Posted by kasee
Tuesday, 30 September 2008 12:51
Raja Petra Kamarudin
I was perturbed when I read YB Teresa Kok’s statement that the food under ISA detention is equivalent or slightly better than dog food. It costs RM8 to feed a dog, according to the Malay Mail survey and only RM4.50 to feed on ISA detainees.
I feed my cats and fish premium food such as science diet and would never dream of feeding my pets the food that we are fed here. I actually stopped eating the food here after the first couple of days because it gave me diarrhea.
A couple of nights ago I vomited after eating the food and now I cannot even stand the sight or smell of the trays that they send to our cell twice a day.
I now survive on dates and plain water and I suppose if that is good enough for camels to survive in the Arabian Desert, it should be good enough for me.
I was told camels have a healthy sex drive and I would like to believe it because of the date that is my staple food. Of cause, there is no way I can test this theory until I come safely out of this place.
Actually, food is the least of my worries at this point of time. I am presently in three months solitary confinement and the only pussy I get to see is this mangy cat that somehow has found its way into my cellblock to sleep outside my locked door.
It has not rained since I arrived here a week ago and I was told Kamunting has not seen any rain for the last few weeks.
The heat in the cell is unbearable and the air is very stuffy.
The uncomfortable environment does help to put your mind off your growling stomach.
I am what they call under orientation. This three months' orientation I suppose is to get me used to the 2 years I am going to spend here.
One of my favorite classics that I used to read in Standard 1 is the Tale of Two Cities, which is about the French Revolution. I can now better appreciate the battle cry “give me liberty or give me death”. They say you appreciate something only after it has been taken away from you. Today, my liberty is at the top of my priority list. But I know it shall not come soon and it shall not come easy and it shall only come if there is a change of government and if the new government fulfills its promise to abolish the ISA.
Comments (123)
written by ilovepakatan, September 30, 2008 13:04:05
I am saddened with the situation you are currently facing and it sickens me everyday that commoner like me can do nothing other than lending a crying voice.
However, I am still quite taken with your ability to joke under such circumstances. You are so humorous.
Stay healthy, Your Grace. New Malaysia awaits you.
Read: http://bolehjokes.blogspot.com
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written by captmarco ramius, September 30, 2008 13:09:08
Dear YM RPK,
It is indeed a great relief to hear from you again Sir.
Please hang in there for a little while longer.
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written by cillipepper, September 30, 2008 13:09:38
Hang on Pet.
Don't emulate the French Revolution battle cry. Theres so much to do out here.
Your liberty is on its way.
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written by Ann Meng Sim, September 30, 2008 13:09:51
No matter what the creeps inside there tell you, we are always with you! Our thoughts are always with you! Do not ever let them tell you otherwise!
Hang in there. Stay well and healthy. You are a fighter!
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written by samsengsil, September 30, 2008 13:10:12
Dear Pete, it pained our hearts to know that while all Malaysians rejoiced the hard-earned two days rest for the Hari Raya, you are left with only the "mangy cat" for company. But fret not, dearest Pete, all Malaysians are praying hard for yours and your family's well being. We do not think anyone deserves another day in Kamunting, least of all YOU! Keep your spirit high and we know our prayers will be answered. Selamat Hari Raya Pete!
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written by BennyG, September 30, 2008 13:11:56
Good to hear from you although we prefer you to be at home typing. Nonetheless it give us inspiration that they will never break you.
Selamat Hari Raya to you & family.
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written by Mr Smith, September 30, 2008 13:12:55
It's nice to read your column today. Please don't talk about death. You will have a long life because God Loves You!!!!
It is Syed Hamid, Najib and Abdullah who need liberty. Their souls are in chains.
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written by Dora, September 30, 2008 13:21:35
Halleujah!! RPK, good to hear something from you again, finally.
I was totally delighted to see your article sir. I see you have not lost your humor sir, although shut away from the outside world. How on earth did you manage to 'smuggle' this piece out?
On a sombre note, we are all waiting for your release. We are with you all the way. I am waiting to get my hands on the T-shirt and the banner.
I hope you will not get into anymore trouble with the KAMunting guards for writing about your cell condition. I will keep my fingers crossed that there are some kind souls in there who would help in you in any way they can.
This might sound too much to hope for, but please keep on writing from your cell.
God bless you.
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written by cruzeiro, September 30, 2008 13:23:35
Dear RPK,
Selamat Hari Raya.
It's feels bad to try having fun when you're incarcerated.
I really don't know what to say - maybe it would help to know that you aren't out out mind, despite being out of site; and we all miss you.
Damn the home minister, man .....
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written by mei1, September 30, 2008 13:24:47
I can read from the lines that you're still in "positive" thinking, that's great, Pete! Keep up the positive thinking though the your liberty is restricted and keep the faith that you & other ISA detainees will be released soon when the we've a change of new government. Fingers crossed & Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri specially to RPK's family & all other ISA detainees' families!!
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written by rosso, September 30, 2008 13:28:34
Dear YM Raja Petra,
Selamat Hari Raya to you and family; you will always be in our doa.
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written by magen, September 30, 2008 13:30:15
Oh Pete my hero youre truly MAHATMA for Malaysia, Youre name will be remember for generation to come brother, Fight back Please dont give up to Um No fckers..We Love you my brother
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written by wildboar, September 30, 2008 13:35:11
Dear RPK,
Tears pool in my eyes when reading your entry this morning, How could a human being do such thing to others separating familys expacialy during this hari raya day. At all time this goverment of us telling us to be nice to each other and be harmony.But what the F##K do they know about it? They prison an inocent human being, they corrupt , they cheat , lie you name it.
Rest assure Dear Sir that we will be witth you all the way and pray in our own way for your realease soon. We will also pray for our PM,Hamid that they will ROOT IN HELL. Its agains all religion to do that but i think i well worth it.
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written by riversnail, September 30, 2008 13:35:27
Dear Pete,
Have faith in us(all the Malaysians).We are behind you 100%.Take care of your health.We need you!!!
Selamat Hari Raya to you and family....
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written by mucking fuddled, September 30, 2008 13:36:50
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written by binarytan, September 30, 2008 13:42:45
selamat hari raya RPK, the justice will prevail soon.
the ISA being wrongly used by umno at wrong place at wrong time by wrong guy.
just forget them as they are not the same muslim as you.
please take care and remember you are not lonely.
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written by PRman, September 30, 2008 13:42:47
Selamat Hari Raya to All!
Abolish the ISA!!!! Release Pete from Kamunting!
