the BN chaps. Malaysians must galvanize our forces together and be united against this evil machinery to further abuse the people in Malaysia!!
I am taking this opportunity to urge all Malaysians to be prepared should this happen to RPK, that is, we will need a great movement and protest rally to stop and prevent this action by the BN. They must be stopped from very blatantly abusing their power.
I personally have faith that the 916 by Anwar will happen, and happen soon for the nation's sake. The country has gone down under, deep into the dark hole of inhumanity.
Quote from Gerard Ford,
" You Don't Drown Because You Fall Into Cold Water,
You Drown Because You Choose To Stay There ".
Therefore, Malaysians, we need to be united at this moment to fight this biggest menace in our life time!!
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written by TwilightYears, September 06, 2008 17:23:21
I felt like crying after reading your article and if the govt use ISA ON YOU I felt that supporting or even thinking of BN will be greatest crime that I would have committed to humanity; but I also felt a surge of renewal in my spirit to have a man like you in the midst of all the mud and corruption. The Buddhist liken such personality to a lotus that emerges from the mud untainted by the evils of mankind.
You know the probable reaction by the BN to you by the use of available legal and non legal means which would also means that you and your family would suffer; and yet you have laboured on fearlessly. The tears of realising the sacrifices that you made would perhaps bring some inner joy to the spirit in human - that godly, divine light that shines out of darkness that dispels ignorance and forever wipe out corruption, injustice and cruelty.
La illaha illah, la illah illa Huwa. May Allah bless and protect you all ways and always.
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written by Richy, September 06, 2008 17:26:03
How could you excuse yourself that soon, RPK? Not yet. You still have some unfinished business for now. REMEMBER "LET US SIGN THE PETITION NOW", we have over 20,000 signatures and why not attain 50,000 signatures as you and others aspired.
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written by Fatcat, September 06, 2008 17:29:58
YM RPK, You have my 110% support. You have done what no one else can and the rakyat will be behind you no matter what. Hidup RPK.
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written by cksgary, September 06, 2008 17:37:10
Since you have said this yourself, what else can we say? Good Luck Pete.
Long Live Malaysia and Malaysian.
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written by Kathy, September 06, 2008 17:40:34
Isn't it ironical that the ISA, a legacy from the Brits, is now used to cripple democracy, a principle championed by the Brits.
Don't worry, RPK, people power will come to your rescue and Anwar's should you be detained under ISA, and should the charge against Anwar stick. If there is a god, please smile upon the people of Malaysia now in their hour of need.
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written by PRman, September 06, 2008 17:40:54
We will stand by RPK!!!!
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written by budakindia, September 06, 2008 17:44:40
No worries Pete, you're always in our prayers! Quoting from V for Vendetta, "Ideas are bulletproof!"
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written by lamakawan, September 06, 2008 17:46:27
Do not worry too much Pete. It is not easy to put you under ISA. We are a democratic country and BN has to be doubly sure of any negative repurcussions arising from this ISA . Time has changed since the days of Operation Lallang in the eighties. No doubt in Malaysia Bolehland Murphy's Law can always raise its ugly head.......... " Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong."
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written by PAKRAK, September 06, 2008 17:50:29
The BN government is doing all sorts of ways to block and prevent 916 to happen. Leave it in the good hands of DSAI and hope for the best. Insyallah.
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written by lamakawan, September 06, 2008 17:54:44
I hate to think of the day that you will be under ISA. Life in surfing the internet will never be the same. I must tell you that my purpose of logging in is first to get to your bookmarked MalaysiaToday. If I can't log in, then next it will be Malaysiakini. Otherwise I will tune in to CNN for the world breaking news. Your website is my fodder on the internet. and I am sure it is also fodder to thousands of right thinking Malaysians who are fed up and disheartened of our BN government.
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written by Lim Lim, September 06, 2008 17:55:07
pete,many sure would keep the 'flame' burning...we would do it at the kopitiam,we would do it at the warong,we would do it at the office,we would do it at the cafeteria,market,pasar malam,hoker centre,pub....we would do it every where...by hook or by crook,we would do it!!!
we would do it much more,much more vigorously if the umno goons send u to kemunting!!!!
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written by IbnAbdHalim, September 06, 2008 18:06:50
Salam Pete,
Let's pray for 916. We're with you.
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written by viveg, September 06, 2008 18:08:27
Dear RPK,
It really takes nerves of steel to be so calm and composed while the forces of evil are pulling all their resources to stop you. They fear the truth and you stand as a lone beacon of truth for all Malaysians. We are with you.
To all Malaysians, please pray that no harm will come to RPK. The power of prayers from 27 million Malaysians will not go to waste. many of us prayed that Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim will win in Permatang Pauh and he did. Now we must pray for RPK's safety. Year please pray for the safety of the man who opened our mind and eyes.
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written by BennyG, September 06, 2008 18:24:15
First UMNO think that religion will help them against Anwar but majority of the muslims are not blind to UMNO's religion.
Now UMNO think that religion will help them against RPK. This time UMNO will unite Malaysians to go against UMNO's religion.
Long live RPK! Without you, there will not be a better Malaysia.
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written by Msian 2, September 06, 2008 18:34:52
RPK -- my family stand by U. The crooks will not take away the spirit & standards U have set. Right now all M'sians can see how religion gets to be played by these morons in power & the power that corrupts. I guess they are sounding out the used of ISA to detain U is to lessen the impact when it actually comes. There are so many running dogs & cowards like Jakim. ISA must be thrown out. Its always being used by the crooks to detain right thinking M'sians.
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written by educationist, September 06, 2008 18:51:10
So, 916 no longer is an option for all Malaysians who have voted for change .
