Saturday, March 14, 2009
Son of Prime Minister Najib Caught Womanizing and Drinking Thanks to GutterUncensored, once again we exposed the double standard being practised in Malaysia.
The sons of Tan Sri Najib (Prime Minister to be, of Msia) and Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz womanizing and drinking to their hearts delight, while other muslims would have been jailed and beaten up by police or Islam enforcing khalwat officers.
They didn't seem too scandalous to be shown here but it turns out they do show some illegal activities going on by the sons of well-heeled people. These pictures show the son of Nazri Aziz and the son of Seri Najib enjoying themselves womanising and boozing it up.
These men are the sons of big time politicians in Malaysia. The Najib guy seem to be drunk most of the time but that Anak Nazri dude seem like he is constantly after a come. Muslim laws in the country seem to apply differently for different classes of people.
Seriously, I do think alcohol and womanising is strictly prohibited under Islamic Shariah laws, and Malaysia proclaimed itself to be an Islamic country, probably to gain votes. Luckily these guys are rich and politically connected so bring on the sluts and the wine.
These dudes might one day grow up to rule the country but they might want to keep the great lifestyles instead. If I were these guys I would be doing the same including making my girlfriend screwing around with other girls when I am busy hammering other pretty girls that came along.
But one do wonder what Shariah laws have to say about 3-some's and girl-to-girl lesbo action and unmarried relations and wearing bikinis in public. Also, are these dudes swapping girlfriends or what?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Najib's Son - rich and powerful?
The Sons of Malaysia's Rich and Powerful Politicianslet me try post this up... will they block my blog too?
Source: www.GutterUncensored.com
Hey Malaysia, we are stilling waiting for more of those leaked racy photos of Elizabeth Wong. But until then lets check out these photos that were first sent to the GutterUncensored@yahoo.com back in October 2008. They didn't seem too scandalous to be posted on this blog but it turns out they do show some illegal activities going on by the sons of people peeople. These pictures show the son of Nazri Aziz and the son of Seri Najib enjoying themselves womanizing and boozing it up. These guys are the sons of big time politicians in Malaysia so the Malaysian fans of the GutterUncensored.com have been sending in these pictures for some time now. The Najib kid seem to be drunk as hell 50% of the time but that Anak Nazri dude seem like he is constantly wasted. Muslim laws in the country seem to apply differently for different classes of people. Because I do think alcohol and womanizing is strictly illegal under Sharia law. Luckily these guys are rich and politically connected so bring on the sluts and the wine. Fuck, these dudes might one day grow up to rule the country but they might want to keep the great life style instead. If I were these guys I would be doing the same shit including making my girlfriend make out with other girls when I am not fucking those other girls. But one do wonder what Sharia law has to say about threesomes and girl on girl kissing lesbo action and unmarried relations. BTW, are these dudes swapping girlfriends or what? Click on pictures to enlarge.
Hisham is not his father, and definitely not his grandfather
(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 22 – Let’s kill the debate even before it begins. Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein is not the man his father or grandfather was.
He may want Malaysians to mention his name in the same breath as Datuk Onn Jaafar and Tun Hussein Onn or put him in their class but we can’t.
We should not lower the bar. Not until he goes beyond words. Not until his actions match his rhetoric.
Onn Jaafar and Hussein Onn were men of unwavering principles, leaders of men and politicians who never flinched from standing up for what they believed in even when it was politically unwise and expensive to do so.
This is how both men are remembered by historians and commentators.
Onn Jaafar founded Umno and then left the party on Aug 26, 1951, to form the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP). He could have played it safe and gone with the flow but, like all men of principles and vision, he was not prepared to be a bystander.
Onn preferred to resign from the party rather than compromise on his fundamental belief that it was time for Umno to admit non-Malays as full and equal members.
He was criticised, attacked and demonised for his vision of one Malaya for everyone. But he refused to be cowed into fear.
Hussein Onn became the country’s third prime minister in 1976. A straight shooter, he had a zero tolerance policy on corruption and was responsible for taking action against the powerful party warlord Datuk Harun Idris.
