How to show your support to RPK? - 27 Sept
Posted by Super Admin
Wednesday, 24 September 2008 15:32
Dear friends of RPK,
A man who has stood up for truth and justice in Malaysia has now been incarcerated for two years without trial and with no hope for release, save at the pleasure of our Home Minister.
The time has come for Malaysians to stand up and be counted; to send a signal both to the authorities that we will not be cowered and that we stand by our man; to send a signal to each other that we are not alone, and to show our strength to one and all.
The time has come to act.
We compile here a number of actions that every Malaysian citizen can do in protest of the ISA, and to express their hope for a better Malaysia. It is imperative in this crucial moment that we keep up the momentum, lest RPK be forgotten like the rest of the ISA detainees.
Fly the Malaysian flag anywhere and everywhere possible (car, house, desk, body)
Drive with your headlights on in the day
Go bald (send pictures to MT Team) [download why-i-go-bald] [Gallery] [Gallery]
Tie a yellow ribbon anywhere and everywhere possible (send pictures to MT Team) [Gallery]
There are a number of other activities that can also be done, all of which will help RPK:
Wear Free RPK T-shirts or I am with RPK T-shirts (pre-order now!)
Hold Candlelight vigils (send pictures to MT Team) [Gallery]
Sign online petitions (click here to sign)
Flood the authorities with phone calls, faxes, etc (click here for more details)
Send greeting cards to ISA detainees in Kamunting
email MT Team : admin (dot) mtoday (at) gmail (dot) com
postal address of ISA detainess : Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan, 34009 Kamunting, Taiping, Perak MALAYSIA
MalaysiaToday Team - 28 Sept 2008
DOWNLOAD why-i-go-bald
Latest Info :
We thought we should inform you that only family members and relatives are allowed by the authorities to visit ISA detainees in Kamunting.
It has also come to our attention that greeting cards may not reach the detainees in Kamunting, BUT we still need your support to flood Kamunting with all those cards.
Thank you for your continued support for the ongoing campaign to free all prisoners held without trial!
Comments (90)
written by samesamemam, September 24, 2008 15:35:50
the correct address is:
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34600 Kamunting,
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written by samesamemam, September 24, 2008 15:37:37
also send letters to the UN, ASEAN, EU, AI, all diplomatic missions in the country...
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written by erin, September 24, 2008 15:40:25
thanks samesamemam, for the correct postcode.
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written by Task Force 101, September 24, 2008 15:41:16
Boycott all GLCs such as Maybank, CIMB, Petronas, Celcom etc.
Close all business accounts and transfer all business to non-GLC companies like HSBC, Shell, Digi etc
We stand united against this despotic government.
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written by sjs, September 24, 2008 15:41:28
My Indian and Chinese Brothers and Sisters,
For once I speak to you as an Indian, who believes in multiracialism, and deeply love this country, Malaysia!
The time has come that we have to ask ourselves truly today; whether we are really the kind of human-beings that Raja Petra has fought so hard for! Have we forgotten the words spoken by him! If we did, then let us remind each other again:
“And ask the Malays in the opposition to come out in defence of their non-Malay brothers and sisters and warn the Umno Malays, in no uncertain terms, that they take to the streets at the risk of facing fellow Malays from the opposition who will defend their non-Malay brethren to the last drop of their blood. I, for one, am ready to stand by my Chinese and Indian comrades. So let Umno be warned.”
We have to ask ourselves whether we have been vocal enough to voice our concerns for the immediate release of Raja Petra?
We have to ask ourselves whether we too have fallen into the racism trap which has been the hallmark of UMNO members?
We have to ask ourselves, whether we have done enough in getting Raja Petra released?
We have to ask ourselves whether we are really worthy of his defence of our rights?
We have to ask ourselves whether our battle to fight these draconian laws have already stopped?
Let us be worthy to the cause of our struggle! Let us not be branded as Chinese and Indian, who will care only of their own kinds! Let us stand up together and be heard once and for all that we too will fight against any Malay or non- Malay and defend the rights of our Muslim brothers who have been victimized time and again for the noble cause which they have so vehemently championed!
Let us show that we too are made of steel and will fight till the end to bring Raja Petra out of the dungeon of cruelty! Let us all be counted upon!
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written by sjs, September 24, 2008 15:44:04
Syed Hamid Albar,
Release the following 64 ISA detainees immediately!
Charge them in open court!
Release them from the animal cage!
Yazid Sufaat, Suhaimi Mokhtar, Dr Abdullah Daud, Shamsuddin Sulaiman, Mat Shah Mohd Satray, Abdul Murad Sudin, Zaini Zakaria, Zainun Rashid, Wan Amin Wan Hamat, Sulaiman Suramin, Sufian Salih, Mohd Khaider Kadran, Hasim Talib, Zakaria Samad, Ahmad Zakaria, Terhamid Dahalan, Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Mahfudi Saifudin, Mulyadi, Arifin, Mat Tarmizi Zakaria, Artas Burhanudin, Francis Indanan, Mohd Nazri Dollah, Mohd Arsad Patangari, Adzmi Pindatun, Idris Lanama, Aboud Ghafar Shahril, Jeknal Adil, Binsali Omar, Husin Alih, Yussof Mohd Salam, Ahmad Jamal Azahari, Pakana Selama, Kasem Dayama, Shaykinar Guat, Argadi Andoyok, Ng How Chuang, Ng Keat Seng, Mohd Azuan Aniffa, Mohd Faizol Shamsuddin, Zulfikli Abu Bakar, Zulfikli Marzuki, Amir Hussain, Mohd Nasir Ismail, Ahmad Kamil Hanafiah, Muh Amir Hanafiah, Tan Choon Chin, Mavalavan, Lian Kok Heng, Sundaraj Vijay, San Khaing, Shadul Islam, Abdul Sattar Sarjoon, Faycal Mamdouh, Mohamad Nakhrakhel, Muhammad Shuaib Hazral Bilal, Muhammad Zahid Zahir Shah, T Vasanthakumar, P Uthayakumar, R Kenghadharan, V Ganabatirau, M Manoharan
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written by Dora, September 24, 2008 15:49:46
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written by ScuZziE, September 24, 2008 16:10:02
Why your husband, when you can do-it-yourself?
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written by ahmadneil, September 24, 2008 16:10:22
Don't refuel at Petronas Station.
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written by ahmadneil, September 24, 2008 16:11:56
Wear cap with'DOWN WITH ISA'.
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written by Kingsley, September 24, 2008 16:13:32
ALL Malaysian...Stand up and be counted.
Do you little part. Make your little contributions. TAKE ACTION.
You have been silent for 50 over years. This monster was CREATED by our silence.
It is time to ACT.
We DESERVE better.
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written by ahmadneil, September 24, 2008 16:14:02
Every saturday nite is 'FREE RPK' nite with the first drink free for those who wear Free RPK T shirt.
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written by Newkidonblog, September 24, 2008 16:14:20
Maybe it's also time to withdraw all my savings from CIMB!
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written by Flex65, September 24, 2008 16:21:05
I have said before, we have to hit them where it will hurt. Will someone please list down the organizations that we should boycott. For those working in the organization, I can only say sorry, please leave as soon as you can. For those holding their stocks throw as soon as you can because you will lose more later. Will someone please list down the names of the organizations. Please be accurate as we do not want to hurt the innocents.
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written by indianputra, September 24, 2008 16:25:32
I think we are getting our priorities screwed up in here. It is NOT important that we show our support for RPK. He knows that very well. What is important is to get him out of ISA by all means.
By sending him cards, wearing T-Shirts, going bald etc. is NOT going to get RPK out of ISA. What is required is to get each of our MP's involved in this. Get them to speak to BN leaders, the infamous Syed Albar and the IGP/Police etc. Tell them that these MP's are representing the Rakyat and if they are not prepared to listen to the Rakyat, they are OUT in the next elections.
Let us be more action oriented than being passive!
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written by farah, September 24, 2008 16:26:25
sjs, with you.
PM Badawi, i was there at the forum and how i/we saw the distressed and sad wifes of (2) ISA detainees gave their speech and with (1) child tags along. We shed our tears so were they.
PM Badawi, on top of having enough sins you have earned additional sins during the holy month of ramadhan(1429)
You may be a politician, country premier but you have missed one point: Law & Order, don't have respect for Malaysians.
Please its about time you 'pass the baton' to MALAYSIAN CHOICE rather than your choice, which is A BIG DISASTER AHEAD, please return our country to us WE MADE OF ALL RACES.
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written by Mag M, September 24, 2008 16:31:59
Will do as much as I can to show support. Where can I get the RPK t-shirts? Don't want it for free. Want to pay for it and let the profit help RPK and his family and any bloggers detained who need help. Let us not forget that their families are suffering too and might need financial help.
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written by ahmadneil, September 24, 2008 16:34:08
Super admin,always remind MT bloggers and readers of RPK's date of going to Kamunting.Every month we will do something to remember this date.Keep it alive.
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written by Kuku Burung, September 24, 2008 16:36:37
May I suggest, apart from flooding the PM's office with phone calls to free RPK, we flood the PM Raya open house this Hari Raya with cards of protest when we see him. We can still gobble the food and at the same time issue our strongest protest.
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written by fergie, September 24, 2008 16:44:12
THANK YOU, Team MT. I note your suggested actions in support of our dear RPK and will notify friends and family. I look forward to the T-shirts and am willing to donate something in support. I am from Penang and hope I can place an order to be sent. God Bless all of you. May God give RPK and his family strength in their hour of need. JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!!