It is imperative that Anwar succeed. Period!
How, I don't know but I'll trust RPK's judgement.
To our dear RPK, may the attempt to silence you via the ISA end with 916.
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written by SCM, September 06, 2008 18:52:18
Pete, I disagree with your statement, "If Anwar fails to deliver his 16 September 2008 promise, he might as well disappear from the scene. If 16 September 2008 comes and goes as a non-event, Anwar too will become a non-event and will have to throw in the towel and call it quits."
I and most of my friends support Anwar because he is the only person in Malaysia that can topple UMNO. So, for this and this alone, we will support him as long as he tries to get rid of UMNO. Hopefully, he will do it on this 16th. But if he doesn't, we will give him full support and fight even harder supporting him after that date until UMNO topples for good. We must never give up even if 16 September does not materialise. As you say, "Let's send the Altantuya murderers to hell", no matter how long it takes us.
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written by Goostee, September 06, 2008 19:01:29
Sebagai insan biasa tentunya saya tak dapat menahan apa yang dirancangkan oleh mereka yang sedang bermaharajalela itu. Namun saya baru saja menunaikan solat hajat memohon perlindungan yang Maha Esa buatmu dan Anwar. Muga-muga diperkenankan. Kita hanya mampu merancang, sedangkan Allah lah yang menentukan. Sebagai penganut Islam kita harus percaya adanya HIKMAH disebalik sesuatu yang berlaku itu. Wallah-u-waalam. Amin...
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written by Kopi37, September 06, 2008 19:02:20
Dear Pete,
I had been with the exiled Gerakan as ordinary member for more then two decades until I became your member, now still supporting the son of MT. I threw all my votes including some 10 over votes from the family to PR to help create the 308 tzunami! I have faith in you and DSAI that probably, you both are the most charismatic MEN that I have ever come across after Tun Lim Chong Eu to nil !
Why I devoted myself to be a negligible commenter in MT, some friends said I am wasting my time where I suppose to be their peer group in boozing away all the mind boggling and negative sentiments amid the political imbroglio so much infest in our beloved Country, by and by, by all odds the nominating factors to cause our motherland to doom! Whence I cannot afford to sacrifice such as RPK 's virility and his without fear and favor, don't give two hoots heroic characteristic and to have considered my next of kins' future as top priority, I opted to contribute my two bits in writing as a critic, which in a way contributes as well as to fare me a little better in the torrent of pessimism! I don't only write myself but I encouraged my buddies, those intellectual professionals and technocrats stay locally or in overseas to read or write in MT as part of their civic conscious and obligations.
The first paragraph of Pete's article reads to me like I am reading his will! It does not augur well to me but a premonition of doom laden for a short live dream of a possible "Ketuanan Rakyat", if DSAI is also being incapacitate of his 916 coup-de-grace to overturn the despicable and corruptible political worms now clinging to and biting lustfully with greed the economic pie of the Country! It's not only disheartening but a total devastating of all my hopes, that, shouldn't I stay to be further slain and tortured by the Zombies in this Tidak Bolehland!..................I may or may not be able to join the parade of protest in the event RPK is forced to domicile at Kemunting but one thing for sure, I may have to delete the Bookmark of MT from my laptop and refresh my personal folder which it contains my migration form and details! I will have to join my beloved children in overseas and enjoy the greener pastures and cleaner air for my remaining life!....I don't give a damn two hoots sympathy and an iota of concern to the prospect of the promised land for the retards any one bit!............Cheerio, Pete!
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written by Frankfurtguy, September 06, 2008 19:30:06
Dear RPK:
I pray for you : please grant RPK peace and courage
I pray for your family : please give them peace
I pray for Barisan Nasional: please make them realize their wrong doing
I pray for DSAI for successful take over
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written by bexe, September 06, 2008 19:34:14
I love your acute sense of drama. I think though you meant that UMNO's objectives are not Malaysia's rather than the other way around. Herein lies the entire crus of the situation. They (UMNO) have lost the plot because ultimately Malaysia's needs will prevail and UMNO's failure to grasp this will etch their epitaph.
So I agree with you that your stay in Kamunting will be for a very short time. If you are canned, believe you me that that act alone will unleash a force that will have the power to unseat this UMNO regime. UMNO beware because you don't know the underlying power of this movement and test it at your peril.
The landscape after these tsunamis has changed dramatically. There is no need for race-based political parties. Gerakan going independent will spark a trend. UMNO cannot stand alone as a Malay party. Better Malay Muslims have better choices.
So we look forward to Sep 16! Beware any attempt to dismentle parliament an call emergency!
Good luck
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written by Frankfurtguy, September 06, 2008 19:37:17
I pray for Malaysia
For GOD/ALLAH grant her peace and harmony
RPK is a person who stand by the truth
RPK did all these for the country
RPK did not do these to get him into jail
what the f**k the government is doing now...................shit!
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written by bakas, September 06, 2008 20:44:47
As long as RPK's spirit lives in all of us, there can never be fear of oppression and dictatorship.
I urge all MT readers, to reflect in silence, on all the things that RPK has done for this country and all Malaysians, and carve that into the deepest depths of our soul. And if RPK gets arrested and lose his freedom, do not forget that he did this so that we will be able to keep ours.
By all means, Peter, you are the symbol of strength, of courage, of steadfast determination for truth and most of all a brother to all Malaysians.
May God bless you and keep you and your family safe. I will pray for you Pete, I will.
To all my fellow Malaysians, do not let this be in vain. I repeat, do not let this be IN VAIN.