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written by Counterpointer, September 30, 2008 13:45:14
it shall only come if there is a change of government
Yeah, RPK, we are also all waiting for the day when you regain your liberty and Syed Hamid Albar loses his, and checks into the same cell you were in. Somebody has got to pay heavy for the blatant and gross abuse of the power given them by the rakyat.
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written by TaiLow, September 30, 2008 13:47:07
Just a little smile for Hari Raya,
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written by george3, September 30, 2008 13:51:45
Hi, Pete,
Selamat Hari Raya...hope your family could convey this message to you!
I m always with you! You are still humor even though in this tough situation!
Hope you could continue writing...
We would fight and would definately abolish ISA and will get you out from Kamunting ASAP!
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written by teo siew chin, September 30, 2008 13:55:47
actually, dates are excellent brain food - good for the head. ya... the camels know it too!
Selamat Hari Raya to you Yang Mulia Raja Petra - maaf, zahir, batin.
Stay safe, stay strong.
And thanks for staying in touch with us!
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written by smpadayachi, September 30, 2008 14:01:22
Hey Pete..good to hear your voice, sorry to hear that you're in a sad stage for the fighting your put up for all of us here in MT, but Pete I bet your good fight and for a good cause has not been forgotten by most MT community. Take good care of yourself, and don't forget to keep your mind occupied by burying yourself with books. Trust me..it's a sort of therapy for moment like this. Though you're not with us..but taking this moment to wish you a very Happy Eid ul Fitr.
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written by netmiser88, September 30, 2008 14:03:07
Dear Pete,
Glad to know that you are still keeping your spirit high even though being caged up! Damn that Hermit!
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family and all your muslim friends too!
My family's thoughts are with you.
Pray you will escape from Alcatraz soon.
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written by chebella, September 30, 2008 14:15:00
u r so funny
appreciate your sense of humour
would swap place with u if i can
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written by FHaq, September 30, 2008 14:18:26
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fithri Maaf Zahir dan Batin to Pete , Your Family & the whole MT Team you guys are the best. Hang in there Pete all of us will PRAY to GOD that help will come........ Wama Karu Wama Karrallah Wallahu Kairul Makirin ( the plotters can plot all they want, for Allah the best schemer ! )
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written by Su Dhanoa, September 30, 2008 14:19:27
Dear YM RPK,
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family and all other muslim friends as well!!
You and your faimily are always in my daily prayers. May God be with you!!
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written by RobertS, September 30, 2008 14:19:27
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written by jonestation, September 30, 2008 14:20:46
I would like to dedicate a Chinese poem to RPK, writen in 1281 by a Chinese Officer (same rank as prime minister in modern day) who was kept prison by Mongolian emperor. He was kept in a room of 8 ft (damn, that is the size of the ISA cell). The poet described how worst the situation in the cell during the summer and all the "qi" of negativity surround him but none of the negativity can break him because he believe in there is truth, 天地之正气. The truth will never bend over to evil and hardship!
序:余囚北庭,坐一土室,室广八尺,深 可四寻,单扉低小,白间短窄,污下而幽 暗。当此夏日,诸气萃然:雨潦四集,浮动 床几,时则为水气;涂泥半朝,蒸沤历澜 ,时则为土气;乍晴暴热,风道四塞,时 则为日气;檐阴薪爨,助长炎虐,时则为火 气;仓腐寄顿,陈陈逼人,时则为米气; 骈肩杂沓,腥臊汗垢,时则为人气;或圊 溷、或毁尸、或腐鼠,恶气杂出,时则为秽 气。叠是数气,当之者鲜不为厉。而予以 孱弱,俯仰其间,于兹二年矣,幸而无恙 ,是殆有养致然尔。然亦安知所养何哉?孟 子曰:「吾善养吾浩然之气。」彼气有七 ,吾气有一,以一敌七,吾何患焉!况浩然者,乃天地之正气也,作正气歌一首。
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written by June, September 30, 2008 14:22:44
Hang on there Pete. We are still fighting for your release. I don't think the government will change soon but however I am positive that People's power will set you free. Anyway, it is nice to hear from you again. Take care and we are with you always. You never walk alone.
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written by mob1900, September 30, 2008 14:26:31
Selamat Hari Raya to all MT readers and let's us keep up the momentum in bid to free RPK and all ISA detainees!
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written by Ezron, September 30, 2008 14:30:59
Selamat Hari Raya to you.
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written by aryn, September 30, 2008 14:34:52
Somehow, the iron curtain fails to stifle your voice. Even if it is subtle, the message is loud and clear.
Hang in there. Don't let them break you.
Regards to all ISA detainees and Selamat Hari Raya, Malaysia.
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written by johntyc, September 30, 2008 14:40:01
Free RPK!
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written by Wisdom above, September 30, 2008 14:44:08
So when will the Perak State Government going to 'rezone' Kamunting Detention Camp into residential status land-use for the construction of Low Cost houses , schools, for millions of poor Malaysians ?
Let's speed up the Abolishment of ISA & Free RPK and all ISA detainees .
Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri kepada seluruh Umat Islam dan Rakyat Malaysia , Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
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written by Silent Saint, September 30, 2008 14:50:45
Dearest Pete,
This is the first time I have called you by this name since I started blogging in MT. We have never met but the brick wall that vengeful villains have put between us has somehow created this invisible and unexplainable bond between us. Every time I read about you, I shed tears. Today reading this bit from you is great relief. It is so wonderful to hear from you. We will pray for you and all Malaysians so that the political scenario would change soon. Have faith in God, have trust in the truth, you will be free soon to be the voice of truth and conscience. I don’t know if you know how to meditate or believe in meditation. If you know and if you do, please meditate. It will take your mind off all pains and bring you closer to divinity. God Bless You.
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written by sampalee, September 30, 2008 14:54:31
They can tear you away from your friends and family,but they can never remove the God's essense within you.Realise what never left you and you are one with Allah.Be the light[Anur] and not be what the light reveal.This will clear-up as the senses is weaned in solitary confinement.This is part of the journey Allah planned for you and the reasons will be known as the script unfold.Rest in the refuge of Allah and allow events to pass.
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written by Delima25, September 30, 2008 15:01:33
Dear RPK,
We will make sure it is liberty that you will get. Anyway think of your incarceration positively as a time when you can get away from the devils out here who are bringing disgrace to the holy month of Ramadhan. While you take a break, we are enjoying an UMNO opera where a Julius Caesar clone is about to be killed by his worthy follower. Let us forget about those bastards.