Harun was jailed for six years and this went down badly with party members.
But Hussein made no apologies. A law had been broken and action had to be taken.
He lived by this philosophy: “I would rather be politically unpopular than fail in my duty. What is one’s political future compared to one’s responsibility? It’s better if they curse me now than urinate on my grave later.”
Both men could have scored major political points with their party men if they just played ball, if they just focused on the needs and wants of Umno. They didn’t. And they paid the price.
Onn Jaafar left Umno and was treated like a nobody. Hussein Onn retired as the PM in 1981 and was never given the recognition that he deserved by his party.
But they have something which money cannot buy – the true respect and admiration of
Malaysians, many of whom are only now finding out about their integrity and deeds.
Now Hishammuddin would like to ride on their charisma and class.
In an interview with the New Sunday Times, he invoked the name of his father and grandfather, suggesting that he was somehow travelling along the same path that they took.
“When I think about my grandfather and father, their sacrifices, well, they never had it good either. Datuk Onn Jaafar was outside the party, out of Johor, too far ahead of his time.
“My father went through tough times. But basically it is something you do because it is in the blood,” he said.
“My dad was known as Bapa Perpaduan, my grandfather left Umno to get the non-Malays into Umno. How on earth after what I told you about legacy, and family name, can anybody call me a racist?”
Simple. You are not them. Not yet anyway.
Would either one of them have made a show of holding up the keris at three consecutive party assemblies and then make a hash of an apology? Don’t think so.
On the apology, this is what he told the NST: “I did it because I wanted to move on … I am still proud of the kris and I still have that picture of me in my office.”
Would either Onn Jaafar or Hussein Onn have tolerated a highly polarised education system? Don’t think so.
Would either Onn Jaafar or Hussein Onn have stayed silent watching the excesses of ruling party politicians and the dominance of racial politics in Malaysia? Don’t think so.
Would either Onn Jaafar or Hussein Onn have leaned heavily on rhetoric? Don’t think so.
Hishammuddin has some way to go before he can be mentioned in the same breath as the two giants of Umno and Malaysia.
Kartika Caning Case – Hishammuddin is Ready To Cane and be Caned
Thursday, September 24, 2009, 5:03:24 AM | noreply@blogger.com (BloggerQueen)
So while Sudan’s Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein escaped caning, Malaysian model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno is in danger of actually being caned. The press has quoted Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein as having “cleared” the Prisons Department to cane model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno. He said: “I am now satisfied that the caning can be carried out by the department if the court decides to proceed and enforce the sentence.”
Earlier Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said that Malaysia would need to study the proper procedures before caning the woman according to Syariah law, because Malaysia has never caned a woman before. He was adamant that he would not permit the Prisons Department to carry out the caning sentence if it did not possess the expertise and knowledge to do so.
So what made the Home Minister convinced that the Prisons Department now has the knowledge and expertise to cane Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno? Well the Prisons Department organized a caning demonstration for Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein. Director General Datuk Zulkifli Omar and a lady officer gave the caning demonstration. The Home Minister was impressed. He said: “She tapped the back of a chair with the cane. There was little force involved and it was not going to inflict pain, not even like the caning carried out in schools in those days”.
So is Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno headed for a caning? Looks like it, doesn’t it? But then, like a true politician, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein began to hedge his words. He said that although he was now satisfied that the department was able to conduct the caning, he still felt it had no experience to do so. Is this the face-saving way to spare Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno the cane?
Think about it. If the effect of caning is not felt, as Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein seems to say so, then why go through all this in the first place? From what the Home Minister describes, caning Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno will not be punishing her, nor do the lashes of the cane teach her anything if there is no pain. The only effect on Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno is likely to be emotional or psychological. So why all the hassle?
