Zaid attacks race politics
Zaid says he joined the government for the wrong reasons.
By Leslie Lau
Consultant Editor
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Amid widespread speculation over his political future, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has criticised his own party Umno for contributing to race relations problems.
He also urged Umno to engender a more fair-minded administration, and lead the Malays towards having better race relations with non-Malays.
Speaking to the mass-circulation Chinese-language Sin Chew Daily in his most extensive interview since resigning as a member of the Cabinet recently, Zaid also called for more open debates over "sensitive issues”.
He also pointed out that the results of the March general election were a clear message from the people that they wanted change, but the government had failed to change.
The former minister in the Prime Minister's Department, who resigned in protest against recent Internal Security Act arrests, said he had joined the government for the wrong reasons.
"I became a minister for the wrong reason. That reason was reform, but I have failed.
"I thought they would no longer use the ISA. I thought the government would be more open to the rule of law and the constitution, but I was wrong."
There has been, in recent weeks, intense speculation over the political future of Zaid, but the Umno man did not address the issue in his interview with the Chinese-language daily.
But he was highly critical of the "culture of fear" in Malaysia, which he appeared to blame on Umno and the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
"When we face an issue we cannot discuss it, we cannot debate it. We only use fear or we take to the streets. That is not the way things are done in a mature society," he said.
He said the leadership style of "those with political power" had resulted in race relations being a sensitive issue even after 50 years of independence.
The former minister said race politics had been constantly used because it was easy to get support that way.
"Umno feels that it is a party needed by the Malays. Umno leaders keep telling the Malays that they are constantly in danger and therefore need Umno.
"They always feel that only they know what is good for the Malays."
He said there was no need for "real Malays" to feel any fear or insecurity.
The real question, he said, was that too many people did not understand or respect the historical fact that for the last 100 years, the Malays, Chinese and Indians have contributed to nation-building.
He said Malaysia's status today as the 19th largest trading nation in the world was due to the contributions of all races.
Zaid also felt that under today's circumstances, a "May 13" race riot is not likely to happen again.
"I am not afraid of the Chinese being smart, because I too am smart. We keep talking about the Chinese having more shops and how we should be worried. The fact is we should not be worried. We should think of how to catch up," he said.
He added that it was no longer necessary for "one party to represent one race" anymore.
Zaid: Chinese Malaysians Have Made Great Sacrifices
Posted by St Low
Saturday, 04 October 2008 17:58
KUALA LUMPUR: Former minister in the prime minister's department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said true Malays need not be afraid, or feel lack of a sense of security.
"Take myself as an example. I'm a pure Malay, but I have a sense of security. I feel proud of my own race and culture."
However he said, the problem is that many people do not understand or respect history. Indians, Chinese and Malays have been participating in the nation-building process since a few centuries ago. The Indians used to work in the estates, while the Chinese and Indonesians have all made valuable contributions and sacrifices for the nation too. But we have all forgotten this.
Zaid Ibrahim quit his Cabinet post because he did not agree to the government's decision of detaining civilians under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
He said during an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily that the Chinese used to work here as miners, and they made great sacrifices during the confrontation with the communists, adding that we must understand history and what they have done for the nation.
"The rights of every individual must be respected and taken care of by everyone else."
"We are only talking about Malaysia as the 19th largest export country in the world, and that we have the twin towers and are a developed country... Do you think we have done all this ourselves? You're wrong. This achievement has been made after so many people from different ethnic groups have sacrificed for the nation.
"We are not talking about the positive things, but instead discussing how we should get worried because the Chinese have opened how many more new stores here.
"As a matter of fact, the first feeling we should have is not about worry. We should work harder to keep up with them instead.
"I've never been worried about the Chinese. In my legal firm, my partner is a Chinese, and we trust each other. Do you think I have built up my success all on my own?
"I'm not scared that the Chinese are smart, for I'm also very smart. I'm not scared that the Chinese are hard working, for I'm also very hard working. We have bad guys in every ethnic group, and you're cheated simply because you're not smart enough. We must educate young Malaysians to look at things from a positive perspective."
Zaid said certain people have kept on mentioning May 13 to blackmail the people. However he felt that given our current situation, this thing would never happen again.
"I am thinking, for a better future, all Malaysians should stand up and speak out bravely. The Chinese must defend the rights of the Malays, and the Malays must also defend the rights of the Chinese. Everyone must be properly taken care of here."
He felt that we should not rely on a single political party to take care of a particular community. It should be that the rights of every individual must be respected and taken care of by everyone else. (By HOU YALUN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)
Comments (11)
written by Shimshon, October 04, 2008 18:12:36
"I'm not scared that the Chinese are smart, for I'm also very smart. I'm not scared that the Chinese are hard working, for I'm also very hard working.....
He he he....
Abdullah Al-Beduin - can't say: "...for I'm also very smart....for I'm also very hardworking" ---
because Pak Lah despite his positve qualities, is certainly not very smart, nor very hardworking!
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written by ChrisLim, October 04, 2008 18:17:07
In my workspace, we have Malay, Chinese and Indian co-workers. We are all happily working together as a TEAM. Each group has their own capabilities and we never have any doubt towards each other. We assist each other and work in a harmoneous and friendly enviroment and never have people behave and talk like Ahmad Ismail. It is very sad to see what Ahmad Ismail had commented on Chinese as Pendatang. From what his remark, it is clear that even he works in BN with so many raced based parties, he does not believe in working with pther parties as a team.
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written by Concerned_Citizen, October 04, 2008 18:18:26
A leader in the making! I salute you, Sir Datuk Zaid!
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written by Malaysia Ku, October 04, 2008 18:22:02
Datuk Zaid is the true Malaysian; we should start thinking of being a Malaysian first before thinking about anything else. We must not be worry about who have the most wealth because if we work hard and smart enough the wealth will come on his own. After all god makes us equal. As leaders of all Malaysians they must make sure that not a single of us will be left behind in all aspects of development. Datuk Zaid we salute you for your principle you fight for. SYABAS..
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written by Uncorruptible, October 04, 2008 18:29:06
The only people who have made no sacrifices are umno.
they just skim off the fat of other people's sacrifices by plundering the country.
Pakatan Rakyat is Malaysia's saviour.
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written by pulaiman, October 04, 2008 18:38:56
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written by kanokporn, October 04, 2008 18:44:33
hello zaid,
it is not about being smart or working very hard or both. i am an engineer and a lawyer but could not get a job with the govt no matter how hard i tried and i even went to univ malaya in 1972. all this started then. the chinese and indians worked very very hard and sacrificed for this nation but in the last 51 years we have been completely overtaken by your malays/muslims simply because of the policies that have been put in place only for the malays as if they are the only human beings. example switch to bahasa, nep, affirmative action program only for the malays. look at the people in govt service. every single one is a malay and you think chinese and indians have become stupid suddenly?. no we have been slowly squeezed out to work for the malays. even in the private sector and in contracts same story. go tell your pathetic story to the pigs which are wonderful animals made by god anyway. you were so stupid to have joined umno, bn and to accept the de facto position. now with your stupidity again you want to join pr. you are rich i guess so no problem. the simple good folk have no choice my friend. think about it. your turncoat behaviour does not impress me.