Peace to all
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written by ChanRaj, September 06, 2008 20:45:27
Let us the Rakyat celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16
Irrespective of whether Anwar topples the BN/UMNO Government or not let us the Rakyat, celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16.
Irrespective of whether more than 30 MPs will crossover to Pakatan Rakyat or not, let us the Rakyat, celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16.
We did not fight like India did to gain independence. The British gave us independence whether we wanted it of not. So what’s with MERDEKA!! Let us celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 because Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined. A significant moment of our history, when we truly became a nation called MALAYSIA!
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 because we are MALAYSIANS first and second come our ethnicity which is irrelevant.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 to mark the downfall of the BN/UMNO Government that plundered this country for more than 50 years.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 as a mark for the sons and daughters of Malaysia who truly fought and are still fighting for the freedom of MALAYSIA!
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 because this would be the day we the Rakyat shall begin to rebuild this nation.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16, the day we shall abolish the ISA.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16, we shall honour RPK and the HINDRAF 5 and others.
Let’s celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16 with our BLOOD, SWEAT and TEARS!
Let us all celebrate MALAYSIA DAY SEPT 16!! There is a better reason to do so.
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written by choong, September 06, 2008 20:47:02
Dear Pete,
You sounded so morbid. Please don't give up yet.
Will be keeping your family and yourself in prayers.
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written by Supra, September 06, 2008 21:08:49
This is my first posting.
As long as there is widespread INTENTION of ALL your readers as wella s the populace you will remain FREE to conitnue your work.
Our prayers and GOD's Grace will be with you.
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written by Steven Tan, September 06, 2008 21:14:18
Hi everyone....I'm very confident that DSAI will achieve it but SUPPOSE if he fail then there is always "PLAN B".
What is "PLAN B"? "PLAN B" is by waiting until next General Election probably in 4 years time then we vote has how we voted in the last GE... That's all.
Before the previous General Election I'm sure none of us would've thought that PR will do this execellent by getting 5 states but end of the day, we've achieved it. So come next General Election, I'm more than confident that PR will be able to fully take over the rulling of Malaysian Government... It's no longer impossible, trust me if not by 916 than by next General Election for sure we the PR will take charge of Malaysian Government
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written by Anyone, September 06, 2008 21:15:45
RPK belongs to the people.
Touch him and the people will rise.
You have been warned.
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written by snailriver, September 06, 2008 21:18:07
Dear RPK,
This article almost made me cry and I have never expected there will come a day for me and others whom had admired your ferocious heroism to read the article sayin the ****in government is trying to use the pathetic cowardly ISA means to cage you up. No human being deserve this ISA. May those who chase your shadow rot in hell !
I am a young father and a family man who will not be able to have your guts and balls to fight the injustice. But as usual my prayers will be always there for you and your family. I believe in the powers of the prayers of love.
We love you dear prince of Bugis....you are the only patriot that I have witnessed in flesh and blood in my life. I have heard and read about Gandhi but have not be lucky enough to be in his time to witness him but I do see the power of Gandhism inside you.God is my witness...you are the ONLY one we have to fight the injustice in Malaysia. There will not be another RPK again.
We love you always.
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written by Concon, September 06, 2008 21:36:39
Yes Sir RPK, you have my trust with you that Anwar cannot fail. I have holded Anwar hand a night before 308. A new dawn. Thank you Sir.
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written by samadian7985, September 06, 2008 21:40:23
I will stand by you Raja Petra and have faith that God will answer our prayers. We will celebrate Malaysia day together comes 16 Sep 08.
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written by megahyper, September 06, 2008 21:49:13
As of now, your fate as much as Anwar's fate is bound together. Dont forget his sodomy charges still hang on his head. He is in dire need to keep his promise too.
Last but not least, I think you have to unleash whatever that is left in your arsenal in order to tip the balance for 916 to happen.
It's less than 2 weeks now. It will be your make or break final assault.
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written by PRman, September 06, 2008 22:06:16
be strong, our true leader, the RPK!
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written by Enforcer, September 06, 2008 22:16:49
Bro RPK, everything happens for a reason.
The ALMIGHTY is great.
The millions of RAKYAT have and will always pray for YOUR safety and well being.
Nothing will happen and it's not the end of YOU.
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written by kl_wong, September 06, 2008 22:26:47
Dear RPK
The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.
And MALAYSIA TODAY is our home!
It will be a sad day if the Gov real put you into ISA.
You must and will come out alive to see a new MALAYSIA!
Please promise us that you take care of yourself!
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written by trublumalaysian, September 06, 2008 22:29:35
written by Kuku Burung, September 06, 2008 | 15:51:20
If Anwar cannot meet his promise, it is not only RPK in Kamunting, we and our future will be in "Kamunting". Our children will be slaves to UMNO/BN. If you are Muslim, pray to Allah Almighty; if you are Christian, pray to Jesus; if you are Buddhist, pray to Buddha, the enlightened; if you are Hindu, pray to Hindu Gods... pray for the star of Anwar to rise on 16 September.
Ditto! May all loving Malaysians take heed ... This is the ony way!
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written by malgal, September 06, 2008 22:37:03
Hope Anwar is reading this, and polishing his mettle for Sept 16. He can't let off now.
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written by Jit Dharma, September 06, 2008 22:47:07
Sad. Lost for words. Brother RPK, God be with you and your family.
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written by Jit Dharma, September 06, 2008 22:50:51
Brother Raja (King) Petra Kamaruddin, angry, witty,heroic, patriot. True
Malay hero , True Malaysian Brother.You have many more battles to fight.
God slay those who dare raise a finger againts you!!!!