Look at these pictures, the Home Minister himself should also be caned. He was caught drinking beer too. These are old photos that nobody care a damn. But they now have a new meaning to the world. Why shouldn't he be caned? Is it because he is a male? Is it because he is a Minister? Or is it because he is the son of former PM Hussein Onn? What ever it is, all these integrity-less and hypocritical leaders in Malaysia should be booted out in the next General Elections.
The Home Minister....
The Home Minister caught boozing a can of beer during his younger days....
The Home Minister with "girlfriend" in Mongolia (Remember Altantuya?)
Wine (Beer in this case) and Women is all you needed in life...but not caning.
A drunk wife of the Home Minister.... Of course, she won't be caned. Ha Ha!
Hishammuddin Hussein
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Yang Berhormat Dato' Seri
Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein
Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs
Assumed office
10 April 2009
Preceded by
Syed Hamid Albar
Vice President of United Malays National Organisation
Assumed office
26 March 2009
Preceded by
Mohd Ali Rustam
Malaysian Minister of Education
In office
31 March 2004 – 9 April 2009
Preceded by
Musa Mohamad
Succeeded by
Muhyiddin Yassin
Chairman of UMNO's Youth Wing
In office
31 March 2004 – 26 March 2009
Preceded by
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Succeeded by
Khairy Jamaluddin
Malaysian Minister of Youth and Sports
In office
1999 – 30 March 2004
Preceded by
Muhyiddin Yassin
Succeeded by
Azalina Othman Said
5 August 1961 (age 48)
Political party
UMNO part of Barisan Nasional
Yang Mulia Datin Seri Tengku Marsilla Tengku Abdullah
Son of Tun Hussein Onn
Member of Parliament
Dato' Seri Hishammuddin bin Tun Hussein (born 5 August, 1961) is a controversial Malaysian politician and member of United Malays National Organisation (UMNO). He is the current Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs. He was the previous Malaysian Minister of Education, having served since 30 March, 2004.
1 Biography
2 Keris controversy
3 "Cow-Head" Press Conference Debacle
4 Sembrong Community Portal
5 Notes and references
6 Other references
[edit] Biography
Hishammuddin is the son of Tun Hussein Onn, the third Prime Minister of Malaysia and the grandson of Dato' Onn Jaafar, the founder of UMNO and a Malayan freedom fighter. He is also the cousin of the current Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
He was attending Malay College Kuala Kangsar before his father became Deputy Prime Minister in 1973. Upon his father's appointment to the post, he attended St. John's Institution in Kuala Lumpur before going on to the Alice Smith School, also in Kuala Lumpur. From Alice Smith School, he went to the English public school, Cheltenham College. Next, he attended the University of Wales, Aberystwyth where he graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) in 1984. He also attended London School of Economics and received a Master of Laws (LL.M) in Commercial and Corporate Law in 1988.
Prior to his commencing his political career, Hishammuddin was formerly a lawyer with the large Malaysian firm then known as Skrine & Co. (now known as Skrine) and later, a firm then known as Lee Hishammuddin (now known as Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill).
His wife, Yang Mulia Tengku Dato' Datin Seri Marsilla Tengku Abdullah, is a princess from the state of Pahang, Malaysia.
[edit] Keris controversy
Hishammuddin's act of waving the keris (traditional Javanese dagger) at the UMNO Annual General Meeting in 2005 drew applause from the UMNO delegates.
In 2005, Hishammuddin waved the keris (traditional Malay dagger) at the UMNO Annual General Meeting. Commentators perceived this action as meant to defend Hak Keistimewaan Melayu , Malay Rights as per lawfully mentioned in Article 153 of the Constitution of Malaysia and in the social contract. Although applauded by the Malay delegates, the picture of Hishammuddin with the keris was widely ridiculed in the Malaysian blogosphere.