To you and all those in Kamunting ( Muslims as well as non-Muslims) a selamat Hari Raya to you and may God/Allah ultimately answer our prayers and set all of you free.
To those responsible for the crime of locking you up to prevent you from voicing your concern over their evil ways, may they have sleepness nights during this Holy Month as they and their family go through their miserable lives knowing that they have committed the greatest sin against mankind by shutting up the innocent so that the guilty can remain free.
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written by chezzter, September 30, 2008 15:03:20
RPK - The Towering Malaysian Intellectual,
Wishing You & Family Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Looks like you still have that special touch. Yes, there are great lessons to be learnt, may it be from the Camels. Are you referring to the single humped Arabian Camel or the double humped Batrian Camel?
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written by fergie, September 30, 2008 15:07:36
Thank you, Kasee, for posting this article by our beloved RPK. We miss him dearly. My I take this opportunity to wish RPK, Puan Marina & Family, Muslim MT Team and all fellow Muslim MT Readers Selamat Hari Raya Aidiltri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Please let RPK know his MT Family are thinking of him and praying for his swift release.
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written by slash n burn, September 30, 2008 15:09:19
Dear RPK & family, Selamat Aidilfitri.
Good to hear from you again despite this needle piercing feelings in my heart.
May God have mercy on you.
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written by SoloMan, September 30, 2008 15:12:03
Dearest brother Pete,
I laugh. I laugh because those goons who put you in there cannot stop you. I am thrilled to hear that your sense of humour has not diminished. You are such a gift of God to all of us for what it is that you are enduring for our sake and for our freedom. Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and all our brothers and sisters from other religions are praying for your safety and quick releaase. With God with us, who can be against us. We will see you out soon. We love you.
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written by Ben, September 30, 2008 15:14:12
Lol, a pussy got seven lives Boss! So the significance is you have a guardian angel with 7 lives to spare so death is no longer an option. You better start writing more articles about your impending release from the ISA shackles. For an author with vision like you it will be an exciting read instead of the rehash of old articles we have been seeing lately. Hopefully SuperAdmin notice and keep up the high standards. Happy Birthday and Selamat Eid Al Fitr Boss!
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written by thinker50s, September 30, 2008 15:14:36
Dear Pete,
I marveled about your ingenuity of how this piece got out under the very nose of all who are supposed to 'jaga' you. Bravo!!
Hang tough in there, bro! They can take your body but they will never take your spirit. Show them the pen is mightier than the sword!
Come on all those in the corridors of power speed up the Abolishment of ISA & Free RPK and all ISA detainees.
Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri kepada Raja Petra & Keluarga, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
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written by fergie, September 30, 2008 15:19:30
I sent an order for the T-shirts early Saturday morning but todate have had no acknowledgement nor advice on mode of payment. Has anyone received an email from the salesperson? I would hate to miss out on this opportunity to own some RPK Ts. TQ
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written by megahyper, September 30, 2008 15:34:02
Everyone knows he is not a threat to anyone except those that want him to shut up. Even Ku Li, an UMNO veteran said we are really laughing stock of the world.
On the other hand, if his articles are deemed too ridiculous/insulting to islam, charge him in mahkamah syariah! Or get all Ulama/Ustaz to debate those articles!
Does Home Ministry specialised in Islamic studies? Are they even qualified to judge the subject?
I am wondering, in ISLAM, is it ok to jail an innocent man?
If ISLAM is against jailing an innocent man........
At least give him a chance to defend himself in mahkamah!
FREE RPK NOW! and selamat raya to you
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written by Wisdom above, September 30, 2008 15:35:36
Will the Deputy Minister for Public Complaint take immediate action to censure the Prison Chief Warden for Kamunting Detention Center, Taiping.
a)"I actually stopped eating the food here after the first couple of days because it gave me diarrhea."
b) "A couple of nights ago I vomited after eating the food and now I cannot even stand the sight or smell of the trays".
This is a very serious 'real' complaint by RPK.
So YB Teresa Kok's statement was corroborated by RPK on facts at issue.
Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri kepada seluruh Umat Islam dan Rakyat Malaysia , Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
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written by stormdnation, September 30, 2008 15:48:22
Bugger! How dare you give our dear RPK the food that are worst than DOG food!!!!! Taiping was suppose to be a place that are not HOTTER than any area. But i suppose GOD is accumulating the water and wait for a day to swipe away Kamunting and all ISA detainee will be freed!!!!
RPK, wishing you a belated birthday and be strong for I believed you'll soon be out! Great 2 hear from you again!
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written by Fist of Asia, September 30, 2008 15:49:07
They can lock you up but they can never silence you!
Selamat Hari Raya and a belated not-so-happy birthday dear Commander-in-Chief.
May the Almighty watch over you and bless you with peace and a good sleep every night whilst you are illegally incarcerated.
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written by shangrilapeace, September 30, 2008 15:51:18
Gosh... Clicked and saw you with the pipe. Happiness rockets to the moon.
Missed you so much so that without reading all the above comments I wrote this immediately. Know something? You are cheeky here about the dates for food and Marina will be glad to read this 'dates' for reunion but sad about your poor food supply and the after effects.
Also glad to notice you strongly wish to be liberated and has the privilege of the cat's company that other neighbors don't. The cat chooses you.
Even through you are tough but you are also soft to attract the cat.
If a change of government is what you want, then a change of government you will get. Hopes is all around for your quick release as well as all others.
You are great, writing from your stuffy cell.
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written by Zapper, September 30, 2008 16:12:40
Dear RPK.......God is fair and justice shall be done. Be strong for your family and country. They can lock you physically but your inspiring spirit lives on among all fair thinking Malaysians.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and Family and may God give you the strength and courage to fight a good fight.
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written by Counterpointer, September 30, 2008 16:15:48
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written by sufc, September 30, 2008 16:24:33
Bro. RPK,
Cant believe my eyes when i first saw this article. Checked the writer's name at the top of the article.Yes, yes, yes, its not by bakri Musa. Then continued reading ... confirm its by you, bro. RPK. Yes, yes, yes .. its you RPK. You are back!!!.It is not difficult indeed to recognise your style of writing.
BTW, i pray that God protect you. Keep the spirit high. We all always pray for your early release. About the food, take it easy. Think about those people out there who are so unfortunate as us.
Selamat Hari Raya.
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written by RitchieLow, September 30, 2008 16:41:47
I had sent you a Raya card with the following lines by Bob Perk
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish enough ISAs to be our next IGP.