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written by jonath66my, September 06, 2008 23:13:29
If you get arrested under ISA I SWEAR BN will never get my word that is my SWEAR and promise. Anyone wish to follow my swear is welcome.
And I add this to my prayers to you and hope God and my God too if BN allow me that freedom will protect you and your family and give you strength. Governments come and go but the will of the people will triumph in the end. Those people don't learn from history because they only believed in their own 'his-story'. You are truly a Muslim, Malaysian and human being we all love.
I REPEAT I SWEAR I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR BN if they arrest you and will urge those who love justice and fight corruption and evil to also not support BN. Any takers?
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written by mob1900, September 06, 2008 23:14:17
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written by Old Man, September 06, 2008 23:24:54
Sir RPK,
Dont worry, the Rakyat won't let you down. We have contingency plans and we shall win by strategy.
God is watching......
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written by born2reign, September 06, 2008 23:32:23
RPK, you remind me of Kungfu Panda. Everytime the opposition strikes, he bounces them off with his round belly. And the harder the enemy pounces, the harder the enemy get thrown off by his "boing" kungfu.
I pray that God's angels take charge over you, as I have intercessed to God for your protection and your family's safety. May God bless you always.
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written by hace, September 06, 2008 23:51:43
And the BUDDHA says to the Umnoputras:
"The fool who does evil to a man who is good, to a man who is pure and free from sin, the evil returns to him (the fool) like dust thrown against the wind"
And the BUDDHA says to RPK:
'Even as the great rock is not shaken by the wind, the wise man is not shaken by praise or blame."
"He who for himself or others craves not for sons or power or wealth, who puts not his own success before the success of righteousness, he is virtuous, and righteous and wise."
GOD bless you, my brother RPK.
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written by Mag M, September 07, 2008 00:02:48
Dear RPK, Our prayers are with you. May God protect you and your family. May we also know what happened to the donation button here? Please put it back on so that we can donate again.
God bless you.
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written by Loi Bih Siang Benjamin, September 07, 2008 00:03:11
The Birth of a New State in Malaysia –Negeri Bloggerjaya
A Brief History of Negeri Bloggerjaya & Its Struggle and Contribution Towards a Progressive and Democratic Malaysia
The progress of the history of mankind revolves around the invention and development of science and technology, with newer ways of doing things comes new civilization and new social order, and thereby the birth of Negeri Bloggerjaya in the Federation of Malaysia.
Negeri Bloggerjaya was annexed into the Federation of Malaysia to become the first and only State without geographical boundary of the Federation in 1980 when the Internet took shape; however, it only came into prominence in 2008 after being “dormant” for nearly 28 years. Negeri Bloggerjaya sacred mission is to set Malaysia and Malaysian free and to spearhead the free flow of information in the country. Negeri Bloggerjaya has helped spark off the fire of reformation in the country and therefore it is a thorn in the flesh for the Federal Government. The defiant and undaunted state government of Negeri Bloggerjaya has won the respect and admiration from other states of the country, even the former Prime Minister of the Federal Government Dr. Mahathir has decided to reconcile with Negeri Bloggerjaya and presently he is an active resident of Negeri Bloggerjaya. The Chief Minister of Negeri Bloggerjaya is YAB Raja Petra Kamarudin, among other State Excos, Harris Ibrahim is taking care of legal affairs, Dr. Azly Rahman is tasked with education portfolio.
Malaysia has been independent for 51 years; instead of having real independence and freedom for Malaysian, we have unknowingly replaced the British Colonial government with a more suppressive and tyrannical regime where the few at the apex of power has brought our country to the brink of bankruptcy to fuel their unquenchable greed, and the brutal regime is oblivious to the suffering and hardship we have endured for the last 51 years. Instead of being the government of people, by the people and of the people, the government has enslaved the Rakyat to fulfill their fancy whims and trample our voice of freedom under their foot! The Malaysia people, with the help of Negeri Bloggerjaya, have managed to work together regardless of race, language and religion in an attempt to topple the regime, 5 states have been set free so far, excluding Negeri Bloggerjaya, which was free before the Federal Government sabotage. As freedom of speech is enshrined in the State Constitution of Negeri Bloggerjaya, many Malaysians have decided to reside in Negeri Bloggerjaya for they won’t be charged with ISA, OSA, or whatever draconian, unscrupulous and ridiculous acts or laws against humanity. To retaliate Negeri Bloggerjaya defiant stance against Federal Government, the Federal Government has sent in their spies to sabotage Negeri Bloggerjaya and infiltrate the State Administration. The Official Residence of our Chief Minister YAB Raja Petra Kamarudin has been raided several times, and they have set up a kangaroo court to try him. The Federal Government has even threatened to exterminate and annihilate the entire Negeri Bloggerjaya with bombs that has killed a Mongolian girl called Altantuya, but we are unfazed and unafraid as Negeri Bloggerjaya is impervious to bomb attack and all the residents of Negeri Bloggerjaya have consumed a new medicine called Elixir Today (ET), which has empowered us to regenerate and reincarnate in the blink of an eye. We will continue our fight against the immoral and corrupt regime until Malaysia shines under the sun of freedom.
We, the residents of Negeri Bloggerjaya and faithful citizens of Malaysia, urge you to join our cause for a better Malaysia!
Negeri Bloggerjaya Boleh!
Loi Bih Siang Benjamin
Address: http://benjaminloi.blogspot.com – Negeri Bloggerjaya
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written by Mag M, September 07, 2008 00:06:16
Me too, I will never ever vote for BN ever if they arrest RPK.
