Police report against Dr M for ‘causing economic woes’
Posted by: dinobeano on: October 5, 2008
In: Uncategorized Comment!
From Malaysiakini.com, October 4, 2008
A salesman has accused former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s past and present actions for having caused Malaysia to suffer from economic problems.
Wee Fwen Szuh, 32, from Gombak, Selangor made the allegations in a police report at the Gombak district police headquarters at 11.12am yesterday.
The report starts off by saying that Wee represents a group of concerned citizens who wants the police to investigate Mahathir for “merosakan dan menjahanamkan (spoiling and destroying)” the economy.
Wee states in his report that Mahathir did so by approving bailouts for Pewaja Steel for RM13 billion, a RM2 billion bailout for a shipping consortium owned by his relative and bailing out Malaysian Airlines.
Enriching son
Wee also accused Mahathir of enriching his second eldest son Mokhzani. He claimed in the report that Mokhzani is one of the top 10 richest individuals in Malaysia. “Dr Mahathir has also made sweeping statements against Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to the point that the economy is now affected,” he added.
According to Wee, the issues which Mahathir had raised were Abdullah’s involvement in the ‘Oil-for-food’ scandal and campaigning against UMNO and Barisan Nasional. “(Mahathir) made statements that the people should reject UMNO and Barisan though he was campaigning for his son Murkhriz. His actions has caused uneasiness among Malaysians,” he added.
Malaysiakini had obtained a copy of the report but repeated attempts to contact Wee for clarification were unsuccessful.
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9 Responses to "Police report against Dr M for ‘causing economic woes’"
1 | amoker
October 5th, 2008 at 12:45 pm
Whoa, good one. I am sure the police would act for this report. Sure..
2 | Palaniappan
October 5th, 2008 at 1:45 pm
Mahathir has screwed our country during his iron clad rule and he is responsible for perpetuating racist policies benefiting only a few of his cronies. His total disregard for the rule of law made mockery of our judiciary system. He is still talking big and strangely he has sizable followers. The current administration is so entrenched with the old ways and finds it difficult to come out of it. Only a change of government can be able to initiate reforms to clean up the whole system. Can that be possible? I hope so.
3 | matt
October 5th, 2008 at 2:44 pm
The day Malaysia gets rid of orang kita policy nothing will change, remember the mamak had to prove he was more malay than a malay.Now the title of his book the malay dilemma has come back 360 degrees to slap him in his face.
4 | Menyalak-er
October 5th, 2008 at 3:25 pm
What a good way to keep reminding us that the old goat is still having his hooves on the till, so to speak… Will get even worse when Temujin’s Conscience (aka Najib) becomes PM.
Wonder who this chap F.S.Wee is?
Besides economic sabotage secondary to hyperfeudalism and ‘kita uruskan sahaja’, his depravity in the guise of ‘divide and rule’ is causing this nation to be torn asunder. Of course, with the generous help of narcoleptic dopey.
Perhaps a charge of treason might be in order…
Malaysia Boleh!
5 | dinobeano
October 5th, 2008 at 3:30 pm
Guys, there will be no action. I would classify this report under “nut case”. This Mr. Wee and the group he claims to represent should be asked to explain the basis of their report. If they cannot, then action must be taken against them so that this nonsense of making police reports without foundation practised by UMNO-BN sympathisers and others must stop.
I am critical of some of Dr. Mahathir’s past policies, especially his idea of creating a Malay billionaire club of cronies with the likes of Halim Saad, Tajuddin Ramli and others in the hope that these capitalists will help their own kind. But I cannot accept the suggestion that he is directly or indirectly responsible for the economic mess today in our country. It is for this same reason that I will not accept the UMNO-BN accusation that Anwar Ibrahim is responsible for foreigners not wanting to invest in our country and for political instability.
Is Mahathir corrupt? If there is concrete evidence of this, then he should be charged in our court. Before that can happen, the ACA must look at all the evidence. Right now, the agency will not act as it is an instrument used by the Badawi Government for political purposes. For all we know, this Mr. Wee move could be a way to silence the Tun. He will not be intimidated. In all probability, he may have strong evidence of corruption against all Ministers in the Badawi Cabinet including the Prime Minister himself.