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written by cruzeiro, October 04, 2008 19:04:41
The idea that Umno wishes to instill into the minds of Malays in Malaysia is that - a fair race is when the competitor wears 10kg weights which is subject to a "social contract".
Likewise, the Non-Malay should be forced to believe that they are born to run with weights, the weight of which is subject to goodwill of Umno and the "social contract".
Little do the realize that they have made others more competitive and resilient - so the "social contract" now declares that they wear 12kgs!
This will keep happening, until the weights are unshackled in due time (locally or overseas) in a different race, and in due time, the local racists are left with kangkung feet incapable of running!
That's the NEP for you!
And you've yet to quit Umno despite having been persecuted ......
Have you lost your feet, or are you hoping for some freebies yourself?
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written by Lim Lim, October 04, 2008 19:08:07
historical facts aside,pls ask ourselves n urselves ;what's the percentage of constribution from the chinese malaysian on the national taxation???this is one of the foundamental element as far as nation building process is concerned!
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written by Limang, October 04, 2008 19:20:02
Yes, true Malays have no fear as they are as smart, hardworking and resourceful as any other races.
In fact, most Malays are very good people too.
The only problem is the "foreigners" who claimed to be Malays and use the fear tactic to frighten the true Malays into voting for them.
UInfortunately, the majority of the true Malays never woke up and believe in such craps and today, they remain wrapped up in their own cacoon, unaware that these "fereigners-turned-Malays" is controlling them and leading them to humiliation and defeat. The worst thing is these foreigners-turned-Malays are robbing and raping our country dry!
Zaid, you should do something about this, as you know what's happening, and you have the means, capacity and support.
If we were to do this, to try to awaken the Malays, we would end up like RPK, a true Malay - ISA-ed!
So over to you, brother!
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written by ahmadneil, October 04, 2008 19:34:09
That's the way Hero Zaid!You are absolutely right!We malays must have the guts to stand up and say something like this.Open UiTM to the chinese and tell them to come so we can learn from each other.If we don't then our grade will be like those in the kindergarden.Let open all the malay institution up so we can have chinese ,Indians and other races coming in to join us.Let meritocracy be the word of the day.
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Umno wants Zaid to show cause over his anti-ISA views
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 10 — Former de facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has been issued a show-cause letter by his party Umno over his outspoken opposition to the Internal Security Act.
He told reporters today that he was issued the letter two weeks ago.
The party letter was issued over Zaid's open letter to the Prime Minister regarding the use of the ISA and his support for the opposition's push to repeal it.
Speaking at a press conference today, he said his lawyer Malik Imtiaz Sarwar would respond to the letter.
Zaid quit the Cabinet in September.
Zaid had quit Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's Cabinet in September over ISA arrests and the lack of support for his proposed reforms, had written an open letter to the PM calling for the abolition of the law.
He said in his letter that the government had failed the people in repeatedly reneging on Tunku Abdul Rahman's promise that "the ISA would never be used to stifle legitimate opposition and silence lawful dissent."
Zaid's presence and support of an opposition caucus against the ISA was also cited in the letter asking him to show cause.
Since leaving Cabinet, there has been widespread speculation over the political future of Zaid.
He is said to be contemplating quitting Umno and is being courted by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's PKR party.
The show-cause letter will certainly fuel more speculation.
A number of Umno leaders have been clamouring for action to be taken against him for his outspokenness.
Last week, Zaid also referred to the social contract as "racialist and a creation of Umno."
Is Zaid quitting Umno? Not yet, he says
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Former de facto Law Minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim says he is not quitting Umno just yet.
Zaid replied "not yet" in a text message response to a query from The Malaysian Insider asking him to confirm speculation that he would be quitting Umno to join Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).
He did not elaborate further on the matter.
But if the former minister does quit, it will certainly give the opposition bragging rights and refloat talk of cross overs.
PKR sources told The Malaysian Insider that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has been courting the prominent lawyer and intensified the overtures after Zaid resigned from the Cabinet last month.
PKR officials are certain that he will switch his political allegiance soon.
His friends in the legal community say that he has been disillusioned with the ruling party and is intrigued by Anwar's pledge to overhaul the race-based political system in Malaysia.
If Zaid does quit Umno as widely predicted, it will represent Anwar's biggest catch since claiming that he had "the numbers'' to force the collapse of the Barisan Nasional government and form the next administration.
If nothing else, the defection will be a public relations coup for the opposition leader, who has received negative press over his inability to make good on his promise of forming a new government by Sept 16. But Anwar will still be 31 MPs short of forcing a change in government. The reason: Zaid is a member of the Senate and not Dewan Rakyat.
Zaid's possible cross over will sting Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi more than Umno because it was the latter who appointed the maverick politician a senator and made him a minister after the March 8 general election.
Zaid quit the Cabinet after the government used the Internal Security Act on a journalist, an opposition politician and a blogger. He also said that he was disillusioned because of resistance he faced in the Cabinet when pushing for reforms to the judiciary, especially the setting up of the Judicial Appointments Commission.
In many ways, if he leaves Umno, it will not be surprising. He has pushed for more transparency; a review of the ISA; equality for all races and a complete overhaul of the beleaguered judiciary — issues which do not have much traction in the ruling party.
Also, party officials say that he was upset at the manner his supporters in the Kota Baru division were "blocked'' from nominating him to contest the top post in the division. The current division chief is Datuk Mohd Fatmi Che Salleh, political secretary to Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
URL - http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/10012-is-zaid-quitting-umno-not-yet-he-says
Zaid attacks race politics
Zaid says he joined the government for the wrong reasons.
By Leslie Lau
Consultant Editor
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Amid widespread speculation over his political future, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has criticised his own party Umno for contributing to race relations problems.
He also urged Umno to engender a more fair-minded administration, and lead the Malays towards having better race relations with non-Malays.
Speaking to the mass-circulation Chinese-language Sin Chew Daily in his most extensive interview since resigning as a member of the Cabinet recently, Zaid also called for more open debates over "sensitive issues”.
He also pointed out that the results of the March general election were a clear message from the people that they wanted change, but the government had failed to change.
The former minister in the Prime Minister's Department, who resigned in protest against recent Internal Security Act arrests, said he had joined the government for the wrong reasons.