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written by Loi Bih Siang Benjamin, September 07, 2008 00:08:56
Dear All Citizens of Negeri Bloggerjaya:
Do you have any idea on how we can work together to protect our Chief Minister from being detained by the corrupt regime?
We must express our unwavering solidarity with our Chief Minister!!
Citizen of Negeri Bloggerjaya!
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written by Mirage, September 07, 2008 00:35:24
Dear Pete,
From the sound of it,... you have given up. This is the time as what you have described in your article as a serious reckoning. We need a transparent media in their reporting and if you do end up in Kamunting, this will really speak for itself on what our gov really thinks of transparency. It is really sad that the gov is not seeing what they are doing to the country or maybe they refuse so. Which ever way, the outcome is going to be devastating looking at the lost of control, the defection, the incoherent message sent by BN and UMNO MPs and cabinet, now couple by the global situation, do you think they can lead us thru. I really doubt it. God have mercy on Malaysia.
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written by mountainking, September 07, 2008 00:45:57
my family and i will join in the demonstration. if the govt is using force to put ppl to jail, then there is no more democracy and when there is no more democracy, means no more clean election process. then we will do what we have to do.
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written by kent chong, September 07, 2008 01:04:53
I will be there, if any demostration! Long LIVE RPK. U are 'Justice Bao'
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written by CSum, September 07, 2008 01:18:10
Hi everyone....I'm very confident that DSAI will achieve it but SUPPOSE if he fail then there is always "PLAN B".
What is "PLAN B"? "PLAN B" is by waiting until next General Election probably in 4 years time then we vote has how we voted in the last GE... That's all.
You call this a plan B ? it is either 'in near future' or never. BN can do alot of things (dirty jobs etc) if 916 not materialized on time or asap.
I totally agree with one of the comment posted in another post saying this:
if people like RPK does get ISA-ed, then everyday counts. You cant just say "Oh, he's in detention is it? Well, umm... then let's organise a rally to free him or sign actionless petitions for the Royal family to view'.
PKR really need to make it soon if not 916. RPK you take it easy and we will see in what way we will be able to help out later.
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written by fireduck, September 07, 2008 01:21:13
I choose to disagree with you, Pete, on the fact that if Anwar fails to deliver on the 16th, then he's as good as gone politically, and that would be the end of Pakatan Rakyat.
Like Tok Guru Nik Aziz said, September 16th happening or not is just a technicality. The aim and goal is still there. If that doesn't happen, come the next General Election, I am sure the winds of change will continue to blow strong if not even stronger. I see Malaysians will still come together under the PR banner, and will rally around Anwar. And if you ever choose to be part of the political process (as in standing as a candidate), the hope and call to action will be overwhelmingly in yours and Anwar's favour.
The flame that you want the rakyat to carry is already burning in many many hearts. It is only a matter of time before it burns bright and brave enough for the majority to act for the change. And no, Anwar will not be a has-been just like that. He will be the reason that Malaysians push for change. And in the same way, you too, will be the reason Malaysians will push hard for change for the better. It is not going to stop just because you end up in Kamunting, or Anwar goes to jail.
I believe too, that there are many in the blogging community who will step up if they ever take you into Kamunting. And there are even more standing in the fringes currently, that will feel compelled to stand up and be counted if ever such a situation come to pass.
Ok, now all you readers, if you have NOT signed the Online Petition, please do so, and please forward it to your friends and get them and their friends to sign. Because, the JUDICIARY system must be the FIRST thing for us to change. Without that change, everything else is secondary and moot.
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written by mark jeya, September 07, 2008 01:44:06
Dear YM RPK..dedicated to you and all the MT citizens:
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone.
Yes....Sept 16th will be the start of the new reformation in Malaysia and we shall be apart of this historic day..god speed to DSAI as he plots the downfall of BN and to YM RPK....ISA or no-ISA all your hard work will not be in vain...
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written by gotsms, September 07, 2008 03:01:22
Dear Raja Petra,
My friends and I are still walking with you since the day the of "Walk with Malaysia-Today" stickers. We would not sit around if ISA comes a calling does happen.
What you have written is true and fact. You hentam everyone, and knock sense into us. My children, their future generations shall all be very greatful for all the good work you have done.
You have raised the bar up a notch, a challenge for us to attain.
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written by junjun40, September 07, 2008 03:49:04
written by magickriver, September 06, 2008 | 15:18:44
Once again, THANK YOU, Pete, for accepting your destiny at this crucial juncture and serving the nation as a living emblem of courage in the face of adversity. Your brave actions have hugely emboldened the rakyat. To inspire others to greatness is the greatest gift one can bestow upon others. Like you, I'm putting my entire mind, body and soul on the tsunami of change that has remade the political landscape seemingly overnight - and transformed Anwar into the icon of
hope for millions of us. I know in my bones that Anwar can - and will - pull it off. Watching him closely at ceramahs over the past 9 months, I can see that his entire being is committed to fulfilling the glorious and noble destiny for which he was born, as a beloved, admired, and respected leader of a rejuvenated, democratic, free and just Malaysia. In exactly 10 days we shall be liberated from the foul utterances of the robotic, reptilian predators that have fattened themselves over past decades on the corrupt spoils of the NEP. Overaged hooligans like Ahmad Ismail, Syed Hamid Albar, Khir Toyo, and Khairy Jamaluddin will either have to leave the country, open a laundry or bakery business like Shahrir Samad and Mahathir Mohamad, or do some serious soul-searching in Sungai Buloh prison.
A very well written piece, whoever you are, I shall your thoughts, what more can I say.
I am bitter for Pete, whose "Dare to Live" attitude for that will put him into the annals of Malaysians, who will inspire our youths to build this country to greater heights, irrespective of race or creed.