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written by Capt Siva, September 24, 2008 16:45:25
I have a small proposal.
Could the MT Team organize a way to have public mass shaving of heads and the application of a temporary (say lasting 2 months) tatoo on the shaven head saying "FREE RPK". The people participating will pay, say RM50 for the shave and tatoo. The money after what is due to the barber is paid out can be used towards the RPK Fund. I cannot get the tatoo template because I do not know where to get it and it's not feasible for one person. It makes sense to get it for thousands of men. CAN YOU DO THIS.
If I carry the message on my head, that to me is the best indicator of how i feel. I'm sure many more men will agree.
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written by mvivek, September 24, 2008 16:56:49
We must all boycott all government sponsored open houses this Raya and also explain to foreigners the reasons behind this decision. Speak to everybody you know or whom you have just met and let them know the atrocities of this government.
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written by Wisdom above, September 24, 2008 17:00:58
Since cannot fly flag upside down, I will not fly one at all.
But I will drive my car with head- lights on during the day as a sign of protest starting today after work.
I will do it until RPK and other ISA detainees are freed unconditionally.
My salute to all Peacemakers.
Syabas Barisan Rakyat.
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written by Melgy, September 24, 2008 17:01:58
I Agree with Capt Siva.
It is definately a good idea.
I have informed my collgues regarding the actions
that they can take.
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written by Bloodhound, September 24, 2008 17:26:06
MT team,
Flooding the streets with supporters wearing RPK T-shirts and caps would be a great idea. This measure will cause widespread interest throughout the nation and will be very much a breaking news sensation - therefore, more free publicity and more awareness nationally and also internationally.
Once the polticians sees seas of RPK supporters, they will note the widespread support that he enjoys. Nothing hurts the politicians more than ongoing bad publicity!
Another spin-off from this measure will be that the proceeds from sales can be used to finance legal expenses and also to assist those families of ISA detainees who are in need of help.
The T-Shirts and Caps can be easily and cheaply posted to any locations within Malaysia and overseas (we have lots of support from overseas). The items needs to be sold at a reasonable profit in order to be able to finance legal expenses and family assistance.
I am quite sure there are lots of supporters who would like to help but are unable to because of distance, timing or commitments. This way, the protest can be ongoing 24hrs/day, 365 days per year national wide and internationally - at minimal cost and fuss and can be done on top of or in conjunction with other more direct measures.
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written by Flex65, September 24, 2008 17:28:36
Boycott any open house for this raya. Station a photographer outside to take picture of who go in and publish them here so that we know who is not with us. This way we can put the government people to shame. Imagine the open house by the prime minister without people. How is he going to face the world? Maybe he would not dare to have open house this year after reading this with the excuse of cutting cost.
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written by CheGUvera, September 24, 2008 18:40:24
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written by guevarayu, September 24, 2008 18:53:31
while waiting for the t-shirts/caps to be ready, can i suggest, supporters to wear a certain color of t-shirt, ie: black??, for all outing/work etc??
DSAI will be having open-house for Raya, don't boycott that one la k??
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written by kevin k, September 24, 2008 18:58:47
I've done no 2 and 3. Cant wait to get my hands on the T-Shirt. MT Admin, will send my photo through.
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written by amor patriae, September 24, 2008 19:13:05
Please let us know if anything can be organised from abroad. Many Malaysian in Europe are sad with RPK's detention. I suggest that a world wide protest in all major cities across the globe is organised simultaneously to protest RPK's detention. Please set a date and we will try to organise local press to cover the event.
To the PM & Home Minister, the Malaysian in Europe are disgusted with the detention of RPK. We urge for immediate release of RPK and all other ISA detainees.
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written by farah, September 24, 2008 19:36:17
i was engrossed with all those comments and yours, i exploded in sudden laugh!!!
ok. lets do not boycott DSAI...our 'dream soon to be reality'.
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written by ChanRaj, September 24, 2008 19:47:03
Indrputra is right! We have to be more effective than this. It’s fine if you want to wear the t-shirt, wear a cap, shave your head bald, hold candlelight vigils, flooding Karmunting with postcards or gather there or, boycott the GLCs (which you really can’t), etc, etc….all of which the authorities can’t be bothered with at all. They don’t give a SHIT what you people do and all I can say is that these are vain and pathetic exercise that may work in the USA but NOT HERE!
We have to be more effective. We have the parliament. That’s where we demand the action. All those voters who voted the BN MPs should go back to them and pressure them. Demand their action in parliament. WE WANT TO HEAR THEIR VOCIES!! They represent us the Rakyat. Why are they keeping quiet and being yes men?? We voted them in. This is grave injustice being done to fellow Malaysians and they are languishing is deplorable conditions in Karmunting. THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE OPPOSITION OR DSAI. THIS IS ABOUT THE BASIC HUMAN RIGHT OF A FELLOW CITIZEN. IF WE HAVE TO SPILL OURR BLOOD, WE WILL DO IT! What are the MPs doing about this? Flood them with calls daily, harress them the whole day everyday if necessary. Give them hell. Make them wish they are not MPs. THEY ARE OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN PARLIAMENT. If don’t cant open their mouths and protest and demand change then why have MPs???? Why do we have PARLIAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE??? Why do we need a GOVERNMENT???? This is the root cause of an armed struggle in some countries. Let it not be here. There are no winners. Just anarchy! It is because the government fails to listen to the people.
Those who voted the BN MPs are guilty of sending fellow Malaysians who are only fighting for a better Malaysia. THAT IS NOT A CRIME! THEY ARE NOT TERRORISTS! THEY ARE NOT A THREAT TO OUR NATIONS SECURITY! They are just you and me. IT IS THE GOVERNMENT THAT IS A THREAT TO THE SECURITY OF THIS COUNTRY!
Those who are not registered voters here, go look at yourselves in the mirror. You can’t even exercise your basic responsibility. You could have made a difference in the last elections, BUT YOU DID NOT! Nevertheless your support is still essential at this time….GO GET REGISTERED AS A VOTER NOW! IF ALL ELSE FAILS, WE WILL VOTE THIS GOVERNMENT INTO THE ANNALS OF HISTORY IN THE NEXT ELECTIONS!
BUT FOR THE TIME BEING, hold the MPs responsible. Let us all protest in front of the houses of all the MPs NATIONWIDE! That will wake them up.
By the way, TURNING ON YOUR HEADLIGHTS DURING THE DAY is a great idea. It will show our Solidarity and we must stand UNITED during this struggle and these difficult times. We owe it to our children and the future of this country.
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written by Tlau, September 24, 2008 19:48:26
Let's wear a yellow ribbon on our left chest to protest. This is more easier as some of us have to wear a different colour uniform. I will be distributing these ribbons with a safety pin to my friends. You folks out there, please do as I do, so more and more people will be aware. RPK has always been wearing yellow in his protest. This is to show that we want RPK & OTHER ISA DETAINEES FREE !!!!
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written by Firaza, September 24, 2008 20:11:07
Great idea MT team, I have already disseminate to my comrades.
By the way, how & where can we get the Free RPK t-shirts ? You know my cell # & e-mail address, let me know ASAP...
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written by nanyangren, September 24, 2008 20:31:59
Surely we can fly a flag or sticker with the words ISA
upside down.......
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written by JustAMalaysian, September 24, 2008 20:45:27
And may I add all blogs and websites supportive of RPK display an image of a lighted candle at the site. For those who does not have an image of a lighted candle, you may get an animated one (180 x 135px) from www.b.log.my
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written by ScuZziE, September 24, 2008 20:46:56
What about air brush painting on our vehicle beside driving with our headlights on during day time? I am now discussing with fellow painters from a workshop in my area to come out with a design based on the 'Free RPK' campaign to be sprayed onto engine bonet and the body. At the moment it costs me RM2-3K per vehicle for the artwork but I think the price is negotiable if there's demand.
Anyone interested?
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written by Bloodhound, September 24, 2008 21:10:28
Part 2
Recommend? (1)
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Clip | Link NoorAza
Sep 24 08, 11:07am (about 3 hours ago)
SharifL, Malaysia is NOT an Islamic state; although Islam is the formal religion due the majority of the population, 60% of the ethnic Malays, are Muslims; but we also have considerable large number of non-Islamic ethnic groups, of 40%, especially the Chinese, Indian and Borneos Kadazan-Murut and Dayak ethnic groups.
Malaysia has always been dictatorial and autocratic since Independence; particularly since that barbaric Mahathir's rule! (he still thinks he's ruling, more so through his rising MP son from the dominant and racial-religious based United Malay National Organization!). Talking about cronysm!
Moreover, Raja Petra (of mixed Welsh heritage - his mother is Welsh) has always been among the bravest human rights activist in Malaysia for a long time; and was jailed by Mahathir in 2001, with Anwar (our potential PM, hopefully soon enough!) under that VIOLENT Internal Security Act!
Noor Aza Othman
Women for Justice Support Group Project,
womenforjustice@fastmail.fmThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Recommend? (2)
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Clip | Link Damntheral
Sep 24 08, 12:51pm (53 minutes ago)
Malaysia is NOT an Islamic state; although Islam is the formal religion due the majority of the population,
Well that is what it means. What you're saying is that it's not a Muslim country. The combination of the two is even more shocking.
Recommend? (0)
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Clip | Link SharifL
Sep 24 08, 1:43pm (2 minutes ago)
Noor Aza: I have read our posts in various other topics, particularly women's rights and agree with you fully.