"I became a minister for the wrong reason. That reason was reform, but I have failed.
"I thought they would no longer use the ISA. I thought the government would be more open to the rule of law and the constitution, but I was wrong."
There has been, in recent weeks, intense speculation over the political future of Zaid, but the Umno man did not address the issue in his interview with the Chinese-language daily.
But he was highly critical of the "culture of fear" in Malaysia, which he appeared to blame on Umno and the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition.
"When we face an issue we cannot discuss it, we cannot debate it. We only use fear or we take to the streets. That is not the way things are done in a mature society," he said.
He said the leadership style of "those with political power" had resulted in race relations being a sensitive issue even after 50 years of independence.
The former minister said race politics had been constantly used because it was easy to get support that way.
"Umno feels that it is a party needed by the Malays. Umno leaders keep telling the Malays that they are constantly in danger and therefore need Umno.
"They always feel that only they know what is good for the Malays."
He said there was no need for "real Malays" to feel any fear or insecurity.
The real question, he said, was that too many people did not understand or respect the historical fact that for the last 100 years, the Malays, Chinese and Indians have contributed to nation-building.
He said Malaysia's status today as the 19th largest trading nation in the world was due to the contributions of all races.
Zaid also felt that under today's circumstances, a "May 13" race riot is not likely to happen again.
"I am not afraid of the Chinese being smart, because I too am smart. We keep talking about the Chinese having more shops and how we should be worried. The fact is we should not be worried. We should think of how to catch up," he said.
He added that it was no longer necessary for "one party to represent one race" anymore.
URL - http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/10002?task=view#pc_2935
Why Teresa Kok is the target
Kok, according to her supporters, is a hero who has been wronged.
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — She has been villified as a Chinese chauvinist and portrayed as anti-Muslim. She was detained one week under the Internal Security Act for allegedly stirring up religious sentiments. And last week, unknown assailants threw a Molotov cocktail into the compound of her family home in Kuala Lumpur.
But ask DAP Member of Parliament Teresa Kok why she has become the target of a smear campaign in recent months and she will probably be hard pressed for an answer.
And those who know her insist she is anything but a chauvinist or an enemy of Islam that her detractors claim she is.
When Kok was detained under the ISA, even Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who quit the Cabinet as de facto Law Minister partly in protest against the use of the law, said of her: "I know Teresa personally and I cannot see her as anti-Islam."
While Zaid was the only Umno member who spoke out publicly, he was not the only one who viewed the recent ISA detentions of Kok and a female journalist, who was released after 18 hours, as unwarranted.
"Look, everyone who knows her (Kok) knows she is not a bigot or a chauvinist. This makes the government look bad," one MP from Umno said.
In fact, it was some of Kok's political opponents in Parliament — from the ruling Barisan Nasional — who met with government officials in private to plead for her release. Such is Kok's popularity that when she made her first public appearance at a press conference hours after her release on Sept 19, she received a standing ovation from reporters.
It is probable that Kok, who won her Seputeh parliamentary seat in Kuala Lumpur with a 36,492-vote majority — the biggest — in the March elections, could win with an even bigger margin if polls were held today.
To her supporters, she is a hero who has been wronged.
It was alleged that she had abused her position as an MP and a member of the Selangor state government to direct a mosque to reduce the volume of its public address system during prayer times because it was disturbing non-Muslims living nearby.
The allegation, made by former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Khir Toyo, and highlighted in the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia newspaper, was found to be untrue. Even the mosque committee came out to publicly deny the allegation. Still, she was detained by the police.
The attacks have not stopped despite her release. Utusan Malaysia has made her, in her own words, a "cover girl" since her release. After she complained about the allegedly low quality of food served during her detention, comparing it to dog food, she has been chastised repeatedly in the newspaper.
Kok, known for her multiracial stand, has been determined more than ever to flaunt it since her arrest.
Following her release, she has been attending breaking-of-fast functions almost nightly during the just-ended fasting month of Ramadan.
But even that has become the subject of attacks by Utusan Malaysia.
Last week, Kok was criticised in the newspaper for "wearing a skirt to a mosque". The article appeared to suggest that she was wearing something outrageous and that her attire caused serious discomfort among Muslims present at the function.
However, facts suggested otherwise. Kok wore a long-sleeved dress which came down almost to her ankles. She also did not enter the mosque, remaining instead in its compound.
One of Kok's Malay-Muslim supporters said: "I don't understand why she is being targetted. She is usually so sensitive to the religious obligations of Muslims it is almost ridiculous. She usually takes great pains to tell me what I can or cannot eat when we are out that I find it hard to believe she would be anti-Islam."
Ultimately, the smear campaign could be attributed to the fact that Kok and a number of leaders from the Chinese-dominated DAP have taken pains to reach out to Malay-Muslim voters.
As a member of a party who is part of three state governments — along with its Malay partners in the Parti Keadilan Rakyat and Pas — DAP leaders like Kok have been reaching out more than ever, and successfully, to Malay voters.
This is undoubtedly a political threat to the ruling coalition led by Umno.
The attacks against Kok and the attempts to portray her as a Chinese chauvinist who is anti-Islam represent a crude attempt at undermining the credibility and viability of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, as a viable multiracial alternative to BN.
But targetting Kok, known for her congeniality as much as anything else, may well backfire. — Today
URL - http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/9991?task=view#pc_2928
Zaid: Chinese Malaysians Have Made Great Sacrifices
Posted by St Low
Saturday, 04 October 2008 17:58
KUALA LUMPUR: Former minister in the prime minister's department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim said true Malays need not be afraid, or feel lack of a sense of security.
"Take myself as an example. I'm a pure Malay, but I have a sense of security. I feel proud of my own race and culture."
However he said, the problem is that many people do not understand or respect history. Indians, Chinese and Malays have been participating in the nation-building process since a few centuries ago. The Indians used to work in the estates, while the Chinese and Indonesians have all made valuable contributions and sacrifices for the nation too. But we have all forgotten this.
Zaid Ibrahim quit his Cabinet post because he did not agree to the government's decision of detaining civilians under the Internal Security Act (ISA).
He said during an exclusive interview with Sin Chew Daily that the Chinese used to work here as miners, and they made great sacrifices during the confrontation with the communists, adding that we must understand history and what they have done for the nation.
"The rights of every individual must be respected and taken care of by everyone else."
"We are only talking about Malaysia as the 19th largest export country in the world, and that we have the twin towers and are a developed country... Do you think we have done all this ourselves? You're wrong. This achievement has been made after so many people from different ethnic groups have sacrificed for the nation.
"We are not talking about the positive things, but instead discussing how we should get worried because the Chinese have opened how many more new stores here.
"As a matter of fact, the first feeling we should have is not about worry. We should work harder to keep up with them instead.