Stay well.
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written by hckit, September 30, 2008 16:42:33
i will tell my children in future how you fought the evil government
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written by latihanQ, September 30, 2008 16:47:10
Selamat Hari Raya YM RPK and liberty it is.
Although the repressive regime that is the BN government believes they have locked you up in Kamunting, we beg to differ. No Sir, they may imprison your body, your mind is still free. We believe it is a busman’s holiday for you. Please teach your captors who in fact are the prisoners in Kamunting the meaning of democracy and justice.
When you leave, whether it is tomorrow or in two years, whatever, We will celebrate your sacrifice, We also believe YOU will have put to good use the time you spent incarcerated to educate the population of the Kamunting Centre the strength of your convictions. You will be YM Professor RPK. Please teach your captors good, good.
We, the Malaysian Rakyat, Malays, Chinese, Indians and others, love you YM RPK and Selamat Hari Raya once again to you and your family.
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written by raven1958, September 30, 2008 16:47:37
The ISA needs to go....until then the Perak Govt must make life as difficult as possible for Kamunting......this sought of torture on soil that is governed by the Pr is completely ironic...
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written by Saint, September 30, 2008 17:09:55
Dear YM RPK,
We pray for your safety and even more that PR will form the government soon. That will pave way for most of the ISA detainees free. Hang on RPK.
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written by Jeffrey, September 30, 2008 17:14:47
Selamat Hari Raya to all, especially our dear friends under ISA. This raya, do go and visit your relatives, your neighbours, your "meet once a year" makciks and pakciks, your bosses, your drinking pals, your old classamtes, your old girlfriedns, your ex boyfriends, siapa saja la, go visit and talk about the present situation in this country, make them aware what's going on. You can go anywhere but please don't go to those open house by govt. DON'T EVEN think about it. Don't sell your dignity, your soul, and your support just because of a place of rendang, a few sticks of satay and a glass of teh tarik. If you are hungry, i can treat you up anytime. Just stay off those open house by govt.
RPK, stay strong.
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written by SL Chan, September 30, 2008 17:21:48
Dear YAM RPK...
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family....Take Care!!!
Mansui! Mansui! Man Man Sui!!!
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written by Siapabohong, September 30, 2008 17:30:24
Oh! Tuhan sekelian alam, Pencipta seluruh makluk, Satu yang dipuja dan disembah, mungkin dalam cara berlainan tetapi Engkaulah yang Satu disembah dan dipohon berlindung dari durjana sesama manusia ciptaanMu yang telah membelakangkan amanahMu untuk menjadi khalifah yang saksama demi kesejahteraan seluruh hidupan ciptaanMu di atas alam yang Engkau peruntukan tanpa berkira apa rupa bentuk dan kelainan yang Engkau sendiri wujudkan, tetapi disalah tafsir dan diseleweng oleh mereka yang telah Engkau amanahkan bagi menjadi khalifah yang saksama tetapi telah menjadikan diri mereka lebih penting dariMu sehingga menghukum dan menganiaya sesama hidupan ciptaanMu sedangkan Engkau bersifat maha pengampun lagi mengasihani, inikan pula ciptaanMu yang telah menyalahguna sedikit kuasa dan keistimewaan yang telah Engkau berikan kepada mereka tetapi disalahguna dengan berlaku kejam mengurung dan menyeksa jiwa untuk tunduk kepada mereka, tetapi Engkau tetap menjadi pedoman dan pegangan untuk terus tidak tunduk kepada kekejaman mereka. Oh! Tuhan pencipta sekelian alam, tunjukkan kekuasaaMu yang sememangnya tersendiri dengan melaknat mereka yang telah menyalahguna amanahMU itu.
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written by educationist, September 30, 2008 17:43:35
Still can give us a sampling of ur dry humour.
But, great to hear from you and hope the dates and water can keep you healthy till you are released.
Zaid has just written an open letter to the PM, who knows in the twilight of his premiership he may find the human decency a lot of us admired in him previouly.
Otherwise a change of government looks like it'll only be possible in 4 years time.
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written by The Iceman, September 30, 2008 17:46:27
Time for the PR people to stop playing games. Make your move now, only then can RPK be free.
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written by Lim Lim, September 30, 2008 18:18:16
pete,stay strong n take care!selamat hari raya to u n family!
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written by asiana888, September 30, 2008 18:34:00
Hang in there, Pete!
You freedom will be near. We will be praying for your early release and a candle at home to remind us to pray for you.
BN ... end will be near.
God bless.
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written by *****stail, September 30, 2008 18:36:35
Dear Pete, Really a 'Selamat' Hari Raya to you. even though you are in there we still pray for you... Bro. Persist...so long there is breath in you..persist ..long enough..you will win!!!
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written by Toyolbuster, September 30, 2008 18:40:07
Hang on in there bro.Pete, we are doing all possible to get PR into government and then send that bloody botak into sg buloh, then kajang and then simpang rengam for all the criminal acts committed by this evil Son of a thousand fathers. we make sure he gets 20 years at least. Mr Mongolia will face the same fate and mrs mongolia will get a mona fendi rope-a-dope.
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written by cheekhiaw, September 30, 2008 18:50:55
Be careful with which French saying you teach those idiotic thieves, liars and murderers. They may take it literally.
Try this safer French saying : "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
But then they may say "That's why we lock you up - to protect you!" (like that reporter)
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written by mhwang, September 30, 2008 18:53:46
All our wishes here will not reach RPK first hand. Get out and buy a card. Write something to cheer him up and send it to Kamunting. Do it on a regular basis.
AND please turn on your headlights during the day to show support for all ISA detainees and the abolishment of ISA.
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written by apa jadi, September 30, 2008 19:02:23
Good to hear from you again. RPK Sire!
It will be quite some time that those you exposed can sleep soundly for a while. But the ground is breaking up for an earth quake. Hopefully everything turns up ok after the Raya.
For the time being, you just have to make do with your Hari Raya eating camel fruit. Hopefully you will be as strong as a camel when you are out.
We dearly miss you. Sire!