My first post seems to have annoyed you when you say:
SharifL, Malaysia is NOT an Islamic state; although Islam is the formal religion due the majority of the population, 60% of the ethnic Malays, are Muslims; but we also have considerable large number of non-Islamic ethnic groups, of 40%, especially the Chinese, Indian and Borneos Kadazan-Murut and Dayak ethnic groups.
I did not call malaysia an Islamic country. I called it a Muslim majority country. I also said that: Freedom of speech, respect for other views is a must in a civilized country and the world must pressure the government to obey such doctrine.
Obviously we are on the same side of the fence. Aren't we?
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written by peace brother, September 24, 2008 21:36:39
Free the man and progress will follow
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written by godknows, September 24, 2008 23:02:53
Hari Raya Hampers for all ISA detainess from Malaysia Today readers!
A suggestion.
Is it possible to organise a Fruit Basket and some flowers for all at Kamunting Detention Camp?
We could all chip in. But must act fast! Any local Ipoh Florist can organise it at a special price.At RM 50.00 per basket for 100 detainess only comes to a small figure of RM 5 K.
Can someone make the arrangements.I will be happy to start the ball rolling with
RM 50.00.It would go a long way to show that we care for RPK,Hindraf and all other souls who are doing time at the whims of a brutal regime!
Maybe we could delegate the task to Tersea Kok.
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written by BukitBeruntung, September 24, 2008 23:19:25
Indianputra and ChanRaj,
My family of 8 voted for PKR both state and parliament. Thanks god - both were elected, beyond our wildest dream.
May I suggest for those in similar situations; we go on and harass the BN reps (LOSERS!) instead?
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written by zhugeliang, September 24, 2008 23:38:07
I agree to (i) boycott Petronas as I have been doing this last few years and (ii) withdraw all your money and put them in Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank, OCBC, HSBC, Citibank, Standard Charterd, any banks that are non-local. Also, boycott Nasi Kandar stalls. :-)
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written by bengali kunday, September 24, 2008 23:51:51
Why don't you get the world media is report this on a regular basis? One off coverage means nothing.
Anwar has gone very quiet, sign of resignation.
Only way to resolve or topple the current regime is for an uprising from the locals not the chinese and Indians. Get Sabah and sarawak to break away from Malaysia, get Penang to declare autonomy.
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written by BUTEK, September 25, 2008 00:05:16
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written by samesamemam, September 25, 2008 02:16:56
I understand its RPK’s birthday this Saturday. I`m already sending him a raya card everyday. Today I sent him a birthday card. I appeal to others as well to send him a birthday card and express our support, our solidarity and our strength for and with him. Until he is free I will not be…none of us will be…
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
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written by hamid, September 25, 2008 04:13:36
Why all you Raja Petra Supporter so STUPID.??
Just go and buy dark yellow cloth, cut it long, wrap a pebble with rubber band and LUNCH it on as many tree in Kamunting, all over malaysia......do it anonymously and send a clear PERMANENT Message to Agong and UMNO-BN.
This is the TIE a Bright Yellow Ribbon Campaign.
All other actions are Blatant open asking for it and make you so easy target to be Harass and Intimidated. Don't for a moment think UMNO racist will habd over power on a golden platter. It is Whatever it takes to stay in power now.
...and RPK will be in hunger strike as we speak....speed up the Silent Anger ALL over Malaysia. Go do the YELLOW THING!!
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written by guevarayu, September 25, 2008 07:32:08
farah * =) insyaAllah, dreams will become reality.
so, ok. let us wear yellow ribbon or any form of yellow thing! =) and all Penangites, dont forget to switch on your headlights!!
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written by Durnfordi, September 25, 2008 09:25:02
Fight the power!
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written by LTn, September 25, 2008 10:45:48
I pray and wish YM Raja Petra & Family well and strong during these taught time. May God bless you and your family and may God forgive this CRUEL GOVERNMENT and at the same time END their rule in this lovely and colorful country of MALAYSIA.
To our beloved King TuanKu Mizan, PLEASE help your cousin you the truth that he has not done any wrong BUT tell the truth to ALL Malaysian about this cruel government. We the rakyat hope for the best and will continue to support RPK.
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written by Rainbowseahorse, September 25, 2008 11:03:27
Ok, all those suggestions to make the government listen have merits, but takes time to be effective....if at all!
From my observation, the best stratergy is to sit/camp out at the PM residence. But this entails the very strong possibility of arrest & detention. Are they enough Malaysians ready & willing for this???
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written by tantart, September 25, 2008 13:30:16
i proposed we all the rakyat wear the FREE RPK Tshirt on every friday, since friday is the unfomal attire day for most of the company...so to reflect our support towards RPK..
i'll only wave my Malaysia flag once UMNO is ousted from the goverment...
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written by yapsir, September 25, 2008 15:47:07
Poem (1976 version)Original :-A Peom didicated To Pastor Martin,now to RPK
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie die Juden holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;ich war ja kein Jude.
Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
My dear Malaysian,where are we?
Dear Marina and RPK,
We are with you,the voices of the people are gathering high.Stay on!
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written by Penang Laksa, September 25, 2008 16:19:01
Just wondering why some people are signing the petition as "sam", "kumar" etc.?? Shouldn't everyone sign with full name?? Or are we trying to show our support "anonymously"??!!
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written by Wisdom above, September 25, 2008 16:33:46
Boycott all GLCs such as Maybank, CIMB, Petronas, Celcom etc... written by Task Force 101, September 24, 2008 15:41:16 "is the best strategy" that should be effected immediately.
Can we get a more detailed lists for all Malaysian Malaysia to boycott locally and overseas.
Hit their financial resources at its best.
RPK & all ISA detainees must be released immediately without conditions.
Syabas Barisan Rakyat.
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written by ksmaniam, September 25, 2008 17:06:20
my 2 cents worth,
Imagine all of us attending all the ministers hari raya open house, while wearing the FREE RPK T SHIRT ALL IN YELLOW.
how about that.
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written by ksmaniam, September 25, 2008 17:08:08
imagine the media blitz.
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written by ksmaniam, September 25, 2008 17:09:16
if they do not let us enter, we wait outside. plan it carefully so that the numbers are sufficient to attract attention.
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written by walkingtall, September 25, 2008 17:25:24
Saudara Yang Termulia Y.B. Raja Petra Kamarudin,
“Orang-orang yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN mendapat kekuatan baru:
Mereka seumpama rajawali yang naik terbang dengan kekuatan sayapnya;
Mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lesu, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lelah.”
Kuatkanlah hatimu, teguhkanlan dirimu;
TUHAN akan sentiasa menyertai kamu.
May you be given more and more of God’s mercy, peace and protection.
Dengan tulus Ikhlas
Robert Ponnusamy Kathiraveloo
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written by Kopi37, September 25, 2008 19:39:06
Tomorrow (26/9/0 nite at 9.00pm at Explanade Dewan Sri, Penang, there will be a candle lighting vigil and lets go there and show supports to free RPK calls and prayers! Lets do it altogether and to keep the candles burning! All Penangites must attend please!.............
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written by Mag M, September 25, 2008 20:51:51
I've already sent my cards to RPK. It would be ashame if he cannot receive any cards from anybody. What else can we do for him and make sure he receives it?
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written by shamadz72, September 25, 2008 21:47:07
Just put up Malaysia Today sticker on your car windscreen
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written by advocatusdiaboli, September 25, 2008 21:52:52
UMNO u are cursed by all good hearted and fair Malaysians every day.
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written by Alice, September 25, 2008 22:20:53
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written by humpzilla, September 25, 2008 23:00:43
wat is RPK home address? want to send his wife some support card..how?
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written by Christopher, September 25, 2008 23:17:13
How about everyone visiting Najib for Hari Raya open house as a gesture of goodwill. Looks like he might be acting PM soon and Badawi might go on leave soon. Just my guess.
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written by humpzilla, September 26, 2008 01:14:56
it is like over my dead body to visit najib
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written by Shimshon, September 26, 2008 05:25:43
If Shakespeare was a Malaysian playwright
Act 1 Scene 1
Dolluss: We fear for our throne, for did not he, the once vanquished, rise as he promised, from the ashes of destruction?
Najibuss: Hail Dolluss, the vanquished one has arisen only to seek hell again, for fear not, Najibuss, your humble lieutenant and worthy
Successor will sever head from body should another step forward he maketh.
Dolluss: Najibuss, know yee not, this he yee seek to slain, of sterner stuff than mere mortal, is made?
Najibuss: Najibuss the son of Razakus do not fear mortals.
Slain him I will, for in my possession a miraculous substance I have, sent by the Gods of War.
See for to it Great Dolluss, my miracle substance will mince meat make of him that traitor Anwaruss.
Dolluss: Caution oh young Najibuss, for in the Stars, the Gods of Hadhari speaks of voluminous crowd doth follow him. His strength lies not in his hands or miraculous substance, but in the crowd that doth follow him in the millions. Go now brave Najibuss, your duty awaits.
This throne thou must protect for is it not this throne that thy seeketh?
Najibuss: Hail Dolluss, Emperor of Malayuss, Keeper of the Throne of Sleepuss, I promise to serve his head for us to feast.
Act 1 Scene 2
Kairuss: Oh, father, have thou reneged on thy promise?
Dolluss: Ah, Kairuss, the husband of of my lovely Noruss, why has thou made such a false accusation? The Great Dolluss, father of Hadhariland always keepeth his words.