Pete, it is very likely they will put in into ISA. Notwithstanding, the heart and souls of like minded Malaysians are with you.
Perhaps Malaysians should show solidarity by putting up a funds for OUR GREAT MALAYSIAN HEROES... the purpose of it is to see to it you would be remembered in the annals of Malaysian history and the world.
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written by junjun40, September 07, 2008 03:54:01
I am in tears too, having been born in during Merdeka, loved this country so much and seeing that so many like minded people are suppressed for many decades.
We share the fate of Filipinos and some other countries which is too long to mention.
Look at the ringgit vis-a-vis the USD for the past 3 weeks. Are there a big flow of funds out of the country, notwithstanding the eroding investors confidence in Budget 2009
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written by samesamemam, September 07, 2008 06:39:02
Dear RPK,
I join the many others in this blog and elsewhere in saluting you and your courage and intelligence towards the cause of a Malaysia-for-all. You have opened our eyes and hearts to the realities, the perception, the truth and un-truths, gave us hope, given us a voice and helped enormously in boosting the struggle for a Malaysia-for-all in every sense of the word. Most importantly, you played the role of protagonist and have enabled many to move from the sidelines of politics, and turned bystanders to active actors in the turning tide against an inefficient, corrupt, racist and morally despicable regime, and for a more just, democratic, equal Malaysia-for-all.
I hope they won’t be stupid enough to use the ISA against you. But I had expected them to act smarter before but they did not. I am still hoping that they will still learn that these vengeful strategies are not only evil but also counterproductive to their own corrupt ambitions.
I wish I could do more than write these words of support and send you my thoughts and prayers. I know that I, like many other supporters of yours, will do more.
I also know that you have started a movement that will not die just because they can incarcerate you. I also know that they can lock you up but not shut you up. You will still speak out and so will we but with even greater strength, courage, commitment and dedication.
Ghandhi again:
“No government on earth can make men [sic], who have realized freedom in their hearts, salute against their will.”
“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”
But I`m still hoping and praying that you, nor anyone else, will have to go thru that ISA crap.
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written by samesamemam, September 07, 2008 06:54:53
that last sentence does not sound right...I mean to say that no one shld have to go thru that ISA crap...the ISA represents a weapon of the politically immature, morally corrupt and mentally/intellectually challenged government that purports to have so much power but yet so visibly weak to defend itself against the rakyat's accusations and calls for accountability…
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written by Chuan, September 07, 2008 07:25:33
Let no harm cometh in thy way.
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written by Celestial, September 07, 2008 08:36:46
STOP lamenting and START acting. Organise peaceful meetings and start the Peaceful Disobedience preached by Ghandi NOW. Also start peaceful demonstrations to show the current government that unless they change their strategy, the Raykyat have had enough.
The government can put 1, 100, 1,000, 10,000 or even 100,000 people in jail. They cannot put 500,000, 1,000,000 or 10,000,000 people in jail. It is obvious that the lessons of March and August elections have not had any impacts or indeed those in power are slow learners.
Time to stop talking and start acting. As the old saying goes, "put money where your mouth is". They can kill the body but they cannot kill an idea.
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written by Ben, September 07, 2008 09:26:45
It is sad to note that many here have chosen to leave it to others to "keep the flame burning". Why leave it to others? Don't you have a stake in Malaysia? Must somebody else fight your battles? Your journey in life will not be judged by the journey you have taken but by the choices you have made.
RPK's sacrifice will be in vain if we continue to rely on him to speak out and share the exposes' of corruption and wilful disregard of human rights and justice. After deciding to believe his outstanding investigative journalism, we must translate this into action for the sake of our beloved nation. We must stand up for what we believe in or we stand for nothing.
Let's not be indifferent anymore. No more. Let's stand side by side, arms locked, and march towards a new dawn together, forever. Let's be on guard even when DSAI succeed to form the gomen so we no longer live at the tyranny and fear of those who walk in the corridors of power. Then, this will be a just and lasting tribute to a champion of mankind; RPK.
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written by guevarayu, September 07, 2008 09:26:50
*this is by far the saddest entry. u need not worry. detain or not, the Rakyat will always be in support of you. we will rally our bones out for the injustice, if ever they detain you. insyallah.*
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written by twisted maya, September 07, 2008 09:36:25
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written by cheekhiaw, September 07, 2008 10:27:03
We are a people acquainted by the brilliance of science and at one in a friendship forged by the common regard for human compassion and decency.
They are precious legacies from like-minded generations before us. We are merely keeping alive the fire of hope of those long departed and to pass it on to the next.
But we, its proud guardian, are fully aware that humanity had stared devils in the eyes and faced gods in all their might in search of dignity since time immemorial.
But only humanity itself can decide if its fate should be determined by its fondest adherents or by those that have no regard for it.
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written by bc5853, September 07, 2008 10:43:14
Pete !
You have shown unparalleled boldness amongst all malaysians. You have given all the sacrifices that you could and, above all, you have done the right thing !
Everything we do come with a price and when we are all fighting unrighteousness and the unrighteous are still in power, they will do anything and everything to stop fighting them. So, we will hold your hands Pete! When the news go out that the unrighteous is using force behind the ISA Law, that will bring more determination to the Rakyat to fight till the end. And , Malaysia shall prevail without these people ! Pete , we are all here !!! your Army !!!
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written by flyer168, September 07, 2008 10:48:21
Dear Pete,
I understand your feelings at this juncture.
You have given this great nation Malaysia & its downtrodden rayaat that "Beacon of Light" with your initiatives to establish the "Truth" to restore "Justice, Freedom & Equality" in this great nation, against all odds.