"I've never been worried about the Chinese. In my legal firm, my partner is a Chinese, and we trust each other. Do you think I have built up my success all on my own?
"I'm not scared that the Chinese are smart, for I'm also very smart. I'm not scared that the Chinese are hard working, for I'm also very hard working. We have bad guys in every ethnic group, and you're cheated simply because you're not smart enough. We must educate young Malaysians to look at things from a positive perspective."
Zaid said certain people have kept on mentioning May 13 to blackmail the people. However he felt that given our current situation, this thing would never happen again.
"I am thinking, for a better future, all Malaysians should stand up and speak out bravely. The Chinese must defend the rights of the Malays, and the Malays must also defend the rights of the Chinese. Everyone must be properly taken care of here."
He felt that we should not rely on a single political party to take care of a particular community. It should be that the rights of every individual must be respected and taken care of by everyone else. (By HOU YALUN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)
URL - http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/13414/84/
What Bangsa Malaysia!
Posted by St Low
Saturday, 04 October 2008 11:08
It has been a roller coaster ride for us Malaysian since March 8 2008. You know, I actually thought that we as Malaysian are growing out of racism and into creating one race which is Bangsa Malaysia.
But then, here I am today, disgusted not soo much because of what Sammy blogged but rather seeing the amount of support she seems to get. There are groups of bloggers here who believe that only a Malay can't utter racist comments whereas we are free to bash everyone else. The Malays can't call us pendatang but we can say anything we want and we must be able to get away with it. Only then is Malaysia supposedly free of racism.
Let me tell you a true story. A few weeks back, I spent a few days with my Malay friends in our beautiful Malaysian forest. I noticed something. These friends of mine were outright racist and thinks Teresa Kok and the journalist shouldn't have been released from ISA. I was surprised because they are very nice people. I just couldn't understand their logic so I kept quiet. Later that day during our conversation, my friend told all of us that the Chinese cannot be trusted and they need to be placed where they belong else they would lose their head and start bossing people around. At this point, I interrupted and told my friend that he is wrong because there are a lot of Chinese out there who are true Malaysians. They will live and die for this country. We just have to give them the chance to prove it. After all, all of us, despite the differences in our skin color, we are all humans. Well, I couldn't convince all of them but I was hoping that they will eventually get it.
Now coming back to the present, after reading all the comments from Malaysia -Today bloggers, I am begining to wonder whether my Malay friends were right all this while and I was the idiot who thinks the sky is always blue throughout the world.
Why? Because according to some Chinese bloggers here, Ahmad Ismail is racist whereas Sammy is a poor little girl who accidently got a jab of racism and lost her cool so we have to forgive her. There are some morons who think that the Indian
community at large is at fault because of the two thieves who stole Sammy's handset and Hindraf should do some soul searching before lodging the police report.
I have been cheated by authorised mercedes service centers which are owned by Chinese. So, according to these bloggers, the rational conclusion that I should arrive at is, all Chinese are thieves and cheaters because most service centers are owned by the Chinese.
I think we should forgive Ahmad Ismail too because all racist statements are just the same. There are no mild racist and hardcore racist. We should also forgive Najib, Ali Rustam, Khir Toyo and the list goes on. We should also forgive the Malays for supporting Ahmad Ismail and last but not least, my friends too for being racist. The funniest part is there are some bloggers out there who thinks we should forgive Sammy because she is nobody in the blogging world. If I apply the same logic, not many
people knew Ahmad Ismail in the political world before his controversial statement so we should forgive him too isn't ?
I guess as long as the skin color is the same, the Malays will support the malays, the Chinese will support the Chinese and the Indians will support the Indians. For once, I will not blame UMNO for being racist because we are equally racist. Next time the Umno guys tell you you don't deserve equal treatment, just shut your mouth because you would have done the same thing if you
were in his position.
You know, I really did think the idea of Bangsa Malaysia was not far fetched. Now I realise we still have a long way to go.
Comments (22)
written by justme bc, October 04, 2008 11:28:02
Kumar, all these racist mentality pollution is the end result of the UMNO divide and rule policy over the last 22 years or so under the Mahathir regime. We have to reverse this policy if we would like to see the birth of a truly bangsa malaysia...we, the rakyat have to work hard for this to come to reality. Johan Jaaffar article: Racial harmony has to begin with the young is truly very well written and respected in this area of racial harmony.
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written by hakuna, October 04, 2008 11:31:01
Kumar - YOU really NAILED it here. Could not have said it better.
All Malaysians have a lot of soul searching to do.
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written by sonofmalaysia, October 04, 2008 11:37:19
Allow me to make some distinction here.
SAmmy is an ordinary person, lost her cool and vent out something bad out of anger and frustration.
The politician Ah mad and others, belongs to a powerful political party, having some position of influence, he was instigating racial hatred and threatening others of their constitional rights as citizen. If many people think like him , Malysia will burn !!
The degree and seriousness of the two incidence are mountains apart.
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written by Blackmilk, October 04, 2008 11:43:44
There is no excuse for Ahmad Ismail to say what he said. Party member or not, it was horrible.
Likewise, there is no excuse for Sammy either. She may apologize, but we now know what kind of person she is inside. The fact that she belongs to our youth is just disheartening.
I have experienced racism from all the races and all ages in Malaysia. But I believe in my heart that there are people out there who are truly Bangsa Malaysia, and I hope these other people like Ahmad and Ismail will see the light soon and embrace all colors.
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written by Hakim Joe, October 04, 2008 11:50:51
Kumar, all people are racist when it suits them. Chinese, Malay and Indians alike. However, you missed a point here. Sammy apologised...Ahmad Ismail will not.
Additionally let me tell you something. All service centres, regardless of whether they are Chinese, Malay or Indian owned will try their hardest to overcharge you and try to get away with it. This is a fact of life that you have to accept.
I am however very disappointed in your views that maybe your frens were right in the first place. I think you know better than that. Racist statements in any blog is an unavoidable fact. A few racist comments in MT does not automatically make the entire race a racist. If you can alter your views by just reading a few comments here, completely disregarding your stance of a lifetime, you become just as bad as the racist within this site.
Bangsa Malaysia will remain a dream in our lifetime. Hopefully it will become a reality in our child's lifetime. A long way to go nonetheless but eventually we will reach there. I sincerely hope so.