Kairuss: Forgive me O Great Emperor. I, your son, though not borned yee by the late Queen, but still thy son non the less, for in thee a father I see, is troubled by the promise yee made to that lecherous lieutenant, Najibuss, the Lord of Pekanuss, that this throne, yee once promised me would to him yee bequeath.
Dolluss: Ah Kairuss, the young Sire of Oxfordus, patience is a virtue thou must learn. Anwaruss is too invincible for yee to fight alone. Let Najibuss, whose great ambitions blind him, inflict great wounds on Anwarus but the final kill will be the one that yee, my son, taketh to sever the head of that Traitor Anwaruss and in yee, the people will see a hero, worthy of the Throne of Malayuss
Act 2 Scene 1
Najibuss: Oh, Great Dollus, Great Dollus. I come with bad tidings from the forest of Permatanguss Pauhuss . The Traitor Anwaruss had summoned the forces of evil and led a great Tsunamic tide. Our men, oh brave soldiers, are no match for the might of the mighty Tsunami that he led.
Dolluss: Oh God of Gods, what is to become of my throne? Oh, Noble Najibuss art thou hurt in this treacherous war? Tell me what strategy thy
Seeketh that cannot but wound this trecherous Anwaruss.
Najibuss: Oh Great Emperor, with me I brought a million soldiers from the Kingdom of UMNOus , all man of great stature who have battled in
Ijokuss. The merceneries of Rempituss too were in my ranks and a secret weapon I had kept in the person of Saifulluss were all thrown upon the Traitor but a current so strong and a wave so mighty that dwarfed the Himalayuss hit us. Our brave soldiers could not look at his forces, for from intelligence I hear, his man do not seek rewards of the Ringgituss kind but only the glory of victory.
Dollus: Saifulluss? Who is this Saifulless yee sayeth? Is he a magician? A soldier?
Najibuss: No Great Emperor, he is none of the type yee sayeth. His strength lies not in the front yee see but in the back of his bottom for in that tiny orrifice that he hides lies a great weapon that once vanquished the Traitor Anwaruss.
Dolluss: What? Oh Najibuss, and I thought that in yee I could trust. Do yee not see that in war one do not use the same strategy a second time?
Najibuss: Oh Lord of Hadhariland, more bad tidings have I to report.
Dolluss: Is defeat not an end in itself that more tidings should surface out of it? Say it, say it O Lord of Pekanuss. What more scorn would the Heavens pour on us.
Najibuss: Our men from the Specialuss Branchuss report that the Traitor Anwaruss has in his grips the promises of more than three score and ten of our lawmakers to install him the new Emperor of Malayuss.
Kairuss: Father, father what is this I hear from the mouth so foul of this disgraceful Lord of Pekanuss. My throne, my throne, is it not to
be mine?
Act 2 Final Scene
Dolluss: Have the men taketh my favourite couch, on which many many hours of blissful sleep I had?
Jeanuss: Yes, O banished Ex-Great Emperor. The couch is safely tucked in the bondage truck on its way to Kapaluss Batasuss.
Dolluss: Oh Putruss Jayuss, fare thee well for I may not walk this road again.
Jeanuss: Come, come make haste lest they find out that I have also taken your favourite bed.
Dollus: Wait, Kairuss, where is he?
Jeanuss: Zimbabwayuss, with Mahathiruss and Mukhruss.
encore! encore! When
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written by Melgy, September 26, 2008 09:27:57
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written by ChanRaj, September 26, 2008 10:20:33
OK WHO IS THE WISE GUY WHO CAME UP WITH THE "SUPPORT RPK" POSTER? The one with him in black & white and super imposed with the Malaysian flag in the background (see the top right hand corner)? RPK LOOKS BORED LAH IN KARMINTUING.
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written by tantart, September 26, 2008 10:51:24
lets make this quick...1 of the forummers suggested we all wear the FREE RPK t-shirt to abdullah or najis hari raya open house...i personally think that is a very good idea. But the numbers of ppl must b great, if just a handful, im afraid the so called police will grab u v4 even going in. Im talking abt hundres or mayb thousands of ppl here....
ps: where can i get the FREE RPK Tshirt????
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written by Ben, September 26, 2008 11:26:45
We would like to suggest, with Marina's permission, that we all proceed to RPK's home wearing yellow, cars with M2Day stickers and yellow ribbons, bringing your own halal food to celebrate with our brethren. Let's show RPK & family our love, not just comment or talk about it. Let's the procession begin from Parliament to Sg. Buloh, so that all will see and know RPK is Wira Bangsa, Wira Malaysia!
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written by atsanee, September 26, 2008 11:57:30
Ban the bomb metal pin badges were a hit during the 60s.
Lets make it a hit now in Malaysia but with the words Ban the ISA,Abolish ISA or NO to ISA on it.
I propose making those metal badges that you clip onto your shirt.
The advantage of this is you can change shirts a hundred times a week and still show it all the while.
Lets see if I can get it made and sell to the public to cover costs.
Open to ideas and help from others.
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written by atsanee, September 26, 2008 12:10:35
I am thiking of making 5000.Wonder how much that will cost?
Will sell to shops frequented by kids,to places distributing Malaysia-today stickers(can I have the full list Admin??) and as a safety measure,door to door and to passersby at shopping malls.
Preety confident I can get the numbers if the cost can be reasonable.
Any advice?Any novelties makers out there?
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written by atsanee, September 26, 2008 14:16:56
Come on Admin,
I signed petition ear;ier and was given the ticket 4011.
Now i check and 4011 didnt display my name.
So whats happening?
Anyway,I resigned and now I am 27440 or something like that.
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written by greenarrow, September 26, 2008 15:13:02
BARISAN NASIONAL is looking for that Day of TOTAL DOOM of THEMSELVES...MAJORITY RAKYAT are going signed that 'DEATH CERTIFICATE' for them
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written by Susu08, September 26, 2008 19:00:47
Please also make long sleeved t shirt because some of us wear tudung and we want to wear RPK t shirts too!
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written by Mag M, September 27, 2008 00:43:25
It was great to be at the candlelight virgil tonight. The police were there and stopped us from doing the candlelight virgil walk around Dewan Sri Pinang. What was even more unreasonable was that we were even stopped from walking around a small circular place.
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written by Victory or Death, September 27, 2008 02:08:18
written by Victory or Death, September 27, 2008 01:59:45
Dear All,
Let' get 1 million signatures.RPK deserve more than 1 million signatures.
Why is it that nobody started a chain sms to ask each recipient to forward the sms to at least 10 other persons? Did nobody think of this?
Since nobody did it, may I suggest that we all do it immediately starting now.
I think we can gwt a millilon in no time if we do this.
What say you people out there?
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written by zam3886, September 27, 2008 12:01:14
I will do prayers and eat vegetarian meals and dedicate all merits to the well being and early release of RPK.
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written by kksam, September 27, 2008 12:31:20
Dear admin, right from the start i already know it will not reach RPK, but i already sent 3 cards, i don't even care whether it reach RPK, that's all i can do, and i wrote a msg to the officers as well, "Dear Kamunting Officers, if you are reading this, please help us take good care of RPK, he meant a lot to us who wish to see a better Malaysia, thanks". I will continue to flood Kamunting with my cards to RPK!!!!
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written by June, September 27, 2008 17:30:32
Dear All.....RPK can received our CARDS. Let us flood more cards to him. Please read Zorro blog. http://zorro-zorro-unmasked.bl...g-you.html
Iam really happy that he can received our cards.
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written by JaguhKampung, September 27, 2008 22:26:08
As long as RPK is not out, there will be no more votes for BN. As long as RPK is out, we should not support any businesses controlled by BN. As long as RPK is not out, all of us should display our protest by wearing the T-shirt, put up the protest sign on our website/blogs, cars etc. We should spread the word around to everyone we know, local and overseas. BN must be shamed that they are a tyrant and is not fit to govern this country.
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written by kksam, September 28, 2008 12:27:53
Hei what is the real post code for Kamunting;
some said 34009
some said 34600
i posted 3 cards, first to 34009, 2 and 3 to 34600. Please help as i'm going to send more cards to him.
BTW, i was there singing PEACEFUL BIRTHDAY at Dataran Merdeka behind the Royal Selangor Club with 50 plus others holding candles yeah!!
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written by JUST, September 28, 2008 14:55:02
Send more cards to YM RPK as moral support
and we remember him always ......
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
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written by JUST, September 28, 2008 14:56:06
Send more cards to YM RPK as moral support
and we remember him always ......
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
Perak Darul Ridzuan
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written by zhugeliang, September 28, 2008 18:10:08
How about printing Free RPK post card and Anti ISA post card and have them mailed to Kamunting and govt offices?
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written by sukhihotu, September 29, 2008 12:14:02
Where to send bald picture to?Encountered some problems.
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written by mabuaya, September 29, 2008 12:19:57
In the 1960s a variety of peaceful techniques we employed to try and bring about an end to the Vietnam war. There's lots of things that can be done to signal to the government just how serious we are about ending all their abuses of power. Imagine what would happen if people just stayed in bed (a la John Lennon) until the ISA detainees were freed. Or if you're worried about getting bedsores how about not going to work? or sitting down en masse on a major road in the centre of KL? There used to be a 24 hour picket of the S African embassy in London to show opposition to apartheid which was also very effective - sure enough the cops would come and arrest everyone from time to time but immediately replacements would continue the picket it was that well organised. I'm sure there's enough organisational expertise in the country to be able to pull off acts of this nature but I seriously question whether the people really have the will to place themselves in the front line. It's one thing to sign online petitions and wear tee-shirts (and I'm not knocking those) but ultimately the acid test is how many people are prepared to risk incarceration like RPK for the sake of bringing about the change we all so desperately want. Ultimately it's all about having the courage of our convictions. So lets start brainstorming and let's all ask ourselves how far we are willing to risk our own temporary comfort for the sake of long term change.
