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5 Oct - Rumah terbuka Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad di 58, J Kuda Emas, The Mines, Seri Kembangan, S'ngor (10 am - 1 pm & 2.30 pm - 5 pm).
9 Oct - 9 Nov - Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian
SMS of the Day:
Peraturan musy Bhg; undi secara sulit; lebih tepat & professional; elak penipuan; lembagu disiplin akan pantau; Ini hak kita; hak Bhg; INI MASANYA, TUNAIKAN .
SMS Joke of the Day:
Raya opn hse 4th 2moro@Kepala Batas. No trafik jam xpctd.
Friday, October 03, 2008
If Pak Lah is Leaving, Why is a ‘Level Four Boys’ Still in Command?
Omar Ong (in pictured) during his Fellowship stinct
at the Eisenhower Foundation last year, 2007
It seems now at the juncture of Pak Lah's political demise, the ‘Level Four Boys’ already got their hands into his successor.
Recently, when Pak Lah announced the mini Cabinet reshuffle, DPM Dato’ Seri Najib was given the highly strategic and sensitive but powerful Finance portfolio. However, it seems the job was given with the ‘Level Four Boys’ tentacles attached to it and with great power to help DPM Najib decide.
Omar Ong, the Managing Director of Ethos and Company, came back instantly when DPM Najib was announced.
He was seen in several meetings involving Ministry of Finance and his capacity as Managing Director of Ethos Consulting is but a mere disguise. Words are he will be appointed as Political Secretary to the Minister of Finance.
Omar Ong was DPM Najib’s Special Function Officer when the latter was appointed Deputy Prime Minister four and half years ago, leaving his highly lucrative job as a partner to Dr Liew Boon-Horng. Omar was the strategist in DPM Najib’s office.
Then, the most horrid tragedy struck. Dr. Liew died in a freak accident when his BMW was crushed by a fallen concrete slab in Plaza Damas which instanteously brought Omar back into the Ethos and Co chair. Many close to DPM Najib expressed relief when Omar left.
For DPM Najib, it was god-sent. He has since been baraged with negative complains and feedbacks on Omar from his supporters and sympathisers within the corporate world and political grassroot. Omar's manouveour in-cohoot with Khairy documented in Raja Petra's Khairy Chronicle was verifiable by many. Why the change of heart?
History of Destruction
The Philosophy, Politics and Economics graduate from St. Hugh’s College in Oxford started his career as Special Assistant to Multimedia Development Corporation. Then, he opted for the highly paid job in McKinsey Consulting. He teamed up with Dr. Liew and Ethos and Company was born.
The first high profile job they did was to study and revamp the Civil Service, where the cream of the crops amongst Malaysians were brought in. It was modelled after the Singaporean Civil Service and this exercise was commissioned when Pak Lah was still the Deputy Prime Minister.
After the untimely demise of Dr. Liew, Omar came back to Ethos and Company, but not without the pot of of gold. Ethos was instrumental in the National Automotive Policy, which saw the slow but structured death of Proton, in favour of the 'openess and liberalisation' of the Malaysian car industry.
Then Ethos and Company was the main blueprint architect of the Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER). Of course the Sabah Development Corridor and Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy plans were crafted by them as well.
'Level Four Boys' Link
Main players of 'Level Four Boys' - Khairy
and Zaki Zahid, Youth Chief for UMNO Putrajaya Division
Omar Ong is very much someone who fits into the 'Level Four Boys' criterion. He was in the same JPA British Top University program with Pak Lah's Chief Policy Officer Dato' Zaki Zahid, Media Co-ordinator Dato' Kamal Khalid and Iskandar Malaysia Chief Strategist Nasser Ismail.
Munir Aziz, the high profile partner of Wong and Partner, an associate legal firm of Baker Mackenzie International is the best of buddy.
Omar Ong, together with Kamal Khalid received training from the Eisenhower Foundation. He was sent for his 'fellowship' late last year.
Like any American Political Foundations, it usually potrays itself as seeking for an ideal and playing the role to initiate discussion, seeking solution to problems, preparing policy papers, and lobbying for it's noble cause. But it is essentially a front for political group with an agenda, national and global agenda.
The Eisenhower Foundation is no different. It potrays itself as pursuing the ideals of late President Eisenhower, championing The Truly Disadvatage and at one time, promoting American patriotism, but yet it is involved in formulating policies in Economics, Middle East, Foreign and National Policy, and Communication.
Co-incidently, it is the same year Omar was selected the Young Global Leader at the Davos World Economic Forum in Davos 2007.
Why Took Him?
What is worrisome is why DPM Najib agreed for Omar to be brought back into the main driving seat behind the ultimate corridor of power? And, at the point of Pak Lah's empire is systematically crumbling to pieces?
The recent developments within UMNO where the Supreme Council is pushing for the 'Power Transition Plan' be brought prematurely ahead is an opportunity many saw as the 'Level Four Boys' destruction. And now this.
Isn't DPM Najib aware the consequences and danger of getting strategic advice from someone with questionable loyalty like Omar Ong?
at 10/03/2008 10:10:00 AM
sakmongkol AK47 aka Mat Tomoi said...
great informational piece. who's who at level 4.
11:00 AM
amoker said...
The tendency of business is to look at management 'Consultants' as those who come out with grand plans, takes loads of money and leave with no accountability.
12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Having some young brainy guys for new input is actually not a bad idea but should include some matured and elderly personnels to control, to screened through every details before forwarded for decision making.
God is always fair, if one is good at numbers they are horrible on human values, they only see things in numbers, people as unit and nation as total amount. To run a nation using info from some soulless adviser would be drastic, as we can see now.
To include immediate family members in the team that can easily affect or sway decision is a definite no-no. One must always look at oneself, the strong point as well as weak, if one knows that decision making is one's weak point, try to seek opinion from people who know not from people of no threats and trust. Pretending to know makes one looks more stupid, exposing oneself to exploiters and manipulators.
To suppress the Rakyat for one own faulty moves and decisions would only bring more adverse effect like in neighboring countries. Jailing people on flimsy excuses without trial for speaking up against some uncleared issues or 'speculation' would only create more people talking and more talks from people.
The greed of Suharto's family members, cronies and jailing of dissidents hugely contribute to his downfall. Our grand old man saw, knew what will soon be coming to him, resigned, appointed a what he see as a 'milder' or 'cleaner' version and hopefully use as his proxy but boy was in for a surprise!
If one has bestowed a premiership, one should follow through his clean up and revamped the administration, gain the mandate. With a group of sparkling clean cabinet and proper administration do you think the Rakyat will be listening to the grand old man or some 'rumours mongers'.
Instead doing what was expected, one allows family members, cronies and supporters to dip their hand in the cookies jar and expose oneself to all kind of insinuations, true or not one reputation is already at stake.
Think back, from the day 1, one took office till now, the kind of tribulations one received was it one own doing or is still blaming it on others.
12:54 PM
apanama said...
This is the problem with Najib... he is so accamodating. Datuk Seri! If you continue in such a mode then in no time your supporters would jump ship..to another with a 'Captain with Guts'.
1:20 PM
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