You have chosen to continue that "Noble" struggle inspite of all the "Unfair & Unlawful" Intimidations, Harrassments, Detentions, "Defectuve & Mala Fide" Charges brought against you from all quarters instituted by the Powers-that-be.
Your "Investigative Journalism" together with your Intellectual & Legal mastery to position Malaysia Today Blogsite to its present "National, Regional & International" status is simply "Magnificient & Genius".
You have achieved the distinction of being a "National Icon" with your Malaysia Today Blogsite & its huge followings running into millions !
As I had told you at the Fisherman's Wharf gathering recently , this is your auspicious year & it is also DSAI's auspicious year, so I am confident "Devine Intervention" will "Protect" both of you to ensure that "Safe" home run ride to "916". Insha' Allah.
May God continue to Bless & Protect you, Marina & your family through these trying times - whilst you continue your sacrifice & struggle to achieve the real "MERDEKA 916" for this great nation "Malaysia for all Malaysians".
Be assured that this nation is praying for your safe journey & the rayaat are with you in their hearts & thoughts - DSAI & YM RPK !
God Bless.
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written by talk2stop, September 07, 2008 11:00:41
I think we are all hoping for a fairy tale ending here. That's not going to happen in Malaysia. UMNO & BN are just too powerful if they fail they will torch Malaysia. They are no winner here. Poker or Gunfight, everyone is going down including the by-standers. Hold on to your dreams because you may have nothing to hold to.
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written by cheekhiaw, September 07, 2008 11:12:23
Your ancestors also dreamed of flying, who doesn't know that.
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written by HHKim, September 07, 2008 11:21:25
All MT commenters:
I analysed RPK's remarks as temporary reflective syndrome. Given his convictions and iron steeled will power, I am pretty sure RPK is a highly self-motivated person. He ain't going to drop dead!!
However, as common raayat of Malaysia who are dearly holding this principle of Ketuanan Malaysia, we have to steadfastly keep track on the development in the country. BN is a party that cannot be trusted in any circumstances.
Anything coming up for all MT lovers in October? Say sort of gathering? A giant dinner for all MT members where members can freely contribute to the legal fund and mix around? If there is a plan, please post it on the MT.
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written by Taiping60, September 07, 2008 11:38:37
Raja Petra,
The different between you and the rest is we see the following in you;
1) You are genuine in your effort to change the country for the better;
2) your sincerity in advocating a unity multi-racial country;
3) your courage in going against those in power who did wrong;
4) your wisdom that you share with all of us;
5) your unselfishness;
6) your prepareness to face the consequence for doing the right thing right.
We salute you and we pray for your good health and freedom. Whatever happen, the country will never forget you.
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written by Good News, September 07, 2008 11:41:55
Hi Petra, kita menang! Those poor UMNO desperados are simply coward. To consider detaining you under ISA is a big mistake which will only hasten the breaking up of the BN, and its corrupted rule in Malaysia.
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written by EYFF, September 07, 2008 13:43:00
RPK it will not happen!
For my money AAB will not detain you under ISA!
I bet a dollar that it will not happen! but then you are not allow to gamble?
By the way you should not depend on getting 20 kataks from East Malaysia! Nope! Are they helicopter elected politician??
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written by pakasia, September 07, 2008 14:29:38
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written by aryn, September 07, 2008 15:19:40
To Pete and all freedom fighters, be strong.
""In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
til he cried out in his anger and his shame
I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains
Yes he still remains""
(Song lyrics The Boxer, Simon and Garfunkel)
Hang in there, buddies.
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written by Rainbowseahorse, September 07, 2008 15:30:34
My bald headed friend RPK, it stricks me that you are in one of those "deep soul searching and full of doubts" mood when you wrote that article.
I know you are reflecting and comtemplating "what might or might not be" and "what if and how if that". Believe me, I know and share your moods, and may I suggest (if you haven't done that already) prayers to our God for guidance.
Take care brother, and may God be with you & your family.
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written by BobSam, September 07, 2008 22:12:36
Should your nightmare come thru', then we shall meet on the other side becoz this will be the end of Malaysia.
But if your prophesy of Gerakan comes thru', then I look forward to a Gerakan government after the next general elections (so no chance for Najib to become the PM).
I believe that Abdullah Badawi will resign, Najib will take over and loose the next General Elections. This will make the RAHMAN acronym come true and signify the end of BN.
We shall drink of the fruit on the other side. God Bless You & watch over your family.
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written by SiHangChai, September 07, 2008 22:46:22
Anwar is talking crap!. There won't be 16 Sept. Probably 911...11 Sept . No way BN can be toppled!
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written by Vince, September 08, 2008 07:02:03
The good will prevail over evil......I truly believe in this.....
"Sweetness will follow after bitterness"...
God bless you and your family.
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written by ROBERTNGTG, September 08, 2008 08:42:20
Anwar has to balance the aims of the parties in his coalition, and we will see compromises being made. That is the reality in Malaysia. But I think a culture of dialogue will be developed under his watch and that will be a great achievement indeed. I think at least that can be accomplished by him.
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written by *****, September 08, 2008 10:40:24
tak ada plan nak cabut lari ka?
Takkan mau serah diri aja.
Takkan tak ada siapa yang ada tongkang ke, heli ke, jet ke,
tolong seludup RPK lari ke Indon ke, ke pulau batu putih ke...