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written by kksam, September 29, 2008 15:24:10
Hi everyone, i just verified from the Pos Malaysia website, the postcode to Kamunting is 34600. The 34009 is to Taiping. so i think the next time we send to 34600, ok.
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written by aykf9439, September 29, 2008 20:18:45
my 2 cents worth,
Imagine all of us attending all the ministers hari raya open house, while wearing the FREE RPK T SHIRT ALL IN YELLOW.
how about that.
Wow !!! It's a damn gd idea !! Let us all embarassed those bunch of gooons there !! Surely they'll be a lot of reporters covering those open house events !!!
The 1st place should be at PWTC , where the USELESS Sleeping Beauty PM is hosting the Hari Raya Open House !!!!!!
Then comes to the Bald Moron Minister Open House !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I’ve signed the petition.
If you haven’t please click the image below, read the petition and sign it, please, and then get all your family and friends to do the same. - The People's Parliament
Sign The Petition Here
Comments (101)
written by tenang, September 19, 2008 01:44:24
Fellow Malaysians,
Please express your minds and spread this petition to everyone.
At the mean time, there is additional action that we can coordinate to achieve maximum effect with our capacity. Here is a call for action and a poll: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/. In this article, we analyze, collect consensus, and we act.
report abusevote downvote upVotes: +57
written by cinapekk, September 19, 2008 01:48:57
I have signed ... How about you ?
report abusevote downvote upVotes: +44
written by MMhunter, September 19, 2008 02:38:27
you are not alone.....i have signed
report abusevote downvote upVotes: +29
written by MalaysiaBaru, September 19, 2008 03:10:16
My Fellow Malaysians,
This is the least we could do for our selfless RPK & MP. It costs you nothing and you don't even need to state your identity card number. So please spread the word and get your friends to sign it.
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written by MalaysiaBaru, September 19, 2008 03:14:18
RPK's health is deteriorating. C'mon, we can do better than a pathetic 600 signatures, Let's increase it by a hundred fold! Otherwise please stop shouting, "I am behind you RPK...you are our hero...we are with you 100%!..."
report abusevote downvote upVotes: +30
written by manny_california_usa, September 19, 2008 03:30:48
Sorry Mr.Prime Minister, I got to do this for the sake of Malaysia and its citizens. No more racial politics, please.
Honorable Al Gore
2100 West End Avenue
Suite 620, Nashville, TN
September 14th, 2008
Dear Sir,
My name is Manny Maniam and I live here in California. Being a former Malaysian Citizen , I can’t bear to see no more of what is currently happening back home in our country Malaysia.
I felt that I should write to you for an immediate help.
Last week, 3 innocent people were arrested under the draconian law of Internal Security Act (ISA). A famous blogger, a journalist and a Member of Parliament. The journalist had since been released after 18 miserable hours of detention. As you know, this law is detention without trial. The Internal Security Act 1960 (ISA) is a preventive detention law in force in Malaysia. The legislation was inherited by Malaysia after it gained independence from Britain in 1957. In essence, it allows for the arrest of any person without the need for trial in certain defined circumstances.
Seeing it happening in this 21st century merely for political survival by its own government is ‘unacceptable’. It clearly shows that the present government had denied the basic fundamental rights of its citizens. The present government did not heed the clear massage and mandate in last General Election in March 2008 for ‘reforms’, in which the opposition parties led by Mr.Anwar Ibrahim won 5 states.
I humbly request Your Honorable to pressure our government to release all those detained under this draconian law with immediate effect without imposing any conditions to the detainees.
On behalf of Malaysian citizens, I thank you very much.
Manny Maniam
manny_california_usa2066@live.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
A very similiar letter were also sent to, Honorable Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and all the Human Rights Watch branches here in United States.
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written by menggatal, September 19, 2008 04:30:34
I have signed, but how about the idiots who have caused the innocents in there now? They are happily outside, enjoying and probably laughing out loud. Shouldn't they be punished,removed titles and maybe even be disallowed from ever coming to the state or country. Throw them out!!!
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written by doggone, September 19, 2008 05:45:28
Can we have at least 20,000 signatories before Monday comes around? Just your name and email. What could be easier. Even if the PM don't give two winks to the petition it would at least generate enormous support for Marina to know that she's got a lot of people out there trying to get her husband out of detention. Heck, if she gets to meet Pete again and tell him that the petition received 100k signatures, it might just give him a boost of confidence to hang on until the authorities relent and let him out.
We might not have balls of steel, but surely we do not need metallic gumption to sign the petition, or do we?
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written by My2Sens, September 19, 2008 06:12:02
I am sorry, I disagree with the use of ISA on anyone. As such I cannot support the statement where it is ok to use it selectively. Hence I can not sign the above petition.
There is another petition making the rounds to free Teresa and abolish the ISA:
If you agree with this petition, please support and sign and spread the word.
Thank you.
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written by A MI, September 19, 2008 07:35:29
Dear all
Many of us here are resigned to thinking that we cannot do more than just rant and rave. We are also spreading a lot of hate thoughts which can be counter productive.
Let me say there is one more thing we can do. Effect change with your heart resonanace. Hold clear positive visions.
I urge all to hold a vision of our beloved RPK and all other ISA detainees FREE. See them happy rejoicing with their loved ones. The power of visualisation has been documented.
Many lightworkers promote this. Here is just one example. Listen to a self-proclaimed Peace Ambassador Jasmuheen )paying attention to what she says not how she sits ok) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IGYgiopygg
Did you know our heart resonanace can affect even 700 million people with our resonance. I call on all to pray and meditatae holding pictures of freedon, victory , and happiness
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written by binarytan, September 19, 2008 07:46:57
My number is 1484 and 1484 Signatures Total
Let us support RPK, Teresa and those under ISA by Bee Ant
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written by apasalahku, September 19, 2008 07:50:57
The world saw modern democracy only when the French peasants stormed the Bastille; not sign a bunch of useless petitions. Got balls enough to do it?
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written by ahmadneil, September 19, 2008 07:54:21
This time we MUST get 50,000 signatures or above.Lets do it.
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written by cubi76, September 19, 2008 07:57:19
Please everyone. Please sign on it.
The government is looking down at us Rakyat and they just dont give a fcuk about what we want.
So once again, I would like to urge everyone to put in some effort to write to get some attention from internation orgn. We cant let them do watever shit they like.
I have compiled a list, please check it out here http://sustainablemalaysia.blo...t-now.html
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written by Delima25, September 19, 2008 08:08:33
My conscience told me to sign while my typical Malaysian fear told me it might be a trap by our enemies to get hold of our names. My conscience has won and I have just signed what I believe is what God or Allah will want every of their believers to do. If you are a non believer I do not know what to say.
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written by keep it raw, September 19, 2008 08:31:21
Done!! Petition Signature 1983 - VJ
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written by lamakawan, September 19, 2008 08:33:24
I have signed, have you?
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written by lamakawan, September 19, 2008 08:34:32
I have signed, please do your bit.
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written by ellyna, September 19, 2008 08:44:35
I have signed too. And its sad to see the numbe is only 1,600 plus. Others please take a bit of trouble to go there and sign. Btw, can anyone update us on the meeting with his lawyers? I hope something will be done immediately to release him. I pray that his health will hold.
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written by disgruntled, September 19, 2008 09:01:18
It is 2459 now, keep it up people !
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written by BennyG, September 19, 2008 09:03:48
Maybe someone should ask TDM to sign as well since he said that there was no basis to hold RPK & Theresa.
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written by keep it raw, September 19, 2008 09:05:46
The Number are increasing every min.
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written by Jeffrey, September 19, 2008 09:10:17
i have signed it, forwarded it thru email to my contacts, pasted the link in my blog....what else?
and im real mad looking at the pic of the fellow blogger who is in handcuff!!! Why is he in handcuff??????
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written by cwy, September 19, 2008 09:21:41
I've signed, for myself and on behalf of all my children and relatives!
I provide our full names and e-mail addresses as required. My email is allowed to be displayed ( ie public ).
By the way, I use my real name in my comments. cwy is a short form name adopted to save space.
I'm responsible to whatever comments I make, of course without fear and favour!
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written by Vanquish, September 19, 2008 09:25:59
I've signed the petition. I'll get more of my friends to sign it too.
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written by tenang, September 19, 2008 09:42:37
Fellow Malaysians,
Please express your minds and distribute this petition to everyone.
At the mean time, there is additional action that we can coordinate to achieve maximum effect with our capacity. Here is a call for action and a poll: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/. In this article, we analyze, we collect consensus, and we act.
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written by marbl3s, September 19, 2008 09:59:01
What is the point of signing a petition that is directed to the PM who could've been involved as well?
Moreover, common sense wise will tell you immediately that the PM will not take one bit of action even IF the entire malaysia runs riot demanding them to be freed. As long as UMNO loves him, he will be happy.
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written by Delima25, September 19, 2008 10:00:36
Signature is now 3337. We can do a better job than the previous petition. Will all readers put down your signature if you truly believe in the cause.