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written by Fairminded, October 04, 2008 11:58:07
Each race identify with one another because of what we called "biological markers". Kumar should not confuse race with nationality. Let us face the fact that there is no such thing, biologically speaking, of a Bangsa Malaysia. However we can call a Malaysian nationality - i.e. all races should be considered as equal to one another a Malaysian. Races will exist in Malaysia until inter marriage makes all of us look similar in "Biological markers" then on a Bangsa Malaysia will exist. Take Chinese as an example. Strictly speaking, Chinese is not a race, it is a nationality - citizen of China - because in China there are actually 56 races, of which there are five races that are in the majority. They are the Hans, Mongolians, Tibetans, Manchurians and Hui. However, because of seven thousand years of intermarriage, Chinese races starts to "look alike" although in some far flung places like Harbin one can find blue or grey eye "Chinese" or Turkish looking "Chinese". To sum it up, Malaysians of all races is not looking for one race but for equaltiy of all races under the constitution and law of the country as citizens. There will be competition between races but it should be in a level field. Then there will be no accusations of favourtism of one race or another. Then, if this equality and fair play under a fair judiciary takes root, over time there will be intermarriage and hopefully in a few hundred years there will be a bangsa Malaysia. It is like th Babas and the "Portuguese" in Malacca - a true hybrid of various races. Until then, races and racism will exist, like it or not. So let us work towards a more practical solution and that is justice for all.
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written by apasalahku, October 04, 2008 12:14:55
You guys are bunch of stupid hicks. Travel the world and your eyes will be open
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written by Apek, October 04, 2008 12:28:52
Dear Kumar,
I do not for one moment condone the comments of either one of these two imbeciles (Sammy and Ahmad Ismail) but I only seek to show you that they should be penalised differently based on their standing in the Malaysian Community.
Sammy is a social blogger who does not claim to speak for any person, race, religion or association but herself. By the fact that her writing betrays her lack of self control, her skewed mentality, her abandonment of thought and her absence of social graces, marks her out particularly as a nobody - and should be treated as such - an emotional and irrational girl - if at all. With such stupidity in control of her person, I would not even trust her to handle any portfolio let alone allow her to strategize National issues.
We DO NOT call this peasant an "honorable member".
On the other hand, we have Ahmad Ismail, who claim to be speaking and acting for the Malay race, under he bidding of UMNO, claims to be a representative of the people, accepts accolade to the title of "statesman" and further claims to be highly capable in acting in the National interest and UMNO's. Here is Ahmad Ismail who hijacks the public space, claims he speaks for ALL Malays and goes on a rage against another race.
Strangely, we call him "Yang Berhormat".
Both have displayed stupidity at its highest. One has never hijacked the public sphere the other has used the public sphere to cause untold damage. One is immediately repentant whilst the other shows no remorse and even display the pre-mediated criminal intent to cause national carnage and race riots.
Ahmad Ismail's actions must be measured against the standard of what is acceptable to us (the Malaysian Public and the ones whom he claims he speaks for) as a "just and honorable statesman" making a national statement AND NOT based on the standards of a backyard peasant girl whose publication only reaches to some of her first cousins (if any).
So, if I were to sit in judgment of these two, I would adjudge that both are guilty but I would penalize Ahmad Ismail based on the measurement of what is acceptable as a statement worthy of a "just and honorable Statesman" that represents the Nation (since by virtue of his standing is given the national platform to air his views). On the other hand, I would penalize Sammy merely for her immaturity and control.
I have therefore to disagree with your comments.
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written by ahmadneil, October 04, 2008 12:29:14
Bullshit Kumar,I'm a malay baru and I hate races been call by names.If you don't start calling other names, nobody will call you names also.In our multi-national firm we call George,James,Ahmad,Richard,Anna,Stanley,Kapal,Kranjit ,Ambi,etc not 'squatters',immigrants,etc.
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written by mali, October 04, 2008 12:30:59
come on people, let's not miss the big picture here. we should remember who Ahmad is, a public figure & "leader". he was making the statemt in a public event during the election, so he should be more "matured".
how can we equate Sammy with Ahmad?
I dun condoen wat Sammy wrote bcos she's inmature, can be scolded more being racist, but do u want to waste the resources to jail her with ISA or charge with Sedition Act?
come on people, especially the eople in power, we have responsibility to improve the economy, all of us need to cari makan, dun side track us the petty issues!
those whom want to divert our attention with petty stuffs frm the serious effort to improve the economy!
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written by talk3talk4, October 04, 2008 12:39:17
premeditated versus non-premidatated
person or authority versus layman (in this case a silly gal)
reality is "racism is alive where ever you go". At times, it is in the minority, sometime in the majority and our case it's legalised and encouraged within certain quarters particularly during certain occasions. So don't slit your wrist, OK?
If Haris Ibrahim think like you, die'lah! Who is going to fight for Bangsa Malaysia?
What is stereotyping? Is it a form of racism and how rampant it is?
Aiyah, no time to think of all this'lah. Rather spend my time contemplating my navel.
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written by PASOK, October 04, 2008 12:44:56
Dont worry about all this racial stuff. Whilst everyone gets distracted by the endless talk of this bangsa and that bangsa, the BN elites are stealing more and more money. Lets focus on the real problem and that is that the rich are stealing from the rest of us.
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written by Lim Lim, October 04, 2008 12:53:11
sammy is an example of intoxicated lost soul produced or evolved under the racist umno be end regime....sort of emulating that mad cow ahmad from bukit bendera.....she at least hav the courage to apologise but what about the mad cow ahmad...n he said openly that the letter of suspension hav not even reached him n he is still free to roam as an umno goon!
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written by The dragonheart, October 04, 2008 13:03:41
Lets face it. Too many people here are self centered! Nobody can change others. But everyone can change themselves Nobody can change UMNO except UNMO change Itself. Everyone of us loves to increase our circle of concernbut we fail to look at ourselves in the mirror. Yes we are too concern about other peoples' action, behaviors, and values but fail to admit that our own values are the same or mybe worst.
Everyone fail to realize that they have the power of influence but refuse to increase their circle of influence to suppressed their circle of concern. I give u a simple example. You hate your boss because he/she nags at you everyday. The boss like people who are punctual.You always come to work late (even if you goes back late) But you only increase your circle of concern by telling other you hate your boss for nagging at u everyday. Can you change your boss character? the answer is a big NO. try do it by force. very soon you will be kicked out of the company.
Now, try to look in the mirror, ask yourself. Can you change yourself? How? of course by being punctual and finish your work early. So you can influence your self and give yourself permission to change right? will the boss nag at you anymore? She have no more reason to do so. because you change yourself to make your boss stop nagging at you. Did the boss change? NEVER. she will nag at other who are not punctual. But are u happy now? surely u should be. Lets look back at the current national issue. The non Malays hate the NEP (suppose to be from 1970-1990) which have been prolonged until today. Let me ask the Non-Malays here. how many have really tried to help to achieve the objectives of the NEP during the 20 years period?
