M Bakri Musa
General Surgery
700 West Sixth Street, Suite S
Gilroy, CA 95020
Phone 408 842-1511
E-mail: bakrimusa@juno.com Website: www.bakrimusa.com
APPOINTMENTS: Professional
2004 Chief of the Medical Staff, St. Louise Regional Hospital, Gilroy, CA
1989 Active Staff, St. Louise Regional Hospital, Gilroy, CA
1982-89 Active Staff, Wheeler Hospital, Gilroy (Closed in 1989)
1978-82 Chief of Surgery, Harney County Hospital, Burns, OR
1976-78 Surgeon, Government of Malaysia Medical Service
1974-76 Staff, W.W. Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
1972-74 Resident in Surgery, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
1971-72 Research Fellow, Medical Research Council of Canada at U of A.
1970-71 Resident in Surgery, Montreal General Hospital
1969-70 Intern, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton
1965 Demonstrator, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta
Non Professional: 1994 Board of Director, Private Practice Doctors Inc., an Independent Practice Association of over 60 physicians.
1992 Managing Partner, Gilroy Professional Group Partnership, a real estate partnership. President, South Valley Islamic Community, Morgan Hill, CA
1985 Fellow, American College of Surgeons (FACS)
1974 Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of Canada (FRCSC)
1973 M.S. (Experimental Surgery) University of Alberta
1971 Research Fellowship, Medical Research Council of Canada
1969 M.D. University of Alberta
1966 B.Sc. (with distinction) University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
1968 Mosby Prize in Microbiology, U of A School of Medicine
1967 Morris Weinlos Prize in Pathology
1966 First Class Standing Award, University of Alberta
1965 First Class Standing Award, University of Alberta
1964 Lehmann Prize, (for top freshman in Chemistry) and First Class Standing Award, University of Alberta
Musa, M. Bakri: Fab2 Antibody Fragments and Xenograft Rejection. Masters Thesis, U of A, 1973.
Musa, M. Bakri: Germ Cell Malignant Tumors in Father and Son. Canadian Medical Association Journal 112:1201, 1975.
Musa, M. Bakri, S Katakka, A Khalik: Anorectal and Perianal Complications in hematologic malignant neoplasms. Canadian J Surgery 18:578, 1975.
Musa, M. Bakri, Freda Meah: Isolated perforations of jejunum and ileum in blunt abdominal trauma. Aust & NZ J Surgery, August 1977.
Laidin, A Z, M. Bakri Musa: Pre and Post incisional topical antibiotic prophylaxis in appendectomy wounds. Malaysian J Surgery, June 1977.
Wahab, YHA, M. Bakri Musa: Rupture of herniated small intestines from blunt abdominal injury. Injury 9:225, 1978.
Musa, M. Bakri: Spontaneous gastrocutaneous fistula complicating benign gastric ulcer. British J Clinical Practice, August 1979.
Musa, M. Bakri: Anorectal Complications of Leukemia. Read at the Congress of Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Musa, M. Bakri: Medical Management of Amebiasis. Read at the 29th Congress, International Academy of Proctology, Kuala Lumpur 1977.
Dr. Musa’s general essays have appeared in The New Straits Times, Far Eastern Economic Review, Education Quarterly, International Herald Tribune, and Businessweek, and his commentary aired on the Voice of America and America’s National Public Radio’s Marketplace.
Columnist, Malaysiakini.com, Malaysia-Today.net, and The Sun Daily (Malaysia).
BOOKS PUBLISHED (Strategic Information Research Development, Malaysia):
The Malay Dilemma Revisited: Race Dynamics in Modern Malaysia, (1999) ISBN: 0-583-48-367-5
Malaysia in the Era of Globalization (2002) ISBN: 0-595-73577-0;
An Education System Worthy of Malaysia (2003) ISBN: 0-595-26590-1;
Seeing Malaysia My Way (2003) ISBN: 0-595-30318-8;
With Love from Malaysia (2004), Co-written with Karen E. Musa ISBN: 0-595-31607-7 Towards A Competitive Malaysia: Development Challenges in the Twenty-First Century (2006) ISBN: 0-595-31607-7
1989 Paul Harris Fellow, Rotary International, Rotary Club, Morgan Hill
1985 Member Cal Sailing Club, Berkeley, Ca
1982 Certified PADI Scuba Diver
Hobbies: Scuba diving, sailing his sloop, Makan Angin.
Morgan Hill, CA
November 2006
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