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written by Jay Krish, September 19, 2008 10:04:28
Done... 3339 now
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written by Mr Smith, September 19, 2008 10:08:15
ISA, Don’t sign the petition,…. Yet. Here’s why.
By signing the petition, (http://www.petitiononline.com/...ition.html) you agree to the use of the ISA without trial on ‘armed terrorists and those out to topple the government by force,’ while our stand should also be for the abolition of this draconian law.
My reasons here: http://mrsmith2.blogspot.com/
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written by thebaker, September 19, 2008 10:46:24
I have just signed....3966
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written by Jit Dharma, September 19, 2008 12:04:31
Come on brothers and sisters....sign for brother RPK. and sister Teresa Kok.
report abusevote downvote upVotes: +5
written by captmarco ramius, September 19, 2008 12:08:23
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written by Kopi37, September 19, 2008 12:30:03
This is the least we can do for RPK.......Sign it and send to more frens you know to ask for supports!
Lets not talk about that far about the abolishment of the law first, the fair and right minded politicians will do the job and in fact they are doing the good cause of it! We must make sure we do every possible thing to get RPK out first. Madam Marina and the family are trying already on the legal aspect, we must do it on our aspect of spiritual supports for the least thing we can do! If we don't unite here, how are we going to unite all the compatriots at large?!
God save RPK and Bless for his early release!
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written by samesamemam, September 19, 2008 12:34:50
I signed it off yesterday and sent out to friends and family around the world to sign as well. Today, I get emails from many of them who signed but confused and worried about what some other bloggers are saying, cos of that last para. I assured them that its ok to sign and encourage others to do so.
Yes, we are all against the ISA and there is an ongoing campaign on that, which we are supporting.
But, bloggers out there, please get your act together and stop confusing people. many men and women on the street are kinda depending on yall for some kind of guidance in these difficult times; they don’t have the time and resources yall have to analyse all the full-stops and commas in the text. So, please don’t sabo one another among yourselves.
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written by samesamemam, September 19, 2008 12:59:03
I saw this on Theresa’s blog…can MT do something like this for RPK?
Let’s cheer up Teresa!
September 17th, 2008 by frontbench
We’ve decided we’ll bring some cheer to Teresa and everybody can be part of this initiative.
Being locked up in a small room with no windows and only artificial lights is very intimidating, especially when one starts to lose track of time and the body and mind struggle to adjust to the new hostile environment.
We encourage you to write to her with messages of support. Send the email to freeteresanow@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it and we will print them out and try to get her lawyer(s) to pass them on to her when they meet.
1) If you want to remain anonymous and not have your personal details printed, put “anonymous’ in the subject field.
2) If you prefer the email not be printed but left on server for her to read when she gets out, please put “private” in subject field.
Wouldn’t it be great coming home and finding one has MORE mails than spams?
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written by tenang, September 19, 2008 13:26:47
Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) has been arrested by Malaysia government last Friday, and has been incarcerated since than without trial under the pretense of national internal security. Through his writings, RPK has not only exercised his right in freedom of expression, but also fulfilled the civic duty of exposing the ills of the current administration. He has never advocate violence. His arrest under the pretense of national security definitely is a travesty of justice of the highest degree. I write to you for help not simply because there is injustice to RPK (who I never meet personally), but because his arrest is a direct threat to you and me -- our civil right is at stake. How so? RPK has written numerous articles articulating the interests and concerns of the common people; With the interest of the people deep in his heart, he has exposed the ill of the society and the current government. He has, over the time, developed himself as the champion and the voices of many common people. Ones can easily see his iconic stature as the voices of the people in his blog (http://mt.m2day.org/2008/). Therefore, his arrest, under a democratic system, must be interpreted as a threat to our civil right. We need to counter this threat, otherwise our civil right will get a severe blow -- which means next time we are less likely to have someone brave enough to stand up for you and me.
Due to such concern, I propel myself from the conform of daily life here, and started my first blog. In the first writing, I call for action to free RPK. The approach we take can be summarized as:We analyze our situation and capability, we vote to reach consensus, and then we act on the consensus. We need your participation because one of our strongest strength is that there are many of us. To start protect your civil right through freeing RPK, please read my first Blog and take action: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/. This is the help we need from you.
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written by cheekhiaw, September 19, 2008 13:31:53
Hi people,
there is another Free Teresa n No ISA petition going round with 33,000 signatures already.
Can the 2 'petitioners' come together somehow?
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written by JUST, September 19, 2008 13:34:43
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written by EUGTAN, September 19, 2008 13:35:41
RPK, Teresa Kok and the Sin Chew reporters are each a moral force. They represent what is best in Malaysia; truth seeking, hard working, honest and fearless. When such a moral force meets an immoral force, the latter always resort to hard tactics because they cannot win otherwise. How sad it is that Malaysia, which at this critical juncture in her history needs all her RPKs and Teresa Koks should incacerate them instead. We pray for their safety and freedom and hope the authorities will see the light, the greater good.
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written by Ann Meng Sim, September 19, 2008 13:44:01
I have signed ... 5653.
I don't understand some people. This is serious stuff. Why do they sign with names like ... Pineapple or The Greatest Guy On Earth or ll lll etc etc
How will the petition be taken seriously if there are peple who simply add funny names for fun??
What is the point of writing all sorts of stuff here and then when your names are being asked for a petition to free RPK and all those in ISA, you retreat and say no?
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written by JUST, September 19, 2008 13:48:34
GOD Bless All!
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written by gorshan, September 19, 2008 13:55:51
cheekhiaw,oyster,kmwong sulah sain ka belum? gua sulah sain eh...
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written by temenggong, September 19, 2008 15:14:06
signed oredi!
But I am afraid rpk will not be released soon.
It is up to Anwar to release him, failing which the Agong.
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written by JUST, September 19, 2008 15:23:04
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written by astina, September 19, 2008 15:33:14
Guys and Gals....its only 6914 signatures as of 3.40pn (19/.9/08 )..where are you people?
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written by Firaza, September 19, 2008 15:49:11
Just signed up and it is now standing at 6.5K
Have also send out to all my comrades around the globe for the support.
Great to hear that Teresa has been released but we want RPK out too !
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written by ENCIK NASIR, September 19, 2008 16:02:12
Free RPK
and also Free My Cancer Ridden Mother, Trapped in her house with no right of way out of her house compound (Block by Keadilan People).
Anwar, if you read this, I've nothing against you but your people in Kampung Tambalang Tuaran is blocking the road with barbed wire. PEOPLE INCLUDING SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN HAVE TO CLIMB THE BARBED WIRE JUST TO GO TO TOWN EVERYDAY. Is this Keadilan.
Now, I hope MT don't censure this because Anwar need to know what kind of people are supporting him, some of them are thugs. Some of them are faggots (saiful).
I am just telling you so that you won't fall into trap. Remember the thugs hitting on the Journalist in Permatang Pauh?
Encik Nasir 019 811 3951. Call me to verify. Tq.
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written by marbl3s, September 19, 2008 16:08:01
I am not trying to freak anyone out but government being what they are, it worries me that everyone seems to sign any kinds of petitions without really considering the information that they are providing. Please bare in mind that there may be a government weasel here trying to seek for MT member's information.
I believe with I/C or Mobile Number itself you may have just signed your death note to the government if that weasel was trying to get your information.
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written by ENCIK NASIR, September 19, 2008 16:51:17
Dear marbl3s,
my mother dying of cancer oledi, the least i would be afraid of is giving away my Hand phone number.
Don't be afraid if its for just cause. Weasel or no weasel, Let truth be told.
ENCIK NASIR 019 8113951
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written by latihanQ, September 19, 2008 17:13:57
Those buggers at the Home Ministry have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold and ensure justice. Instead they are incarcerating innocent people. WTF?
Did they bother to investigate before swallowing Khir Toyo’s lies to detain Theresa?
In YM RPK’s case it is worse. They were harassing and raiding his house to no end before his ISA arrest.
Syed Hamid’s reason for Tan Hoon Cheng arrest is both incomprehensible and befuddling and is best reflected in its monstrosity and stupidity by the logic of his excuse of protecting an innocent Tan by incarceration under the ISA instead of arresting Ahmad Ismail who instigated public apprehension and derision.
Although Tan and YB Theresa Kok have been freed it is not enough. YM RPK is still in jail for no valid reason and he too must be freed immediately and without further delay.
Lastly, the government will need to give a plausible explanation for those arrests.
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written by samesamemam, September 19, 2008 17:17:26
Encik Nasir, if what you say is true, then something must be done about this. This is wrong and shameful of Keadilan and what they are doing to your mother and children in the neighbourhood... and I hope Anwar is aware of this. May I suggest that you write it on Anwar's blog as well. Or maybe I will also.
marbl3s, this is not just any petition but organised by people we trust, which is why we disseminate it. And its for the freedom of people we care - RPK and other wrongly detained. Yes, we are reading the petition before we sign. Yes, as Encik Nasir says, there are weasels, moles, monkeys and idiots lurking...we are all aware of that. I think one of the messages we wan to get thru to those weasels, moles, monkeys and idiots is that we are not scared any more. And, day by day, as they continue with their monkey politics and policing, more and more rakyat are seeing thru their evil ways and more and more rakyat are not getting scared any more. The fear tactics are losing the power they once had. Its about time they realise that we live in the 21st century, even the strongest alpha male will be challenged and driven out of power some day; this is not Malaya in its kampong days of British colonialsm, we are not just malaysian rakyat but global citizens and the politics is quite different, even if some people still want to play primitive politics.