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written by densemy, September 08, 2008 10:50:58
Dont run away and hide, cos that's what they want you to do. Why do you think your 'friends' have been warning you of an imminent ISA arrest
Be brave and stand next to Anwar as you look to the future of Malaysia
Its obvious from the response here that Malaysians will stand by you
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written by Matsiber, September 08, 2008 13:54:18
I agree, If they put you in ISA...after all you have done that we are the stupid ones (the Rakyat) we get raped over and over by BN and UMNO,Forced to underdstand when we noe for a fact the police&judges are corrupted. Then we wait for Sept 16 for Anwar&PR to lead us. IF by any chance Anwar&PR fails, i call upon all Malaysians, come together, be brave and FIGHT FOR OUR INDEPENDENCE,not from foreign corrupted forces but from this internal virus that is destroying us. WAKE UP and LETS DO SOMETHING the time for writing,whining and complaning is OVER. We did it on Marthc 8 and again in Permatang Pauh, lets be stronger now! LAWAN TETAP LAWAN.
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written by RBJ, September 08, 2008 13:58:33
Dear RPK!
You are a Giant Slayer
You are a Tyrant Buster
You are a City Taker
You are a model for "True Democracy"
You are full of passion to see change in this nation
You are a good man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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written by Loonie, September 09, 2008 11:08:58
Dear Pete,
As I have always said, you are God's favorite. His hands are protecting you even as the rakyat fervently uphold you in prayers. I am living in my sixth decade and all my life, I have been dreaming of a ONE MALAYSIA and I can see that coming. Take a break, let go and let God. He is in control of every situation. May God bless you and your family!!
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written by EYFF, September 09, 2008 12:02:50
Hmm RPK,
Still playing that dead-end kids which I saw years ago.
You blew up a winning Kentucky Porsche just so you could show off Kenny Yap in his slower Datsun SSS!
Best of luck! But then again God look after fools and little children!
Fear not!!
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written by bknight, September 09, 2008 18:10:59
we will be there supporting a warrior like you, and you will not be ISAed! this song fits for you and for everyone one of us who will continue our fight!
Inilah barisan kita,
Yang ikhlas berjuang.
Siap sedia berkorban,
Untuk ibu pertiwi!
Sebelum kita berjaya,
Jangan harap kami pulang!
Inilah sumpah pendekar kita,
Menuju medan bakti!
Andai kata kami gugur semua,
Taburlah bunga di atas pusara.
Kami mohon doa,
Malaysia berjaya!
Semboyan telah berbunyi,
Menuju medan bakti!
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written by wood, September 11, 2008 00:38:25
RPK , the rakyat have the utmost respect for what you have done. May God bless you and your family always.
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written by Limau, September 12, 2008 21:26:31
Please friends SIGN the petition and support RPK.
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written by zhugeliang, September 12, 2008 22:43:05
Oh my GOD! Second ISA detainee today is Tan Hoon Cheng, Sin Chew Daily reporter.... :-( I am speechless now...
There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When Malaysians must come together as one
There are people detained
And it's time to lend a hand to RPK
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of
Malaysia great big family
And the truth, you know love and courage is all we need
Send RPK your heart
So he'll know that someone cares
And his life will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand to RPK....
When RPK is down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When all Malaysians stand together as one...
We are one country
We are one Malaysia
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our RPK's and our own life
It's true we'll make a better day
Just Malaysians and RPK...
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written by Windchime, September 12, 2008 22:51:34
I guess you will not get a chance to read my posting freely, maybe someone will print and give it to you. I just don't know anymore.
All I know now is that, the inevitable has happened. Along with the thousands of Malaysians who has been inspired by you, I am truly upset about this. This should not have happened in our beloved country, not in this day and age. This is pure insanity. Locking someone up who has a different viewpoint from the ruling elite!
But alas, we are dealing with a government who is intent on opressing the ones who speak out. Well, all I can pray for is for the people with high morals from BN to do the right thing. Our country is in crisis. It needs healing and it needs to be done now.
We cannot allow this slide to continue anymore. We cannot have a person who speaks his mind like YM RPK to be locked up in jail without a trial. This is just crazy....!
Brother RPK, you have my thoughts and prayers. Stay resolute and may god be with you always.
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written by Zym Zym, September 13, 2008 00:11:31
I don't want to write much. I want action. Count me in if someone were to gather a mass rally anytime soon.
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written by Chasl77 D, September 13, 2008 00:28:00
The BN gov just throttled themselves to their own inevitable demise by detaining RPK and the Sin Chew journalist using the draconian ISA. If a GE is called tomorrow they'll be defeated in humiliation. Let's pray that DSAI will succeed in his grand plan and the innocent be set free. To YM RPK, you are one honorable man, your patriotism is highly admirable. You've inspired a whole new generation of Malaysians...may God bless you and your family, may God bless Malaysia.
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written by Corporate citizen, September 14, 2008 02:42:00
We will Do HARTAL 1947.....as the last resort.
God Save Malaysia.. My belove Nation.
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written by David, September 15, 2008 00:51:04
I'm not near Kamunting, in fact I'm thousands of miles away from my beloved Malaysia. I can only hope and pray that RPK's most loyal supporters are (remotely) keeping him company in Kamunting or wherever he is now, and that he is at least being treated humanely.
Let's not forget the countless other brave souls who have also been subjected to the draconian ISA arrests. Who knows what pain & suffering they're going through right now in the name of justice and fairness....?
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Monday, September 22, 2008
RPK: Battle at O.K. Corral
Inspired by RPK's famous article.
Technorati Tags: mob1900, RPK, Anwar ibrahim, bedol napoleon, pakatan Rakyat, barisan najis, gunfight, battle, topple, kicked, son-in-law, putrajaya
Posted by mob1900 at 9/22/2008 11:38:00 AM 4 comments Links to this post
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