In response to concerns over the racial rhetoric, Vice President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said that "Although some sides were a bit extreme [this year], it is quite normal to voice feelings during the assembly."[1]
The Deputy Chief of the Youth wing, Khairy Jamaluddin, insisted that "while there is nothing extraordinary about this year’s congress and that similar sentiments have been raised in the past, these feelings have never compromised the ultimate manifestation of governance in this country through BN’s power-sharing formula."[2]
Hishammuddin also defended the delegates' actions, saying that events earlier in the year related to the status of Islam in Malaysia and the NEP had "played on the Malay psyche. If they had not been allowed to release their feelings in a controlled channel, it could have been even worse." He defended his usage of the keris, saying it was meant "to motivate the Malays" and that it "is here to stay", denying that it was a symbol of Malay supremacy (ketuanan Melayu).[3]
Hishammuddin also asserted that "The keris is on the Umno flag...It is a symbol of Malay culture. You give keris as gifts to non-Malays, and non-Malays give them to me at functions." However, Chinese politicians declared themselves unconvinced by Hishammuddin's explanations, with the Malaysian Chinese Association (a member of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition) Youth chief, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, saying that "If I hold a Chinese sword at a wushu function, it would be different than if I hold one at a political event. This was a political function, so it is seen in a different context. It can create uneasiness."
[edit] "Cow-Head" Press Conference Debacle
Hishammuddin found himself mired in controversy again in 2009 when he came to the defence of a group of demonstrators who were protesting the relocation of a Hindu temple into their housing area. The protest was caught on video by the popular Malaysian news online portal, Malaysiakini.com. The protesters, with a group of about 50, marched a few hundred metres carrying the decapitated head of a cow. The cow is a sacred animal in the Hindu religion. The demonstration met with nation-wide condemnation from government & opposition politicians, non-governmental organisations, and the public.
In response the Malaysian Home Minister, invited the protesters to a discussion. In a press conference later, Hishammuddin defended the actions of the protesters saying that they cannot be blamed. He cited several reasons:
Although the demonstration was illegal & without a government-issued permit, the protesters had limited the size of their demonstration
The state government had made a poor decision in relocating the Hindu temple
The people should be allowed space to voice their opinions
Similar incidents have happened before (pig heads being thrown into UMNO grounds)
The press conference which was also recorded by Malaysiakini, was almost as controversial as the protest; opposition politicians came out to denounce the Minister's actions and called for his resignation.
To further embarrass Hishammuddin, the government-controlled Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) sent a letter to Malaysiakini.com appealing for it to take down both videos. This has been interpreted by some as damage control by the government due to Hishammuddin's embarrassing press conference. [4] [5] [6]
[edit] Sembrong Community Portal
Sembrong Community Portal
[edit] Notes and references
^ Gatsiounis, Ioannis (Nov. 26, 2006). The racial divide widens in Malaysia. Malaysia Today.
^ Jamaluddin, Khairy (Nov. 26, 2006). Out of the cage: Umno unplugged aside, what matters most is Malaysia, p. 22. New Sunday Times.
^ Tan, Joceline (Nov. 26, 2006). Hisham: The keris is here to stay. Malaysia Today.
^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytAkNMyGd1M&feature=channel_page
^ http://malaysiakini.com/news/112228
^ http://malaysiakini.com/news/112111
[edit] Other references
Ooi, Jeff (2005). "The 30% solution". Retrieved Nov. 17, 2005.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hishammuddin_Hussein"
Websites - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hishammuddin_Hussein , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hishammuddin_Hussein.jpg ,
http://www.infernalramblings.com/articles/Malaysian_Education/717/ ,
http://malaysianmirror.com/homedetail/45-home/8113-my-granddads-dream-is-my-dream ,
http://www.facebook.com/people/Hishamuddin-Hussein/1173487637 ,
http://www.misterhobbes.net/tag/najibs-son/ , http://videoandpic.blogspot.com/2008/09/najibs-son.html ,
http://www.nkkhoo.com/tag/najibs-son/ ,
http://malaysiafree2008.blogspot.com/2009/07/najis-shit-and-cobra-of-malaysia-using.html ,
http://powerpresent.blogspot.com/2008/03/mar-08-election-altantuya-murder-trial.html ,
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7973872.stm ,
http://www.flickr.com/photos/30712758@N04 ,