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written by Kuku Burung, September 19, 2008 18:36:59
We must not allow other issues to cloud the demand for the release of RPK. The petition must be presented quickly to the moron PM and if we can to the DYMM Agung, and Sultan-Sulatan, Raja-Raja. So get people to sign, and sign quickly. This is the time to voice our support for RPK. A week is gone!!!
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written by observer2, September 19, 2008 20:51:19
i've signed....
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written by observer2, September 19, 2008 20:53:10
BN Gomen,
Please release RPK, Kickdafella & those Hindraf detainees...They are innocent ppl. Democracy allows freedom of speech and they just did in accordance to the law.
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written by Alice, September 19, 2008 22:04:16
Oh RPK its really sad to see you in that pic . .
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written by Kuku Burung, September 20, 2008 17:04:43
I agree with Ann meng Sim that some people who "signed" are making a mockery of this petition. I found such names like "JESUS CHRIST"... you are not only mocking the petition but also Jesus Christ himself and all Christians. Are you ISA sadist or what? RPK is risking his life and family to safeguard our future, and you people are taking things easy! Shame on you.
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written by krising1, September 20, 2008 18:38:54
I am ashamed. All those people who claim that they support RPK. And n ot even 10,000 signatures. Come one PKR, DAP and PAS. Galvanism your members to sign. There should nothing short of a million signatures.
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written by Kopi37, September 20, 2008 18:39:07
I am sad to see the negligible collection of signatures after 2 days, we have a mere less than 10k signatories! Some repeat themselves and some are mischievous hoaxes! Whilst RPK is being mentality tortured and the family in deep anguish, can't we people here show at least some empathy and henchmanship to honestly and faithfully grant him and his family the best we can offer, be it pragmatically or spiritually, in times of crucial and needs?! To put in bluntly, those who are taking this as the opportunity to crack jokes and mockeries are nothing tantamount to the evils sneering at the captive angel! Be human enough and keep all the hypocrisy for your own buffet and throw stone no more on our heroic RPK, when unrestrained, inevitably will add more sorrows and suffers to the family of RPK, to the family of MT!
For those evils in disguise who penetrated into this holy domain and play the devils, be forewarned of nemesis and God punishment if you do have an iota of conscience and divine belief! Help to release RPK now!!! No more hogwash please!.............
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written by Gondolf, September 20, 2008 19:29:57
only 9798 signed. i do feel ashamed.
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written by peace lover, September 20, 2008 20:34:00
Dear marbl3s
Why the fear and worry when there are so many of us? What are they going to do? Use ISA and put all of us behind bar? With so many of us? We shouldn't be afraid. IT IS THEY WHO SHOULD HAVE THE FEAR AND WORRIES!!!
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written by Bloodhound, September 20, 2008 20:43:48
Just signed the petition.
Together we can move mountains
Nothing can match the power of a SINGLE VOICE
The voice of Bangsa Malaysia - a nation United!
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written by PAKRAK, September 20, 2008 21:21:59
It is certain that Najis C4 will be taking over the baton from Bodowi before Dec. UMNO elections. Word has it that Rospxkxmah has given strict instructions to the Dep. IGP and Syed Botak not to release RPK. This is because Rospxkxmah
wants a smooth transistion in order she will be ordained the long awaited and overdue title of MRS. PM (PxkxMah).
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written by Vicks, September 20, 2008 22:30:01
Come on guys, lets crank up more signatures. For Pete
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written by Kopi37, September 20, 2008 22:52:21
Time: 10.35pm; Today is 20/9/08 and the total signed = 10,033! The more the merrier, I have sent the link as far as US to my buddies asking for support! Lets try doing the same and get the optimum of it! What happens to the rest of MT readers? Still reluctant to do your two bit? It's all because of this timidity that the high handed 'see us no up'! Get it?! We used to tease some politicians with 'no balls' and let us show them how big our balls are! Will you????........Sign as quick, sign as many and submit as soon to serve a meaningful purpose! Get RPK out asap!
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written by cwy, September 21, 2008 09:52:16
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written by malaysian, September 21, 2008 10:33:50
RPK's continued detention only re-inforces the view that UMNO is a vicious and brutal dictator, and that the dickless MCA, MIC, etc. are just their whores!
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written by malaysian, September 21, 2008 10:37:01
Admin, call me dumb but the first 2 times I tried to access the online petition, I mistakenly on the (Harris Ibrahim) link below the RPK photo and was taken on a fruitless ride.
I would like to suggest that the photo should not be used as the link.
Hidup PR!
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written by Kopi37, September 21, 2008 11:12:41
Time: 10.30am Date: 21/9/08; total signed = 10,638. After 12 hours, we manage to garner only 605 more signatures! Come on, get heated up, pour in more signs and make it a mission, it's our mission to help RPK and the family! Remember this is what we had vowed before, that RPK fight for us, we will stand with him and walk with him? So do it now and do it fast please!
Will Haris Ibrahim kindly put down the cut off deadline and submit to the relevant parties the petitions to serve their purposes? This must also be done quick to avoid RPK's suffers in the hell hole cell! They are the most cruel and cold blooded beasts for sure to trample on their prey now! The Black Hand whom we all know, behind this victimization, must prove his conscience now to release RPK immediately or else he will just make the rakyat and the whole world believe that RPK is always true in his articles, the SD are all true to their forms!.....If your conscience is clear, prove it by releasing RPK now!!! You can crack our bones but you cannot burn our believes! FREE RPK UNCONDITIONALLY NOW!
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written by tenang, September 22, 2008 12:59:51
Fellow Malaysians,
There is one more way you can help free RPK. In a site dedicated to coordinating civil right movement, we have initiated a call for help releasing RPK. We have gone through analyzing our options to act, and now come to executing the voted action. The voted option is to flood phone calls to the Prime Minister office starting from 1 PM Monday (Sep 22). There are detail you need if you plan to participate. The site to get those detail is: http://malaysiacivilright.blogspot.com/. You might find this way of helping RPK could supplement other efforts that you might have involved.
RPK is still languishing in the jail which has rather appalling condition.
Let's get our acts together!
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written by Kopi37, September 22, 2008 16:16:41
Coming to 20K signatures now! Give it a booster charge please for more!!!!! RPK's early release lies with our numbers!!!!........................
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written by Watcheyes1, September 22, 2008 18:53:23
Done my part as a Malaysian. Come on guys, RPK needs us! We can do better than 20K signature. RPK is worth more than that!!
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written by banzai, September 23, 2008 00:20:23
I wanted to sign but not good with computer.
I'll try my best to get someone to help me.
Signing soon.
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written by Mark C, September 23, 2008 10:26:01
Raja Petra to be sent to Kamunting
Sep 23, 08 9:09am
BREAKING NEWS! Raja Petra Kamarudin will be sent to Kamunting Detention Centre today to begin his two-year detention under ISA, says his lawyer.MORE
WTF! i think it's a disgrace to all malaysians! DSAI, please proceed with meeting the DYMM Agong, no time to waste!
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written by samesamemam, September 23, 2008 12:07:10
sign the petition, write the letters, do the vigil, pressure anwar to get on with his promise...do everything you can...meanwhile, lets send a message to the man in kamunting...he cannot read all these comments here about how much we care for him and what we are doing...
We will continue the struggle to free RPK. Meanwhile, lets flood Kamunting with Hari Raya greeting cards addressed to RPK. Lets tell him to keep the hope and that we have not given up. Here is the address
Y.B. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
I am mailing my card today.
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written by Chimera, September 23, 2008 12:54:12
my whole family hv signed the petition !!!.....
Come on n let free RPK n othe detaineees....
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written by Concerned_Citizen, September 23, 2008 16:52:37
Signed long time ago!
Sent a postcard to PETE, at least he knows we CARE!!
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written by Kuku Burung, September 23, 2008 19:36:20
My whole family signed long time ago.
Am going to bookshop now to get RPK the most beautiful Raya card.
Also, will be sending Marina a card too.
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written by shiokguy, September 23, 2008 20:56:43
This is a sad event for the country and also for me..
What the F
Shiok Guy (Not so Shiok today!)
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written by scottthong, September 23, 2008 22:51:29
From http://scottthong.wordpress.co...te-poster/
Feel free to use and forward.
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written by scottthong, September 23, 2008 22:55:14
From http://scottthong.wordpress.co...te-poster/
Feel free to use and forward.
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written by Hades, September 23, 2008 23:04:33
Mr. Smith,
The petition is there to ask the goverment of Malaysia to release RPK. The law is not at fault, the way it is being used is wrong.
RPK should be released.
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written by future, September 24, 2008 01:26:50
To Hamid and all UMNO leaders please stop all the charades.
ISA is being use against Y.M.Raja Petra to hide the truth and the rakyat especially the Muslims are quite clear only UMNO leaders ridiculed and insulted
Islam and not Y.M.Raja Petra.
The statement by Hamid is totally political and disgusting.
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written by antares, September 24, 2008 03:47:20
Dear friends,
ISA is meant definitely for terrorists! RPK ISA detention is just another lame excuse for botak hamid to shut up a good man fighting for the common good of the people of Malaysia. I just can’t help asking why we are too slow in showing our support for the sake of common good. Why are we suckers for BeeNd bad governance?
RPK doesn’t deserve this crap, let us all do a good deed for the sake of justice, please email the petition around to our friend.
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written by JUST, September 24, 2008 06:59:52
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written by savemalaysia, September 24, 2008 10:28:43
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written by samesamemam, September 24, 2008 15:48:01
write to the man:
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34600 Kamunting,
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written by zandi, September 24, 2008 16:56:55
I have signed, too. Will be sending RPK a greeting card.