Who are the alibaba who corrupted the UMNO/BN Leaders in most government tenders and projects? Did the Non-Malays( or BUMIS) companys supported the small Bumiputra companies? Did the Non- BUMIS mega companies recruited more Bumis to achieve thier 30% quota? why less Chinese applied in the government sectors, police and military? who are the other people who gave corruption to the government servants? How many chinese shopers shop at a Malay Mini Market and vice versa? ask yourself. Why the chinese still want to separate their children and sent them to Chinese school and live within their community?
The list goes on and on. and how can the two prong objective of the NEP to be succeed? (i.e. To eradicate poverty and to restructure the society) Look at what it was economically of the races before 1970 and look at today. any different? there are but mere 5% achievement is no bloody good. And the Culprit greedy UMNO/BN takes this as valid excuse to carry on the NEP.
Dear Malaysian. Change yourself first, the your family , then your neigbours, then your community. Don't be a hero to change the government who have all the laws and might in their hands. The government well change if the people change holistically. Trust me. In today's modern world,revolution, 13 May, Hindraf, or Hartal is a NO NO. it is just a stupid action of poking a beehive. people will suffer in the end. those leader are muli-billionaires. they use all the laws and even if all business are shut down. they still laugh and enjoy life.
My Brothers and Sisters Muslims and non-Muslims, You have don't a great job on 8 March but if you do not change yourself Malaysia will be the same even for the next 100 years. lets change ourselves to build a better society and let the bad guys alone and pray hard they join us one day.
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written by archie, October 04, 2008 13:10:35
"Only then is Malaysia supposedly free of racism".
No country can ever be totally free of racism. There are racists in every community - some are ultras and some are moderates, some show it and some don't. Malaysia is better than many countries but worse off than some.
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written by hckit, October 04, 2008 13:12:17
PASOK is right, once Anwar takes over , Angkat semua orang melayu, cina , indian, iban , kadazan and etc .. semua kaya, semua sama taraf, semua educated. The racism will eventually gone. Criminals will be reduced
To kill Malaysia Racism , Let's kill BN/UMNO first.
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written by krising1, October 04, 2008 13:33:33
I normally ignore remarks by people who say that all Malays are lazy, all Chinese are cheats and all Indians are drunk. It shows that the person has little or no understanding of human beings and human nature. At the end of the day the Chinese, Malay or Indian will respect or disrespect you for what you are or what you do. The thieves, the lazy ones, the cheats, the drug addicts, criminals are found in all races. "if this is not true and upon me be proved, I never writ nor any man ever had any intelligence".
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written by Sining83, October 04, 2008 15:28:56
it's shame of her for making such a racist remark. But let us think about it again, why is she making such a remark? The problem does not lies solely on herself. She's just the by product of our 50 years long nation building based on race politics. To tell the truth, none of us will be totally color blind for the whole life. At some point of life, incidents happened to ourselves which will change the course of what we usually believed in. For example, most of our older generation hates Japanese due to WW2 but we, the younger generation have no hard feeling on them.
talking about a racist (and sexist) blog.. i stumbled across one 2 days ago. Do take a look at http://racist69.blogspot.com/
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written by yipck, October 04, 2008 16:16:40
I have been defending the Malays for so many years. Things that happens recently have changed my mine!!
I am in Singapore Government largest IT project (SOEasy). And I am part of the management team that assign IT Engineer to Government Agencies.
We put people base on Qualificatio into the JOB and NOT Skin Color. There are Managers, Teamlead and Engineers that are Indian, Malay and Chinese. It doesnt matter what race u are as long as you can deliver the SLA, we will employ and assign to the Government agency.
However, for the last 6 months, we are facing many manpower issue due to ATTITUDES!!
Of course Chinese, Malay and Indian in the job does give minor minor problem. but for the last month, My management team inclusive of myself are EXTREMELY in BIG BIG HEADACHE b'cos of the ATTITUDE problem cause by Malay Teamleads and Malay Engineers.
I am so tired of so many excuses and attitude problem that causes by those Malay Engineers in government agency!!
1. Jobs assigned to the engineers did only half way and fail the SLA.
2. Complaint of Overwork where infact they are slagging behind other people
3. No Commitment.
4. Those that commit and cannot handle too much, just take long emergency leave and doesn't even want to pick up the phone!!
5. Give lots of excuse for not completing the job whereas other Enginners can complete it.
6. Whatever assigned to them, were feedback that they didn't receieve the infomation/documentation. In fact EVERYONE was being SPOONFED til the max!! as other engineer has the informationi/documentation.
7. Always go for smoke and drinks for 1 to 2 hours or more a day!!! and sometimes countless time
8. Promise to Internal team and VVIP/User and fail to follow up.. more like NEVER follow up.
Bloody hell that Singapore Government EXTREMELY STRICT on achiving the SLA and the target time!!!
Bloody hell that I everyday have to answer to those VVIP/ TSM/ Directors etc on why such things happens!!!
WORST come to WORST I still defended them infront of the VVIP/TSM/Directors. Now its a matter of time before those people in Gov agency ask to replace those Malay Problematic
engineers!! They are aware of such problem and now they are giving chance!!
And those VVIP/TSM/Directors will ask Engineers or Teamlead to go NO matter which race you are (be it Chinese/malay/Indian/Foreigners) as long as you fail to perform!!! And it happens constantly!!!
Its not just 1 or 2 Engineer, its Majority of the Malay working has such ATTITUDE Problem!!!
No doubt they have the QUALITFICATION, SKILLS and Experience. Technically SPEAKING Malays Engineer that in my company, they CAN WORK.. Its the ATTITUDE that makes them SLAG!!!!!
I am just waiting for the Operation Manager to give me Green light. Once Green light given, we will trash them out of the company!!!!
This month onwards we have decided to try avoid to hire MALAYS!!!!
We are in Billions dollar SGD project and they have created so much impact in the business.
Professional Malaysian who works in Singapore for Singapore Government.
(Appreciated in Singapore and rejected in Malaysia)
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written by sjs, October 04, 2008 17:14:38
we chose to reply to you from here and not from the other article,, where it was the first, becuase we are being monitored closely, for our article of 5 pages posted few days ago. We will not name the article, For a while all our sensistive postings will stop. Just few days. The clue is our "last posting in Malaysia today" the article appeared on the same day.
We dont consume alcohol, occassional wine maybe. But when we come to Malaysia one day, we will demand our cup of coffee from you and RPK
Thanks mate
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written by johntyc, October 04, 2008 17:53:41
It doesn't matter who uttered them, a racist remark is still a racist remark. Period! Ahmad uttered them. He must apologize and remorse. Sammy uttered them and she apologized but I hope she'll remorse.
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written by BennyG, October 04, 2008 19:13:06
Dragonheart, I truly admire the holistic approach but me waiting for another 50 years to see any improvement in Malaysia is a bit too much for me to tolerate.