Wishing all Muslims Aidil Filtri too
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written by magickriver, September 30, 2008 19:27:12
Dammit, Pete, it's so uplifting to see your byline dated 30 September - blogging from Kamunting! What an inspiration you are to the nation. Your enemies (and the rakyat's) in Umno could NEVER IN A TRILLION YEARS attain the influence and popularity you have achieved just through blogging in your frank and fearless style. No wonder they're hopping mad at you. Not only have you shown up their misdeeds and moral decrepitude, you have also thumbed your nose at all their vicious attempts to silence you. They simply have no clue - THEIR TIME IS UP! The era of Raksasa Rule is over on planet Earth. The Great Mother of All Life will NOT tolerate disintegrity, hypocrisy, and unmitigated greed. The weakness of men in high office is yet again demonstrated by the mere fact that only a few steadfast souls like Zaid Ibrahim have had the courage to resign. Everybody else thinks if they can just hold their nose and hang in there another year or two, they can retire from government service with a fat gratuity and pension. To all these people (some of whom I once considered friends) I can only say: may your grandchildren hang their heads in shame whenever your name is mentioned!
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written by londondude, September 30, 2008 20:05:45
Brother Raja Petra,
Gandhi was also imprisoned for standing up against oppression and for truth, his legacy to this world is beyond measure. I have no doubt that your legacy to Malaysians - present and future will be of the same measure.
Selamant Hari Raya to you & yours and to all Malaysians and a thank you to the pussy who keeps you company.
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written by Woman in Malaysia, September 30, 2008 20:06:22
Selamat Hari Raya RPK. They may lock you up physically, but they can never lock up your mind and your soul. We are inspired by your courage and tremendous sense of justice. We will fight each day for your freedom, and the freedom of all those detained under the ISA. I have faith we will succeed.
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written by mentora, September 30, 2008 20:18:48
Lets get on thing straight, this is not about religion or power or political maneuver. This is not about security, stability or harmony.
This is just an act of silencing a voice of reasoning that dares to echo in the midst of the night.
But fear not RPK, for Martin Luther King once said: 'In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.'
...... and you RPK, are a true friend to us all.
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written by Limau, September 30, 2008 20:19:47
I really have no words to say. May Almighty Allah give you the strength. I couldn't come to see you because I am suffering for lower back pain and Doctors have adviced me not to travel much. Sorry buddy.
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written by Malaysia Digest, September 30, 2008 20:22:18
After reading RPK's post, it feel like he's not in Kamunting.
Malaysia Digest
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written by SamSan, September 30, 2008 20:38:08
If I am not mistaken, the police dogs in fact get better and more costly food than our prisoners or ISA detainees. I suppose under Islam Hadhari version, it is appropriate to treat prisoners of conscience with this worse than animal food diet. Hopefully after consuming these nauseating Hadhari food, the prisoners of conscience will turn around in their consciousness and accept the UMHO Hadhari way.
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written by 1351, September 30, 2008 20:43:55
Festive greetings RPK, maaf zahir batin.
Just a little note - it pains me like what Haris and Pak Din are saying that WE have failed you, and left powerless but ponder about your detention. Just a hunch but I think the 'hidden hand' would review your detention orders once the verdict of Altantuya's case is delivered. Fingers crossed RPK.
Anybody in the know, it would be of assistance if someone could give us all an idea of what RPK may receive while under detention. I'm certain the public just can't send ie.food to detainees, so a list of what is kosher would be appreciated.
Hang in tight RPK,
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written by Sabahfan, September 30, 2008 20:51:11
yes it is true. The pic above shows the prices i went to check in our local supermarket.
The Ministers dogs eat better food than any one under detention.
especially those who are yet to be found guilty of anything, THE BLOOODY MALAYSIAN UMNO govt are already punishing these detainees with DOGS FOOD.
They try to twist the word around by accusing teresa of insulting other peoples food... but that bullshhh wont work..
Malaysian govt... it is DOGS FOOD that you feeed innocent people...
and jailing PETE wont stop us writing..
I for one will use the power of the keyboard to tell the whole wide world what stupid and shittty this UMNO malazut governemnt of Malaysialand...
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written by JUST, September 30, 2008 20:54:22
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written by Motherchell, September 30, 2008 21:05:24
My Dearest Pete, Eid Mubarak to you and your Family!
We are with you in heart and soul my brother.
On a lighter vein:
Oh Pete ! what have you said ---- "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH "???????
Dear Pete - you, and I know El"bar dont understanding or speeka Engresh!
You dont seem to get it Pete!--- THEY HAVE READ THE LINE AS ---"give me liberty or i will give you death
Now they are going to run amok!! ---- these Albarak , his Man Fridays, his Cronies , his predators in the forth floor and "Erudite" Jakim scholars are going to say.
"SEE!, SEE! I TOLD YOU RPK WAS A THREAT TO PUBLIC ORDER and National Security, he is now threatening to give death to the Leaders!"
Albazoo must be busy looking up his Second Fiddles at Jakim to write out more charges on you my friend .
To all at Jakim and Albar and Co. -- however much you had fasted was in vain, because God watched every action of yours during HIS month. You destroyed every tenet of the Great Teachings of Islam!!
Just watch your step as you move !Jakim and Albar Sdn Bhd because God speaks in Mysterious ways!!! I hope God has mercy !!!
To you Pete ! you take care of your health, you have Gods Protection all the way!!We are in it and with you always!God Bless you and your family always!
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written by Alice, September 30, 2008 21:07:59
It is darkest just before dawn ... hang in there RPK . God is with you and your sense of humour will definitely keep you going.
Syed Hamid Albar I wonder how good your Hari Raya is going to be with so many people eating terrible food in Kamunting . Ketupat and rendang would be abundant in your house? YOU ARE EVIL
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written by Semut Jantan, September 30, 2008 21:40:06
I propose PR re-energyze, re-group, re-strategize, and re-name to KPR -- Kumpulan Pakatan Rakyat, in honor of RPK. RPK's name read backward.
Abolish ISA! Wear the tear shirts to the open houses!
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written by ChanRaj, September 30, 2008 21:51:50
“A man who takes away another man's freedom is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. I am not truly free if I am taking away someone else's freedom, just as surely as I am not free when my freedom is taken from me. The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity” - Nelson Mandela
Selamat Hari Raya RPK and to your special family who endure suffering and pain of the heart yet they and you continue to sacrifice to make this a better country. Your efforts are not pointless, each day more Malaysians are standing by you. Right now, you are the most admirable person in whole of Malaysia. We are not taking to the streets because we do not want to jeopardise the cause we are all fighting for – to FREE MALAYSIA from the fascists rule. So hang in there RPK we are all trying to whatever we can to get you out and WE WILL! We are no more the Malaysians of 50 over years. The transformation has begun and thanks to you, you have opened all our eyes.