To DSAI, pls meet the Agong with your MPs, and get the Agong to sack Badawi ASAP!!! Then abolish ISA immediately. We want our RPK back!
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written by samesamemam, September 25, 2008 02:17:54
I understand its RPK’s birthday this Saturday. I`m already sending him a raya card everyday. Today I sent him a birthday card. I appeal to others as well to send him a birthday card and express our support, our solidarity and our strength for and with him. Until he is free I will not be…none of us will be…
Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin
Tempat Tahanan Perlindungan,
34009 Kamunting,
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written by anakwatanKL, September 25, 2008 12:11:02
Signed the petition earlier on and have written an opinion of RPK. I shall continue to pray for RPK's release and to be at his wife, Marina's side as he should be.
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written by kingelvis, September 25, 2008 16:11:07
From Malaysiakini
Challenge from sacked village chiefs
Tony Thien | Sep 25, 08 1:40pm
The six Bidayuh ketua kaum or village chiefs whose services were terminated allegedly for campaigning against the Barisan Nasional during the March general election today challenged two senior state leaders to specify their allegations of not co-operating with the government on development projects
see http://www1.malaysiakini.com/news/90362
Many suffering from hands of gomen-KICK THE BSTARDS OUT!!!!!!!!
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written by Pato, September 26, 2008 03:36:21
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written by Pato, September 26, 2008 03:40:23
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written by Pato, September 26, 2008 03:42:05
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written by Victory or Death, September 27, 2008 02:05:19
written by Victory or Death, September 27, 2008 01:59:45
Dear All,
Let' get 1 million signatures.RPK deserve more than 1 million signatures.
Why is it that nobody started a chain sms to ask each recipient to forward the sms to at least 10 other persons? Did nobody think of this?
Since nobody did it, may I suggest that we all do it immediately starting now.
I think we can gwt a millilon in no time if we do this.
What say you people out there?
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written by samesamemam, September 27, 2008 04:16:59
i donno if this is politically correct to do, but I want to dedicate this song to RPK for his birthday...a song by Sudirman, another person I admired in life and death, recorded in the same studio the beatles made their many hits, a group RPK followed from what I understand...
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written by samesamemam, September 27, 2008 10:50:12
The Story of a Sign:
To all the ISA detainees, in particular to RPK on this day, his birthday...
Fourth annual Short Film Online Competition - Cannes 2008. The NFB, in association with the Cannes Short Film Corner and partner YouTube, is proud to announce that the winner of the NFB Online Competition Cannes 2008 is Alonso Alvarez Barreda for his short film Historia de un Letrero (The Story of a Sign) produced in Mexico/U.S.A.
Director : Alonso Alvarez Barreda
Running Time : 04:50
Year : 2007
Country : Mexico/ U.S.A
Category : Short film
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written by Victory or Death, September 28, 2008 00:34:31
Dear All,
I have started the ball rolling by sending sms to 30 persons asking them to come to Malaysia Today to sign the petition to appeal for the release of RPK and other detainees as well as asking them to forward sms to at least 10 other persons.
I have done my part.Have you?
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written by Bloodhound, September 28, 2008 16:56:19
Article to be considered seriously!
focussed08 Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
September 28, 2008 at 4:48 pm
I thought I should bring to your attention the article below. Looks like Sultan Azlan Shah shares the same values as us.
Perhaps, we need to keep him informed of our dissatisfaction too. He could be our gateway to the royaltys’ support.
extracted from:
Malaysia’s former king grieves over public’s loss of trust in judges
Posted on November 2, 2007. Filed under: BN government, jijik, judiciary, kosong |
Malaysia’s government faced mounting pressure Monday to pursue judicial reforms, as the country’s former king voiced distress that judges are losing their case in the court of public opinion.
Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah, addressing a conference of lawyers, said there have been recent “disturbing events relating to the judiciary” — an apparent reference to a scandal involving a video tape that allegedly provides proof of judicial corruption.
“Sadly I must acknowledge there has been some disquiet about our judiciary,” Azlan said. “I am driven nostalgically to look back to a time when our judiciary was the pride of our region, and our neighbors spoke admiringly of our legal system.”
Azlan, the highly respected sultan of northern Perak state, stressed that “a judiciary loses its value and service to the community if there is no public confidence in its decision-making.”
The sultan’s comments come after an opposition party last month released a video clip in which a prominent lawyer is allegedly taped brokering the appointment of top judges in 2002.
The government has set up an independent panel to probe the authenticity of the video, but says there is no need to overhaul the judiciary.
Perceptions that people have lost faith in judges are the “opinion of some people, not necessarily the majority,” Malaysia’s law minister, Nazri Aziz, said Monday.
“We respect the opinions. The government has (its) own perception, but we listen,” he said.
Malaysia’s Bar Council, which represents 12,000 lawyers, has said the video scandal illustrates the need to change the procedure for appointing judges.
Currently, senior judges are chosen and recommended for appointment by the prime minister, though the king formally appoints them. The Bar Council wants an impartial commission to evaluate candidates.
Bar Council President Ambiga Sreenevasan, in a speech to the same conference that the former king addressed, said that lawyers see increasing signs of a lack of trust in judges, such as contract clauses for arbitration outside judicial jurisdiction.
“In a nation like ours with aspirations to a first-world economy, the administration of justice is key,” Ambiga said in a speech to the Bar Council’s Malaysian Law Conference.
Source: International Herald Tribune
Judicial rot in Malaysia
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written by elaine7an, September 28, 2008 18:23:18
34037 Signatures already! Let's keep going!!!!
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written by jonestation, September 29, 2008 13:07:42
come on people, sign the petition! Got my head bald last Friday.
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Free Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Teresa Kok and Others Held Under the Internal Security Act
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To: Prime Minister of Malaysia
We, citizens and friends of Malaysia from the international community, call upon Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia, to act immediately to set free Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Teresa Kok who are presently being held in detention without the right of due process under the Internal Security Act (ISA). We also call for the release of the HINDRAF Five and others presently imprisoned under the ISA.
The two latest detainees - together with Tan Hoon Cheng, a newspaper reporter who was subsequently released following widespread local outrage and protests - were arrested on September 12th under the draconian ISA which permits the police to detain a person for a maximum of 60 days for investigations. Based on the outcome of the investigations, a person can be detained for two years without trial. The two-year term can be renewed indefinitely. The use of such legislation – a legacy of British colonial rule - violates the basic rights of detainees to due process and fair rule of law.
We are of the opinion that there is no basis whatsoever to justify the detention of these individuals, despite the manner in which some in the government-controlled mainstream media may have painted them as threats instead of objectively reporting the facts. Raja Petra Kamaruddin is alleged to be a threat to security, peace and public order as a result of posting in his widely followed blogsite – www.Malaysia-Today – various articles deemed as seditious and belittling Islam. In his defence, it should be noted that various Islamic political parties and organizations (including the Board of Directors, Muslim Professionals Forum in their Press Release on 13 September) as well as numerous Muslim leaders have publicly refuted the Government's view that the writings of Raja Petra are in any way a threat to the nation or to Islam; and they have called for his release. Further proof that this allegation is unfounded can also be found in the decision of the Malaysian Cabinet on 12 September ordering the authorities responsible for Internet policing in the country to unblock public access to Raja Petra's website. The website currently is still unblocked and the so-called seditious and anti-national contents are publicly accessible, although Raja Petra is in detention. Targeting an internet blogger who holds views that differ from the Government is unacceptable in any system of democracy.
Teresa Kok's arrest under the ISA has been justified by the authorities as stemming from her involvement in activities which can cause tension and conflict among races and religions. This allegation appears to be based on a claim by the former Selangor Menteri Besar, Dr. Khir Toyo, that she organized a petition presented to mosque officials to lower the volume of the azan (call to prayer). Teresa Kok has categorically denied organizing any such petition. Abdul Rahman Nasir, head of the Masjid Kinrara committee (the mosque in question) and Dr Siti Mariah, Member of Parliament for Kota Raja where the mosque is situated, have also denied that Teresa Kok was involved in any such happening. The unjustified arrest of a respected member of parliament and state assemblywoman is unacceptable.
We are encouraged that various leaders of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition parties have recently spoken out against the use of the ISA. We wish to express our deep respect for the de facto Law Minister, Zaid Ibrahim, who has resigned in protest against the Government's use of the ISA on the three individuals. We agree with his view that "there [are] ample punitive laws to act against lawbreakers without having to invoke the ISA. [The law] should only be used on armed terrorists or those out to topple the government by force,"
We urge the Prime Minister to take note that the continued detention of Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Teresa Kok will only strengthen the view of Malaysians and many friends of Malaysia around the world that the Government is rapidly losing control over the political situation and, as a result, is embarking on desperate authoritarian measures. These measures can only further undermine political stability and confidence in the legitimacy of BN rule. They will also undoubtedly contribute to the increasing capital flight and worsen the growing socio-economic turmoil.
The arrests of Teresa Kok and Raja Petra Kamaruddin and their detention under the ISA are not serving Malaysia’s national interests. Both detainees – as well as the HINDRAF Five and other political detainees - should be released immediately and unconditionally.
The Undersigned
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The Free Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Teresa Kok and Others Held Under the Internal Security Act Petition to Prime Minister of Malaysia was created by and written by Lim Teck Ghee (gheelim@yahoo.com). This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.
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