Anyway, before MT, I never believe a non-political group would make a difference but RPK had shown and repeatedly tried to convince/hammer us that a Bangsa Malaysia is possible (not necessary in our lifetime but at least our children could appreciate).
If BN is not replaced as the government, then no change is possible.
Together we could make the difference.
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URL - http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/13401/84/
Zaid sees 'no future in Umno'
Posted by kasee
Sunday, 05 October 2008 10:52
(NST) KOTA BARU: Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who resigned as minister in the Prime Minister's Department last month, may be changing his mind about not leaving Umno. His reason is that he does not see a future for him in the party.
"I have given 20 years of my political life (to Umno) and I have got into a lot of difficulties because of my views and not that I was disloyal.
"I have always had different views on many things previously and today.
"I have been suspended from the party for nothing and now disqualified from running for (the Kota Baru) division election.
"So what do you want me to do if you are in my position?" Zaid said at his house in Pasir Hor here yesterday.
He tendered his resignation in mid-September over the government's use of the Internal Security Act on three individuals, including DAP stalwart Teresa Kok and blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin but said he would not quit the party.
On reports that he had been courted by Parti Keadilan Rakyat and met its adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, he said he had met Anwar and Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat as friends.
"I met Nik Aziz on Friday to wish him Selamat Hari Raya and we spoke about national issues, but did not touch on personal things."
Comments (32)
written by willove, October 05, 2008 10:58:23
Yes, 20 years ago there were no such viable alternatives so u join UMNO.
NOW u have a choice to do something right! The time is now! PR is here!
It's high time u prove yourself, quit and join PKR or DAP or PAS!
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written by Jan, October 05, 2008 10:59:28
Any party that suscribes to racial politics cannot last, I don't see why UMNO should be an exception. Furthermore it's ridden with corruption and led by an inept leadership. It's demise is imminent.
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written by ahmadneil, October 05, 2008 11:03:01
Zaid Ibrahim,if you are reading all the above comments,I bet you will feel proud to be a malay like me.Your name stands for all the races in malaysia.Your years spent with your chinese business partner have groom you to speak wisely.When you speaks people listen,not like umno,when we speak they don't listen.Zaid,I'm so proud of you not becos you stand out among the malays but you are respected by all races.Only you can make us all malaysian now.It's my fervent hope that you will stay the way you are and not be tempted by all those who wants you to follow their corrupted habits.Who knows, with all the supporters you are now having and increasing day by day,the sight of the Premiership is within your grab.You will have all our support should you declare your stand any day.Again my sincere gratitude to your unending support to our cause,to abolish ISA, release RPK and all the ISA detainees.
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written by IbnAbdHalim, October 05, 2008 11:08:18
You should be with PR. You can choose between PKR or DAP if PAS does not attract you.
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written by Sining83, October 05, 2008 11:12:16
Datuk Zaid,
I salute you as man of dignity and integrity. "Nation over party", it doesn't really matters of which party you are in. The only things that's matter is serving the country, the nation with integrity and dignity.
For those politician out there, I would like to recommend you guys to watch "recount", not for you guys to criticized anyone in the movie, but as a self reflection.
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written by Uncorruptible, October 05, 2008 11:14:36
The future with umno is more jail without trial, more scandals and more plunder of the country's wealth.
So sad that you STILL cannot see that, Zaid, you don't seem to be able to differentiate between good and EVIL. Maybe you shouldn't join PR after all.
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written by benjamin, October 05, 2008 11:31:22
Zaid Ibrahim, please contribute to help and save malaysia, join PKR,PAS OR DAP,
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written by Sudahlah tu, October 05, 2008 11:32:10
Jadilah diri sebagai idola untuk budak2 Melayu jati yang masih menunggu mentor mereka ...ini penting untuk membentuk perpaduan negara ...
jangan biarkan orang Melayu dipermainkan serta diperalatkan oleh umno lagi ..
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written by Hello Keithy, October 05, 2008 11:40:11
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim sees no future in UMNO but we see future in people like him. Good man. See it doesn't matter what race or religion you are, it the right thinking that matters most. This is truly an example of a good Malaysian for the future of the country. I salute you and the likes.
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written by supplier, October 05, 2008 11:44:28
As long as you bring in new and fair ideas,you are considered a traitor to UNMO Malays. It is the thick skulled and narrow minded clowns that cannot accept the facts that the true non UNMO malays and the people are no more stupid in believing in everything they say .Malaysians no longer support the robbers, thieves and rapist of the country wealth
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written by michaelT, October 05, 2008 11:47:37
Datuk Zaid, now that your wisdom seed has ripened and you can see deeply into 20 years of your UMNO life it is time that you contribute to society by joining PR under the dynamic leadership of DSAI. It is appropriate that you quit your highly esteem ministerial position for a sound principle of dismantling ISA and free the prisoners who are victims of the greed and power crazy UMNO. Your insight to the future generation well being is most contributary to the Unity of all races of this great nation. The Indians in the harvesting and road building,the Chinese in the mining and commerce/trading has brought this country to where it is now. Datuk your legal practice and expertise is much needed to revamp the judiciary and the laws governing this nation. You can only do it through PR
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written by Rozlan, October 05, 2008 11:48:54
He was very right you know...UMNO days are truly numbered....Thats why UMNO Central Comittee had pushed the panic button by asking Paklah to resign for good.However those move wont have any effect to UMNO credibility.he will bereplaced by a more corrupt person which will eventually destroyed UMNO good image still intact ..
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written by sonofmalaysia, October 05, 2008 11:50:29
Datuk Zaid,
You belong to all Malaysians, you don't belong to UMNO !
Leave the the pirate ship UMNO fast ! otherwise your good name will be tainted by UMNO shit !!
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written by binkah1, October 05, 2008 12:08:29
Dear Datuk Zaid,
Whichever political party you care to join is not important. You can constribute to Malaysia as much even without joining any. The way i see it, it's our political (masters??) that are creating all the current social and economical problem in our country. We the poor rakyat are the victim.
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written by onnetline, October 05, 2008 12:15:41
A good move ...... out of arrogance and corruption !
Join to give Pakatan Rakyat a chance to put things right, Datuk Zaid.
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written by ccw, October 05, 2008 12:18:22
If UMNO has future, the Rakyat will no future!
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written by Apek, October 05, 2008 12:23:38
Dear Zaid Ibrahim,
As I have said before, you can't do any more good there. UMNO is a feudal set up that does not jive with your intellectual, honest and honourable make up.
They are feudal - which means that the King is totally beholden to is warlords, dukes and chieftains' support and gangster powerbase in return for a specific 'fief' to rape and plunder as they please without interferance from the King. No good can become of your remaining within UMNO.