For this Hari Raya Adil Fitri celebration, I can’t find anything we Malaysians can celebrate about when you and all the other detainees and languishing in prison - put there by this corrupt government. They can never win over us again and we will banish them to oblivion soon and every one of the culprits will be held accountable.
So take care Pete, keep your spirits high, for that is one thing they cannot imprison. It is the spirit that lives in us all and grows day by day.
“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” - Nelson Mandela
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written by arifabdull, September 30, 2008 21:55:58
Wakakaka!!! tambah botaklah kepala penjenayah hak asasi kemanusiaan tu. tak tau lah klu najib&rosmah dpt beraye dgn gembire kali nih.
RPK dikurungpun masih dapat tulis blog. memang hebat.klu i jadi Shit Alblurr,pasti i akn pecah kepala buntu nak buat apa untuk atasi kehebatan RPK yang mampu menulis dari dalam KEMTA. Wakakakaka!!
Keep it up, bro!
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written by Mag M, September 30, 2008 21:59:02
It saddens me so much to hear of your sufferings. There is not much we can do to lessen your sufferings except to pray for you. Many people or your race and religion have misunderstood you but I want you to know that I wish you are a Christian coz you would have made us proud to have someone who is sincere and will not hesitate to tell us off if we do wrong.
If man don't give you justice, God will. God will also punish those who are evil.
We love you and your family always.
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written by Mag M, September 30, 2008 22:02:59
BTW, are you allowed to receive food from us if we bring it to Kamunting?
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written by Semut Jantan, September 30, 2008 22:07:30
I don't Think Shit Hermit would want to celebrate Hari Raya, much less having an open house.
He is NOT a Muslim.
Muslims don't do dirty things.
Muslims don't pretend to fast when they are not.
Muslims don't do evil things to hurt another human being.
Muslims are not corrupt.
If having an open house is perceived as performing good deeds, Allah's house is closed for you; all ye shallow thinkers and evil doers. You can have your open house down south with real babi-cue fires; and the open house is open all year round, free, because it has been paid for by the rakyat's money on your behalf.
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written by Vince, September 30, 2008 22:30:35
Dear RPK,
First and foremost, I would like to wish you and your family Selamat Hari Raya and best of health to you and your family.
I can't say I truly understand what you feel but from your brief description of the situation in Kamunting is already enough to disgust me. I cannot imagine those UMNO YB's dare to comment the food is good and nutritious and YB Theresa and other ISA detainee should not complain.
I like many others have signed the petition and I hope it will help in some way to get you out of there ASAP. I am also hoping that PR will take over the government soon as this will definitely guarantee your release.
Please take care and stay strong.
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written by JohnQ, September 30, 2008 22:30:50
May some crickets crawl in to kemunting cells ans sing some great tones to accompany our heros there till the dawn everyday until their release.
May almighty bless them all
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written by zam3886, September 30, 2008 22:32:02
Dear Pete, I am sorry to hear about your present confinement condition but it is good that you are still able to joke a little. I always believe that there is a higher order and He is well aware of what is going on. I am very sure that the sacrifices you and other good guys made for all Malaysians will be noted and appreciated by all in the days to come.
Anyway, at times like this you may try a little meditation to 'blend in' with the external physical condition. The more you try to fight it head on the worse you will feel.
Selamat Hari Raya to you, your family and all Malaysian.
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written by LTn, September 30, 2008 22:43:23
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written by JaguhKampung, September 30, 2008 22:50:21
The Police Chief and Home Minister should have a taste of the food with the plate they served on RPK and other Kamunting prisoners. Bloody animals are there people. These people in ISA are never proven guilty and they are being treated most inhumanly.
Whatever God you pray to Mr Home Minister, I hope that they will rewards you and your family double with what you did to RPK and these people.
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written by Danne, September 30, 2008 23:07:08
Pete and family,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
You are not forgotten and our struggle will not stop until you and all the ISA detainees are released.
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written by mendela, September 30, 2008 23:11:31
One of the best ways to free Pete is to nominate Pete as a candidate for Nobel Peace Prize. Do any of you know how to nominate Pete as a candidate?
Frankly, Pete will have a great chance to win it if he is nominated.
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written by Rozlan, September 30, 2008 23:12:08
A couple of nights ago I vomited after eating the food and now I cannot even stand the sight or smell of the trays that they send to our cell twice a day.
I now survive on dates and plain water and I suppose if that is good enough for camels to survive in the Arabian Desert, it should be good enough for me.
They purposely gave those kind of food as part of torture to the ISA detainees..I believes the food given didnt worth more than RM2-3/ day,not RM4.50 as stated..Where the rest RM1.50 ??? It lost into somebody pocket or pockets...
Anyway RPK is making a good move by eating dates.I believes he had taken experiences from from former ISA detainees.Dates is a complete food which might be enough to supplement his body needs.It reduced blood cholesterol.It might solve RPK hypertension...Anyway no thanks to ISA..
Dont forget to exercise RPK.YOU need to be physically fit to face their interrogations
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written by Democrats, September 30, 2008 23:15:19
Selamat Hari Raya to you, YM RPK.
May Allah bless you for being the true Islam and upholding the true teachings of Islam.
We hear you, Pete, the world hears you, and the guys how put you in that hole shall hear from us soon.....so hang in there.
They want you to give up, they want you to repent, if fact shitheads like Syed Albar, Najis and Musa probably wants you to die too..... don't give them that Satisfaction.
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written by chuchueey, September 30, 2008 23:20:40
Welcome back and SELAMAT HARI RAYA, Pete.
We will always be with you. I have ordered 5 "I am with RPK" T-shirts, one for myself and the other 4 to be given to my friends.
I would like to suggest that we keep sending him cards, of any kind such as on humour, etc. I sent him 3 birthday and 1 raya cards last week.
But can kak Marina confirm if he is allowed to keep the cards. These cards are intended to keep his spirits up and to let him know that we are with him.
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written by Taiping60, September 30, 2008 23:29:30
Hang on there pal. Good will prevail.
We are proud of what you have done. You appreciate your sacrifice for Malaysia. Malaysia owe this to you and your family. Without which, we would not get this far. Now that we have came this far, we would not want to go back. Eventhough in your absent, your strength and perseverance will be with us to march on.
We pray for your freedom.
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written by Ashleigh, September 30, 2008 23:43:54
Dear RPK,
I knew I will hear from you again!! Despite talking about the arduous conditions that you are put through, your sense of humour shows that your morale is still towering high over the filthy cowards of UMNO-BN who hide behind the corridors of power.
We await your home-coming, stronger and tougher ever!!