Why not investigate, for example, Mahathir’s connection to the Lingam tape saga as recommended by the Haidar Royal Commission? Don’t just interview him at his residence over a cup of coffee and then produce no report. Badawi has no guts, even to do this. By the way, what has the Prime Minister been doing about the Haidar Commission’s recommendations with regard to VK Lingam, Tunku Adnan Mansor, Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Tun Eusoff Chin and reform of the judiciary. Why did Zaid Ibrahim resign from the Cabinet?
Badawi as Prime Minister must be held fully accountable for mismanaging the economy with all his wasteful corridors,mega deals and other matters, since 2004 when he took office. That is why he, Najib and others in UMNO-BN should never be allowed to continue running our country.—Din Merican
6 | Menyalak-er
October 5th, 2008 at 4:50 pm
Din, you’re right in saying ‘trickle down economics’, don’t work in this country…
What i’m referring to is the many huge mega-project ‘white elephant’ edifices that we see now. Billions wasted, with no tangible result. This is a minus sum game! First world infrastructure run with third world mentality.
Shouldn’t the money be put into better use by investing into our industrial, agricultural, health, education, research, human capital and social development instead? For example our educational facilities are top notch, but the teaching standards are deplorable! Dopey being clueless inherited these and was totally impotent to turn this around and instead made things worse!
Yes, the nation is directionless and mamakutty should be investigated sooner or later.
Menyalak-er, we do not even have a first world infrastructure and we can’t maintain what we have properly. Just look at our toilets in public and private buildings, hotels excepted. It is a play of words by Badawi himself.
We are third world in the way we do things: in the way we plan and execute, the way we educate the young and develop our universities, the way we manage our healthcare system and our airports throughout our country, the way we design and implement economic and social policies; in the way we administer the country, in the way we teach Islam to the Muslims, and in the way we prepare our sportsmen and women, and so on.
There is, therefore, a need for a total revamp of our system and reordering of our priorities. We must learn to make better use of our resources so that every tax dollar we spend must yield a social rate of return. Get rid of incompetent and corrupt people, and employ the best minds and pay them well. I do not know of any other way of managing our scarce resources.—Din Merican
7 | veryupset
October 5th, 2008 at 5:03 pm
What ever or who ever or how ever….. we Malaysians need a total change in the current goverment !
An entire change…!
Past is there. No matter how much of suing or police reporting, its still there..!
What about now? The present..? The goverment is still losing money for the rakyat…
You can still sue the entire goverment for the 27 million rakyat’s losses…!
How’s that………………….?
8 | Tean
October 5th, 2008 at 5:30 pm
Brother Din,
Why must Mr. Wee make a police report against the old man when currently he is suffering from being raped by the current regime?
Mr. Wee must be sleeping for years as he didn’t realise that the father, son in law, son and their UMNO cronies are raping the rakyat in broad daylight. They are not running our country but they are ‘raping our country’. “Gang rape the country” would be more appropriate.
That is why, all of us waiting for DSAI to take over the government and stop Najib reaching his orgasm as Prime Minister. Hello Mr. Wee please wake up and open your eyes. Unless you do that one day you might see Rosmah already sitting on your bed.
When Mr. Wee sees Che Mah Chot sitting on his bed, he might jump out of the nearest window. I am sure Din Ahmad has something to add to this observation. Ridiculous to blame the Tun or Anwar Ibrahim for the current mess and investor disenchantment with Malaysia. —Din Merican
9 | Jong
October 5th, 2008 at 5:41 pm
Wasting of public funds and time of civil servants! Where was this Wee Fwen Szuh, when that dictator was having a ‘free run’ bailing out his cronies and clearing the nation’s wealth?
Mr Wee should direct his time and energy elsewhere for good of the Malaysian community - women and children issues perhaps!
Jong, give Mr. Wee your doughnuts, scones, etc. Maybe that will make him sober…Din Merican
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