You must resign for two reasons. The first I have already said: You cannot do any more good for Malaysians back there. Get out and make ready to serve Malaysians from another angle.
The second is that you cannot remain within UMNO and be dishonoured by association to those whose acts, in the past and in the coming weeks and months is expected (and most likely) to be most despicable and disonourable as they fight tooth and nail to cling to power.
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written by cheekhiaw, October 05, 2008 12:49:30
Really good men would never have associated themselves with thieves, liars and murderers for long.
For them there is no such thing as 'a good time to leave'...
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written by yy88, October 05, 2008 13:01:29
I salute and respect you as a Malaysian leader for Bangsa Malaysia.
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written by Sagaladoola, October 05, 2008 13:24:00
Zaid, if there is no future for you in one place, perhaps it is high time for you to move on.
You will get my vote and support because the least of all you are a Man of your Words. A politician must have a stand and be prepared to fight for it. At least, you have credibility and not a "tin kosong", not a "Flip-Flop", not a "Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin" person.
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written by kiera, October 05, 2008 13:27:10
i look forward to your contribution to our nation building on your next 20 years.
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written by Joelim, October 05, 2008 14:10:45
Datuk Zaid...it's obvious that the vultures in UMNO don't want somebody of your calibre and fair-mindedness to be amongst them. "Birds of feather, flock together." They will not want to deal with someone like you. Your integrity as a true statesman with the people at heart is a threat to their survival. You see it's really a jungle out there, and out in the jungle it's the "survival of the fiercest." So you will find hooligans, barbarians, thieves, mobsters, rapists and even murderers (you name it they have it) who would pretend to proclaim their loyalty to the party but given the slightest chance they will not think twice to pound on any opportunity that could make them a quick buck. Try standing in their way you will end up like our beloved RPK. They don't care a hoot about what the people or the international community think. They have no regard for the people’s welfare and the country’s deteriorating economy. All they care about is their party or so they say. You can hear every politician uses the same line “I love my party” over and over again like it's a broken record. Patriotism? That’s what they try to make you think. The real reason is obvious to everyone who has an IQ of even 50. The party provides them the safe haven to rip the country's wealth. You on the other hand are trying to clean up their act. That's a monumental task. How could you fit in in their scheme of things? Obviously not. You are way too smart for them and believe me they know it too.
You have given hope to the nation and I am sure I am not the only one who would vote for you if you ever stand for the premiership. We all love you. Move on Datuk Zaid.
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written by ganbing, October 05, 2008 14:17:24
There is definitely no place for you in the robber den of Umno mired in a moral cesspool. Just for speaking out according to your principles, you've been suspended from Umno and disqualified from running for the Kota Baru division election.
I hope you'll join an opposition political party and stand for elections under Pakatan Rakyat banner. Voters will love you. The election will be a shoo-in for you even if you stand against Najib.
You're a future MP!
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written by mhwang, October 05, 2008 14:24:06
Join PAS? Too liberal. Join PKR? Too many Zaids already. Join DAP? Zaid will be the new Chairman when Karpal steps down. Think about it...
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written by mhwang, October 05, 2008 14:24:46
ganbing, you mean he's a future PM or MP?
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written by macaufan, October 05, 2008 14:32:23
'no future for rejim umno?'
yes....!!! d future of umno is being d 1st ever OPPOSITION in parliment & all their components parties jump ship to PR !
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written by Alice, October 05, 2008 14:48:59
Zaid i really admire you. You must be a God fearing man . A rare breed among the Malay corrupted ,hypocritical leaders.
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written by fergie, October 05, 2008 15:04:40
It is man of this calibre that Malaysia needs as its leader!
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written by cillipepper, October 05, 2008 15:48:23
My learned ZI of Tooting Broadway,
You future is in Pakatan Rakyat.
BN was your nightmare and now that you have awaken leave BN and join Pakatan Rakyat.
Your priority would be to take the lead to repeal ISA, free ALL detainees or charge them in court.
That's my Learned MAN!
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written by kc kua, October 05, 2008 16:29:40
Maybe, you are now a right man in UMNO to speak a right true view. This is what ou previous 1st and 2nd PM had done. You maybe the 3rd now. Cheers to you! You earn the people respect by speaking the truth from bottom of your heart:-) Maybe all the Malay that wish to progress and also their future of their nation and grandchild will think alike you.
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written by thumb, October 05, 2008 16:56:19
To know and not to do is not yet know. If you don't use what you know to accomplish something worthwhile is useless.You must walk the talk if you are to make your mark, and you have ample political party platform to do it.Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it Datuk Zaid.
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written by omarkhayyam, October 05, 2008 17:07:58
There still is a future Zaid
but ONLY
for those who still hold the UMNO contracts and awaitng a datuk or nenek-ship n many other UMNO goodies from petro-dollars
URL - http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/13431/84/
Umno adding to racial tension: Ex-minister
Sunday, 05 October 2008 08:07am
• Zaid sees 'no future in Umno'
©The Sunday Times, Singapore (Used by permission)
Kuala Lumpur - The former de facto law minister who quit in protest over recent Internal Security Act (ISA) arrests has criticised his own party, Umno, for contributing to racial tension in Malaysia.
Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, who is rumoured to be thinking of leaving the ruling party, blamed a 'culture of fear' for the country's race relation problems.
He said that 'those with political power' had left race relations a sensitive issue even after 50 years of independence.
'When we face an issue, we cannot discuss it, we cannot debate it. We only use fear or we take to the streets. That is not the way things are done in a mature society,' he said.
The former minister in the Prime Minister's Department aired his views in an interview with the Chinese-language Sin Chew Daily, his most extensive since he resigned over recent arrests under the ISA.
The interview also came soon after Mr Zaid wrote an open letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi arguing for the Act to be repealed.
In it, he accused his party of using race politics to win support.
'Umno feels that it is a party needed by the Malays. Umno leaders keep telling the Malays that they are constantly in danger and therefore need Umno,' he was quoted as saying by online news portal The Malaysian Insider.
'They always feel that only they know what is good for the Malays.'
Calling for more open debate on race issues, he said it was no longer necessary for 'one party to represent one race' anymore.
Mr Zaid himself has been at the centre of speculation that he would leave Umno for the opposition.
He did not comment on this in the Sin Chew Daily interview, but appeared to hint at it when speaking to the New Straits Times.
'I have given 20 years of my political life (to Umno) and I have got into a lot of difficulties because of my views, and not that I was disloyal,' he was quoted as saying.
'I have been suspended from the party for nothing and the latest, disqualified from running for (the Kota Baru) division election.
'So what do you want me to do if you are in my position?'
URL - http://www.malaysianbar.org.my/legal/general_news/umno_adding_to_racial_tension_ex_minister.html
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