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written by kksam, October 01, 2008 00:11:16
Now we have almost 100 comments here, but where are most of you when he need you the most. Sign the petition and join the fight walk the talk, join every vigil night for RPK, get your Free RPK t-shirts now, we need to show the government we are a big force not mere coward who chicken out when it matter the most!!!
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written by Richy, October 01, 2008 01:05:39
I wanted to greet you "Selamat Hari Raya" but my inner voice stopped me from doing so! It says RPK's Hari Raya is the day Malaysia's government do away with ISA and when Malaysians of all races come together as one Bangsa to celebrate their freedom without racial and religious barrier.
So. here I am Pete, offering my sincere prayers and hope together with thousands out there for new dawn. God Bless You and Your Loving family.
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written by Shaham, October 01, 2008 01:17:46
Dear Brother Raja Petra,
I don't know how to say this..... I'm "outside" when you are "inside"..... I don't feel the RAYA mood in me, because you, a True Malaysian and a Freedom Fighter is in Kamunting...
May Allah protect you and your family.
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written by Malaysia Ku, October 01, 2008 01:19:43
Hi Pete, Glad to know that you are all right. You ni kelakar-lah.. Hang in there Bro. the victory is very near. We all will pray for you. Be strong Bro.. Take care and God Bless my hero..
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written by superstar232006, October 01, 2008 02:09:53
Dear RPK Sir,
Everyday i visit yor site in hope to see a news which states that YOUR ARE RELEASED from ISA.
I dont know what else i can say or do ...anyway i would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for all that u had done for Malaysians. Pls keep the hope alive. GOD will surely help to release you because GOD knows you are a good HUMAN BEING and not like some other creature who is currently holding the power.
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written by Daryl, October 01, 2008 02:19:14
RPK Selamat Aidil Fitri to you and your family. Hopefully this is the last time any Malaysian will spend their religious celebration in Kamunting. Maybe by middle of next month we have a new government in place...
Selamat Aidil Fitri to all Malaysian Muslim.
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written by archie, October 01, 2008 02:36:55
Selamat Hari Raya RPK! Hope the legal challenge to your detention will succeed.
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written by ChiaCY, October 01, 2008 04:50:01
I have translated a part of RPK's exclusive interview recently by a Chinese magazine.
This is my little contribution to help creating awareness when RPK spoke to the Chinese community. He is consistent, precise, and straight to the point.
There are all in all 8 parts, I just did the first part.
Please, help to spread the English and Chinese versions to your friends, let them know how RPK think, what he has done, and what we should do to for him.
Create the awareness, we are still small compare to 27 million population in this country. If anyone can translate to Bahasa Malaysia, you are most welcome.
Create the impact, create the force. We need not go extreme or by force, but getting more to understand his line of thought will help people realising what RPK has done, and doing for all of us, it will reach a point where BN can no longer withstand the snow ball effect.
Do it, for those who wanted to share with their Chinese spoken friends on RPK, there's another blog translating articles from RPK to Chinese.
Do hope for someone who are willing to do a Malay version.
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written by KopiO, October 01, 2008 08:27:06
May God be your strength and shield. Hang in there.
Selamat Hari Raya!
We will pray for you (and damn those Be-End bastards to hell!)
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written by Taikohtai, October 01, 2008 09:09:34
Listen up you stupid BN gomen,
You think you can incarcerate RPK and break his spirit but you're dead wrong!
You think you can shut the rakyat's will too by putting RPK under ISA and making an example out of him but you're dead wrong!
You think you are making Malaysia safer from 'extremists' like RPK but you're dead wrong again!
You are the extremist, you are the terrorist and you'll be DEAD very soon, if I'm not wrong!
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written by johnT, October 01, 2008 09:28:47
Dear Marina
Pls tell TPK this, Don't afraid for thos who can destroy your body. Be afraid to GOD who can destroy your body and soul (SPIRIT). I can smell the wind of change is coming by GOD. Don't let them kill your faith.
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written by malaysianohope, October 01, 2008 10:22:31
Dear Abang, Marina & Children,
From my Family!
We will constantly intercede with the Almighty to touch the hearts of those whose ill intentions in seperating you from your family in this auspicious day. I also pray for those warden who watch over you to treat you well & not bring harm to you. Do continue to communicate with us thru' MT and we shall never give up our fight to get you out.
From your Ardent Admirer!
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written by gx27, October 01, 2008 10:30:43
selamat hari raya to you RPK and family!
today, and everyday, i am praying for you and your family.
today, and everyday, i am cursing botak, his ancestors and his future generations that they be sent to hell for all the sins he/they committed to you and your family and to the rakyat.
may god bless you with the best, RPK.
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written by Apache3, October 01, 2008 10:56:27
Dear RPK,
Please don't despair for you will be out soon, as you said "when there is a change in govt" and I believe that it will happen soon. Be strong in sprit Dear RPK.
and to all Muslim MT readers
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Mahatma Gandhi
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written by komen66, October 01, 2008 11:45:55
Selamat Hari Raya RPKKKKKkkk!!!!
May you be FREE as soon as posisble...we malaysian need you!!
Just because we all dont need a Goverment that lock up a Royal Blood for the sake of national security..this is the first time in Malaysian History that A Royal Blood is detained without TRIAL ( ISA ).This have shown me that the BN doesnt even care of Royals..... Anyone can understand what a Royal Blood can threaten their own country? Omfg The BN are ultimately stupid!!
pete....nothing will change the faith we all have in you..hold on they will pay double when you are out from there..
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written by shiokguy, October 01, 2008 12:01:02
Dear Pete
I am doing my bit to contribute to the whole effort. I don't want to say hang on there, because no one like to hang on there.
Shiok Guy
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written by Sabahfan, October 01, 2008 21:45:39
DONT BE SO proud that your are now celebrating Hari Raya Aidil fitri..
how can you puasa and commit sins at the same time?
YOU sinned by sending RPK to jail without trial
YOU sinned by creating lies that sent Mother Teresa to 7 days of detention and eating DOGS FOOD.
You sinned by sending MOLOTOV bombs to Teresas innocent parents house..
in fact all of you were committing sins everyday for the whole month of ramadhan, so how can you be celebrating the raya? ONLY as hippocrites..
Allah is cringing in heaven looking down at you all pretending on earth to be sooo holy....
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written by AhLiew, October 01, 2008 21:59:14
Dear Pete,
The translation of the Chinese poem writen in 1281 by a Chinese Officer.
"正气歌 Zen Chi Ge"
There is in the universe an Aura which permeates all things, and makes them what they are.
Below, it shapes forth land and water; above, the sun and the stars.
In man it is called spirit; and there is nowhere where it is not.
In times of national tranquillity, this spirit lies hidden in the harmony which prevails.
Only at some great epoch is it manifested widely abroad. (And as to these manifestations, those who run may read.
- Were there not the fearless and truthful annalists of old? (translation seems different from original here)
Was there not the disinterested chivalry of Chang Liang? the unswerving devotion of Su Wu?
Did not Yen Yen say they had headless generals in his district, but none who surrendered their allegiance?
Was not an emperor's robe splashed with blood that might not be washed away?
And the teeth of Chang Hsün? - the tongue of Yen Hsi?
- the guileless honesty of Kuan Ning, pure as the clearest ice?
- the martial genius of K'ung Ming, the admiration of Gods and men?
- (omitted?)
- the oath of Tsu T'i - the tablet dashed in the rebel's face?
"Such is this grand and glorious spirit which endureth for all generations;
and which, linked with the sun and moon, knows neither beginning nor end.
The foundation of all that is great and good in heaven and earth,
it is itself born from the everlasting obligations which are due by man to man.
"Alas! the fates were against me; I was without resource.
Bound with fetters, hurried away toward the north,
death would have been sweet indeed; but that boon was refused.
"My dungeon is lighted by the will-o'-the-wisp alone: no breath of spring cheers the murky solitude in which I dwell.
The ox and the barb herd together in one stall: the rooster and the phoenix feed together from one dish.
Exposed to mist and dew, I had many times thought to die;
and yet, through the seasons of two revolving years, disease hovered around me in vain.
The dark, unhealthy soil to me became Paradise itself.
For there was that within me which misfortune could not steal away.
And so I remained firm, gazing at the white clouds floating over my head,
and bearing in my heart a sorrow boundless as the sky.
The sun of those dead heroes has long since set, but their record is before me still.
And, while the wind whistles under the eaves, I open my books and read; and lo! in their presence my heart glows with a borrowed fire."
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written by Panca Indera, October 02, 2008 08:56:22
Dear Sabahfan
Ref:Allah is cringing in heaven looking down at you all pretending on earth to be sooo holy....
Definition:cringe verb
1 to suddenly move away from someone or something because you are frightened
2 INFORMAL to feel very embarrassed:
I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.
Allah's names and His Attributes are mentioned in the Quran and linked here ihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/99_Names_of_Allah :
1 الرحمن Ar-Rahman The All Beneficent, The Most Merciful in Essence, The Compassionate, The Most Gracious Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places 2 الرحيم Ar-Rahim The Most Merciful, The Most Merciful in Actions Beginning of every chapter except one, and in numerous other places 3 الملك Al-Malik The King, The Sovereign, The True and Ultimate King 59:23, 20:114 4 القدوس Al-Quddus The Most Holy, The Most Pure, The Most Perfect 59:23, 62:1 5 السلام As-Salaam The Peace and Blessing, The Source of Peace and Safety, The Most Perfect 59:23 6 المؤمن Al-Mu'min The Guarantor, The Self Affirming, The Granter of Security, The Affirmer of Truth 59:23 7 المهيمن Al-Muhaymin The Guardian, The Preserver, The Overseeing Protector 59:23 8 العزيز Al-Aziz The Almighty, The Self Sufficient, The Most Honorable 3:6, 4:158, 9:40, 48:7, 59:23
Please don't second guess what God will or will not do and please do not give attribute to God that is not mentioned in the Quran, Because some readers may misunderstand your intention and therefore confused on the issues of God's attributes.
If your choice of word is based on the Bible, please provide me with the reference, so I can educate myself. Otherwise don;t use the word to describe God.
Note: Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims and happy holidays to others. Lets hope and wish that this will be the last Raya under BN and ISA
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written by 1eyecls, October 02, 2008 10:26:32
pete,i heard the jakim ppl are going to council you,i supposed you are able to counter-counciling them back!
Ask them not to be abused,or misused by the powers that be!It's against and prohibited by Islam,right?
Tell them too,PAS or PKR can anytime offer them better job,moral job,most importantly,not like culprits'behavior,doing everything against teaching of Islam!
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written by ROBERTNGTG, October 02, 2008 14:16:18
“give me liberty or give me death”.
But I know it shall not come soon and it shall not come easy and it shall only come if there is a change of government and if the new government fulfills its promise to abolish the ISA.
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written by Tok Din, October 02, 2008 18:18:19
Dear RPK:
Selamat Hari Raya to you and family. This is a travesty of justice and the burden you are bearing is on behalf of all of us. You have shown us that there is a heavy price to pay for speaking one's mind. Your quest for justice and fairness has awakened the slumbering spirit in us. We empathize with your suffering and we know that the Government is trying to instill fears in every conscientious Malaysian to silence us and to enslave us to an absolete race-centric political philosophy.
Your incarceration will not be in vain. This travesty of justice has ignited a fire in every Malaysian and we can see clearly how inhuman and cruel our leadership is.
For the sake of everyone in Malaysia and all the future generations, we must change the current political leadership. We must liberate the minds of our fellow citizens. We have a duty to this beloved land to get rid of oppression, to promote justice and fairness, to inculcate a love for freedom.
When one of us is incarcerated, everyone has lost a precious gift. We cannot afford to have the BN Government silence the conscience of the people. An unexamined life is not worth living. Do we want to live like animals being led by our noses, or are we a free person who is courageous to pursue our dreams and be the best we can ever be. BN Government has no plan to develop the people of Malaysia to be the best they can be. What it is doing is to build racial sterotypes.
If we want to change our future, we must first change our thinking. If BN Government does not have the future of the people in mind, then how can the government be trusted to lead us to a brighter future.
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written by malgal, October 03, 2008 00:20:48
Just hang in there. It cannot not rain forever. The evil cant remain for long. We will not forget you Pet, even though you had said we are people who mudah lupa.
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written by EYFF, October 03, 2008 11:46:47
As a new year present to Raja why don't the BR arrange with a local restaurant to deliver daily meals to him!
After all this was one of the privileges Harun Idris enjoyed when serving his sentence at Pudu Prison!
Do not say not possible without trying to!
RM15 a day should be enough. Is that too much to ask from BR that has gain/benefited so much from our outspoken RPK!
BR please walk your talk and show some gratitude. You still need Raja badly before the next general election. So you need him to be fit and healthy when he is released in 2 year time!
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